By Steven Chan - EBS-Oracle on May 17, 2016

Workflow Builder 2.6.3 is now certified on Windows 10 desktops for Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1 and 12.2.  See:

Windows Compatibility Mode

Workflow Builder 2.6.3 is a 32-bit application that can be installed on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 10 versions.  Workflow Builder 2.6.3 must be installed with "Windows compatibility mode" set to "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)" or "Windows XP (Service Pack 3)".

Related Articles

  • What's the Future of Oracle Workflow?
  • Workflow Builder and XML Gateway Message Designer Certified on Windows 7
  • Windows 10 Certified with Oracle E-Business Suite
  • JDeveloper 10g Certified with Windows 10 for EBS 12.2
  • Forms and Reports Developer 10g Certified on Windows 10 for EBS 12.x 
    • Recommended Set Up for Client/Server Products with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i and R12 (Doc ID 277535.1)

      • n This Document

        This document provides desktop client operating system certification information for Oracle E-Business Suite desktop client products. For detailed product information, see the relevant product implementation or user guide at Oracle Applications Documentation. For further product certification information check the Certification link at My Oracle Support.

        This document also describes the steps needed to run Oracle Client/Server products on servers rather than end user desktop clients.

        The most current version of this document can be obtained in Document 277535.1.

        There is a change log at the end of this document.

        Section 1. Overview

        It may be preferable for all components requiring direct connection to the Oracle E-Business Suite database are deployed on servers rather than on end user desktop clients.

        The Oracle E-Business Suite architecture mostly supports this requirement natively through a three-tier deployment in which end user browser sessions connect to a middle tier of servers running Oracle 9i Application Server. For the few exception cases in which Oracle E-Business Suite components or associated development tools are not directed through Oracle Application Server, it is recommended that they are deployed in a remote server environment using either Windows Server Terminal Services, Citrix or Tarantella.

        This document outlines any extra set up steps that may be required to run the products recommended for this architecture. These instructions cover Windows Terminal Services, Citrix MetaFrame and Tarantella shared server software.

        Special instructions and other relevant information can be found by following the various sections within this document. If you intend to run other Oracle Applications products using 3rd party software, refer to Document 122452.1 titled, 'Global Customer Services Customization Guidelines '.

        For further information on security in Oracle E-Business Suite 11i refer to Document 189367.1 titled, 'Secure Configuration Guide for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i'.

        Windows 10

        The certification of some of the desktop client/server products with Windows 10 within this document are currently on going. As product certification progresses we will update this document accordingly.


        The preceding is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decision. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracles products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

        Section 2. Certification Matrix

        The table below outlines the certification status of Client/Server products with Oracle E-Business Suite R11i and R12.

        For further information regarding baselines or any other requirements click on the Product link.

        Oracle E-Business Suite R12

          EBS 12.x
        Product Windows
        Applications Desktop Integrator Obsolete
        (Use WebADI instead)
        Balanced Scorecard Architect Obsolete
        BI Publisher Desktop Tools (formally XML Publisher) Certified Not Certifed
        Configurator Developer Client Certified Certification Pending
        Discoverer Administrator/Desktop Certified Not Certified
        Financial Analyzer Client Obsolete
        (Use Financial Analyzer Web version)
        Forms/Reports Developer Certified (Dev 10g)
        JDeveloper OA Extensions Certified (JDev 10g) Certified for EBS 12.1.3 (JDev 10g)
        Certification for EBS 12.2 Pending
        Sales Analyzer Client Obsolete
        (Use Sales Analyzer Web version)
        Sales for Handhelds (Outlook Sync Client) Certified Certification Pending
        Warehouse Builder Client Certified Certification Pending
        Workflow Builder Certified
        XML Gateway Message Designer Certified

        Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

        Oracle E-Business Suite 11i is in extended support. There are no plans to certify any of the products listed below against Windows 10.

          EBS 11i
        Product Windows
        Applications Desktop Integrator Obsolete 
        (Use WebADI instead)
        Balanced Scorecard Architect Obsolete
        BI Publisher Desktop Tools (formally XML Publisher) Certified Not Certified
        Configurator Developer Client Certified
        Discoverer Administrator/Desktop Certified Not Certified
        Financial Analyzer Client Obsolete
        (Use Financial Analyzer Web version)
        Forms/Reports Developer Certified (Dev 6i)
        JDeveloper OA Extensions Certified (JDev 9i)
        Sales Analyzer Client Obsolete
        (Use Sales Analyzer Web version)
        Sales for Handhelds (Outlook Sync Client) Not Certified
        Warehouse Builder Client Certified Certification Pending
        Workflow Builder Certified
        XML Gateway Message Designer Certified

        3rd Party Software Support Lifecycle

        Oracle's certification of the various third party client operating system, service pack levels and browsers aligns with the respective vendor's support life cycle.

        Internet Explorer, Windows desktop operating system and service pack requirements are available from Microsoft.

        Microsoft Windows 10 Servicing Options
        • Microsoft provides updates for Windows 10 via three service branch options: Current Branch (CB), Current Branch for Business (CBB), & Long-term Servicing Branch (LTSB).
        • EBS works with all three Windows 10 service options:  Current Branch (CB), Current Branch for Business (CBB), and the Long Term Servicing Branch (LTSB)

        Section 3. Server Security


        Oracle Application Server Security

        To ensure that only authorized application servers are connected to the database server, 'Application Server Security' should be set to 'SECURE'.

        Information on activating server security is available in the 'Oracle E-Business Suite Security' section of the 'Best Practices for Securing Oracle E-Business Suite' white paper. This document can be accessed via Document 189367.1.

        This information is also available in the 'Administering Server Security' section within appendix G : 'Setting Up and Maintaining Oracle Applications' of the 'Oracle Applications System Administrators Guide'.

        Managed SQL*Net Access

        Managed SQL*Net Access enables you to allow or restrict client access to designated database servers. This feature should be enabled to ensure that only the shared server has access to the Database. To allow your shared server direct access to the Oracle E-Business Suite database server, you must explicitly grant access as outlined below;

        Oracle Applications 11.5.10 users may configure this feature automatically through AutoConfig. For further information, see Document 281758.1, titled 'Additional Features in Oracle Applications Manager in Oracle Applications Release 11.5.10'.

        This feature may also be enabled manually in 9i and above by following the instructions in the 'Oracle TNS Listener Security' -> 'Network' -> 'Add IP Restrictions or Enable Valid Node Checking' section of the 'Best Practices for Securing Oracle E-Business Suite' white paper. This document can be accessed via Document 189367.1.

        (AutoConfig enabled users - Any manual updates done in this way will be lost when you run AutoConfig on your Db tier. AutoConfig users should use the OAM wizard to update these values as outlined in Document 281758.1, titled 'Additional Features in Oracle Applications Manager in Oracle Applications Release 11.5.10').

        Section 4. Product Configuration and Requirements

        Applications Desktop Integrator

        Note: This product is now obsolete, use WebADI instead. The information included in this section is for historical purposes.

        Certification Information

        Oracle E-Business Suite R12

        Applications Desktop Integrator client is not supported with Oracle E-Business Suite R12, use Web Applications Desktop Integrator (WebADI) instead. For further information on WebADI, see Document 417692.1 titled, 'Installing, Configuring and Troubleshooting Web ADI (Web Applications Desktop Integrator)'.

        Deploying Applications Desktop Integrator on a Server

        To set up Applications Desktop Integrator client to run on a server follow the steps below:

        Install and configure Client Applications Desktop Integrator (ADI) version 7.2 as outlined in the ADI Installation Guide.

        Set up an ADI user as outlined in the User Access section below, entering the correct path to the start-up program for example: [ORACLE_HOME]\bin\GLDI9032.EXE

        (Where the [ORACLE_HOME] directory is where you installed Desktop Integrator)

        Balanced Scorecard Architect

        Note: This product is now obsolete. The information included in this section is for historical purposes.

        Certification Information

        Oracle E-Business Suite R12

        For information on Balanced Scorecard Architect with Oracle E-Business Suite R12 see Document 889034.1 titled, 'Balanced Scorecard Client Patch FAQ for e-Business Suite 12'.

        Deploying Balanced Scorecard Architect on a Server

        To set up Balanced Scorecard Architect to run on a server, follow the steps below:

        As a user with Administrator privileges, install Balanced Scorecard as outlined in the 'Oracle Balanced Scorecard Install Guide'.

        When following the 'Post-Installation Tasks' section of the install guide, for 
        'Step 3 Define the Data Source Name' ensure you configure your 'Data Source Name (DSN)' under the 'System DSN' tab.

        Allowing User Responsibility Access

        To allow User Responsibility access to BSC you will additionally need to follow these steps;

        • Logged on as an administrator, open the WINNT\system32\regedit32.exe file on the shared server.
        • Select Security from the menu options.
        • Give the BSC User or the User group Full Control of this key.
        • Save your changes.

        Set up a Balanced Scorecard user as outlined in the User Access section below, entering the correct path to the start-up program for example;[ORACLE_HOME]\Obsc\Wizards\Architect\OBSC_Architect.exe

        (Where the [ORACLE_HOME] directory is where you installed Balanced Scorecard)

        BI Publisher Desktop Tools (formerly XML Publisher)

        Certification Information

        Windows Vista Users

        BI Publisher Desktop Tools is certified for Windows Vista users.

        Windows 7 Users

        BI Publisher Desktop Tools (Patch 12395372) is certified for Windows 7 users.

        Windows 8 & Windows 10 Users

        BI Publisher Desktop Tools (Patch 12395372) is not certified for Windows 8 or Windows 10.

        For further information on BI Publisher Desktop patching see Document 1138602.1, titled 'Overview of Available Patches for Oracle XML Publisher embedded in the Oracle E-Business Suite'.

        Configurator Developer Client

        Certification Information

        Oracle E-Business Suite R12

        Configurator Developer client is certified on Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 for Oracle E-Business Suite R12.x.

        Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

        Configurator Developer client is certified on Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i.

        Deploying Configurator Developer Client on a Server

        To set up Configurator Developer client to run on a server, follow the steps below:

        As a user with Administrator privileges, install Configurator Developer as outlined in the 'Oracle Configurator Installation Guide'. Also follow section '4.4 Oracle Configurator Developer Client/Server Environments' of this installation guide

        Set up a Configurator Developer user as outlined in the User Access section below, entering the correct path to the start-up program for example: [ORACLE_HOME]\Developer\SPDeveloper.exe

        (Where the [ORACLE_HOME] directory is where you installed Configurator Developer)

        Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 Users

        The client release of Configurator Developer is not supported on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8.

        Discoverer Administrator/Desktop

        Certification Information

        For further information on Discoverer certification information, see Document 233047.1 titled, 'How To Find Oracle BI Discoverer 10g and 11g Certification Information'.

        Windows 8 & Windows 10 (32-bit & 64-bit)

        Discoverer Administrator/Desktop is not currently certified with Windows 8 or Windows 10.

        Windows 7 (32-bit & 64-bit)

        Discoverer Administrator/Desktop 11g R1 PS1 and higher is certified on Windows 7. This is only available as a 32-bit version, there are no plans to release a 64-bit version of this product.

        Windows Vista

        Discoverer Administrator/Desktop and higher is certified on Windows Vista. For installation information, see Document 564739.1 titled, 'How to Install Oracle Discoverer Administrator / Discoverer Desktop 10g (10.1.2) on Windows Vista'.

        Deploying Discoverer Administrator/Desktop on a Server

        To set up Discoverer Administrator/Desktop to run on a server, follow the steps below:

        As a user with Administrator privileges, install and configure Discoverer Administrator as outlined in its documentation.

        Set up a Discoverer user as outlined in the User Access section below, entering the correct path to the start-up program for example: [ORACLE_HOME]\bin\dis51adm.exe

        (Where the [ORACLE_HOME] directory is where you installed Discoverer Administrator)

        Financial Analyzer

        Note: This product is now obsolete, use Financial Analyzer web version instead. The information included in this section is for historical purposes.

        Certification Information

        Oracle E-Business Suite R12

        The client release of Financial Analyzer is not certified with Oracle E-Business Suite R12, use the Financial Analyzer web version instead.

        Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

        The client release of Financial Analyzer is not certified on Windows Vista or Windows 7, use the Financial Analyzer web version instead.

        Deploying Financial Analyzer Client on a Server

        To set up Financial Analyzer Client to run on a server, follow the steps below:

        As a user with Administrator privileges, install and configure Financial Analyzer as outlined in its documentation.

        Set up a Financial Analyzer user as outlined in the User Access section below, entering the correct path to the start-up program for example: [ORACLE_HOME]\olap\ofa640\thinclient\fmsplnr.exe

        (Where the [ORACLE_HOME] directory is where you installed Financial Analyzer)

        Forms/Reports Developer

        Certification Information

        Oracle E-Business Suite R12.x

        Forms Developer/Reports Designer 10g are included within the Developer Suite 10g package and are certified for Oracle E-Business Suite R12.2 and 12.1 users on the following desktop client operating systems:

        • Windows 10
        • Windows 8.1
        • Windows 7
        • Windows Vista

        To install Developer Suite 10g on Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10, see Document 1292919.1 titled, 'Certification of Oracle Developer Suite 10g (10.1.2) on Windows 7 (32-bit)'.

        Note: The steps in this document can also be used for installation on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.
        Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

        Forms/Reports Developer 6i is certified for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i users on the following desktop client operating systems:

        • Windows 8.1
        • Windows 7
        • Windows Vista
        Note: Installation on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.x and Windows 10 requires the executable to be run in 'Compatibility Mode'. For further details see the Windows Compatibility Mode section below.

        Known Issues

        Forms/Reports Developer 6i Installation

        If the environment PATH variable is greater than 1000 characters when attempting to install Forms Developer 6i the following error will display:

        forms60.vrf(78):OS_ERROR while getting value Path

        To fix this issue, reduce the number of characters in the PATH to below 1000 characters before installing.

        1. Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables -> System Variables: Path
        2. SAVE a copy of the current Path variable as a back up to notepad or similar. (This can be restored later) 
        3. Reduce the Path value and add the Forms Developer 6i path (e.g. C:\Oracle\Dev6_Home\BIN) to the end, ensuring it is less than 1000 characters in total
        4. Run the Forms Developer 6i installation again 
        5. After the installation has been completed copy back the original Path variable saved in step 2 and add the Forms Developer 6i path (e.g. C:\Oracle\Dev6_Home\BIN) to the end of the variable.

        JDeveloper OA Extensions (JDev 10g and Jdev 9i)

        Note: The latest JDeveloper OA Extensions patches are listed in Document 416708.1 titled, 'How to Find the Correct Version of JDeveloper to Use with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i or Release 12.x'. Use the patch as appropriate to your Oracle E-Business Suite environment.

        Certification Information JDev 10g (

        Windows 10 Users
        EBS 12.1.3 Users

        JDeveloper OA Extensions 10g is certified on Windows 10 for Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.3

        EBS 12.2 Users

        The certification of JDeveloper OA Extensions 10g on Windows 10 for Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 is currently in progress.

        Windows 8.1 Users

        JDeveloper OA Extensions 10g is certified on Windows 8.1 for Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.x and 12.1.3.

        Windows Vista and Windows 7 Users

        JDeveloper OA Extensions 10g is certified on Windows Vista and Windows 7 for Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.x and 12.1.3.

        Certification Information JDev 9i (9.0.3)

        Oracle E-Business Suite 11i
        Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 Users

        JDeveloper OA Extensions 9i has been certified for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i users ( running on Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 with the following patch requirement:

        Patch 8751878 9I JDeveloper with OA Extension aru for 11I RUP7 or later.

        Known Issues

        Windows 7 UI Issues

        JDeveloper 9i has 4 different look and feel options, CDE/Mofif, Metal, Oracle and Windows. Using the Oracle or Windows look and feel can display the problems outlined below.

        Windows Look and Feel

        JDeveloper 9i running on Windows 7 using the (default) 'Windows' 'Look and Feel' will cause UI issues within the product, for example tree nodes, buttons etc. not displaying correctly. To workaround this issue Change the Look and Feel to one of the other options (CDE/Mofif, Metal or Oracle)

        Oracle Look and Feel

        JDeveloper 9i running on Windows 7 using the 'Oracle' 'Look and Feel' will display the following problems:

        • Shortcut keys such as 'tab' and Shift tab' do not work within the 'Property Inspector' window.
        • Search value in the shuttle does not work in the BC4J creation wizard causing you to use the scrollbar to go to the required value.

        To workaround these issues Change the Look and Feel to one of the other options (CDE/Mofif, Metal or Windows)

        Change the Look and Feel

        The 'Look and Feel' within JDeveloper can be changed through the following menu path (using 'Metal' as an example):

        Tools -> Preferences -> Environment -> Look and Feel: Metal
        After changing this setting, close then restart JDeveloper for the changes to take effect.

        Sales Analyzer

        Note: This product is now obsolete, use Sales Analyzer web version instead. The information included in this section is for historical purposes.

        Certification Information

        The client release of Sales Analyzer is not certified on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8, use the Sales Analyzer web version instead.

        Oracle E-Business Suite R12

        The client release of Sales Analyzer is not certified for Oracle E-Business Suite R12, use the Sales Analyzer web version instead.

        Deploying Sales Analyzer Client on a Server

        To set up Sales Analyzer client release on a server, follow the steps below:

        As a user with Administrator privileges, install and configure Sales Analyzer as outlined in its documentation.

        Set up a Sales Analyzer user as outlined in the User Access section below, entering the correct path to the start-up program for example: [ORACLE_HOME]\olap\osa640\analyzer.exe

        (Where the [ORACLE_HOME] directory is where you installed Sales Analyzer)

        Sales for Handhelds

        Certification Information

        Oracle E-Business Suite R12
        Windows 10 and Windows 8

        The Outlook Sales Client on Windows 10 (32-bit & 64-bit) and Windows 8 (32-bit & 64-bit) with the Outlook (32-bit) application for Oracle E-Business Suite has not been certified.

        Windows 7

        The Outlook Sales Client for both Windows 7 (32-bit) and Windows 7 (64-bit) is certified with the Outlook (32-bit) application for Oracle E-Business Suite R12.0.6 and R12.1.1 and higher running the following patches:

        Oracle E-Business Suite 12.0.6 users must apply Patch 9276863:R12.ASP.A

        Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.1 or higher users must apply Patch 9276863:R12.ASP.B

        Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

        Desktop outlook synchronization client is not certified for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i users running Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8.

        Warehouse Builder Client

        Certification Information

        Windows 10 and Windows 8

        Warehouse Builder client has not been certified for Windows 10 or Windows 8.

        Windows 7 (32-bit)

        Warehouse Builder client is certified for Windows 7 (32-bit) with 11GR2 (11.2) and higher.

        Windows 7 (64-bit)

        Warehouse Builder client is certified for Windows 7 (64-bit) with 11GR2 ( and higher.

        For further information see Document 1073079.1 titled, 'Oracle Warehouse Builder Certification on Windows 7'

        Windows Windows Vista

        Warehouse Builder client is certified on Windows Vista, see Document 340955.1 for further details.

        Deploying Warehouse Builder Client on a Server

        To set up Warehouse Builder client on a server, follow the steps below:

        Install and configure Oracle Warehouse Builder client as outlined in the Warehouse Builder Installation Guide.

        Set up a Warehouse Builder user as outlined in the User Access section below, entering the correct path to the start-up program for example: [ORACLE_HOME]\bin\launch.exe

        (Where the [ORACLE_HOME] directory is where you installed Warehouse Builder)

        Workflow Builder Client

        Certification Information

        Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Users

        Workflow Builder Client 2.6.3 (Patch 6970344) is certified for Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 and 12.1 on the following Windows desktop operating systems:

        • Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)
        • Windows 8 (32-bit & 64-bit)
        • Windows 7 (32-bit & 64-bit)
        • Windows Vista
        Oracle E-Business Suite 11i Users

        Workflow Builder Client 2.6.3 (Patch 6970344) is certified for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i on the following Windows desktop operating systems:

        • Windows 8 (32-bit & 64-bit)
        • Windows 7 (32-bit & 64-bit)
        • Windows Vista
        Note: Although the readme of Patch 6970344 states it is for EBS 12.1 users, it can also be used with EBS 12.2 and EBS 11i.

        Note: Installation requires running the executable in Windows 'Compatibility Mode'. For further details see the Windows Compatibility Mode section below.

        Known Issues

        Workflow Builder Client cannot be used in conjunction with an encrypted TNS listener.

        Deploying Workflow Builder Client on a Server

        To set up Workflow Builder client on a server, follow the steps below:

        Install and configure Workflow Builder as specified in the Oracle Workflow Client Installation Notes.

        Set up a Workflow Builder user as outlined in the User Access section below, entering the correct path to the start-up program for example: [ORACLE_HOME]\bin\WFBLDR.EXE

        (Where the [ORACLE_HOME] directory is where you installed Workflow Builder)

        Note:- If you are using Workflow Builder on a WTS2000 or WTS2003 platform, you may wish to give users, 'Power User' access. Giving only 'User' access has the following limitations when using the product;

        • 'Developer Mode' and the 'Help Files' will not work.
        • The Icons and Template files will also not work, unless you follow the 'Additional Steps for User Responsibility Access' below.

        (There are no plans to provide a permanent fix to this issue as the architecture changes to a JDeveloper Workflow Model in release 11iX. This will remove the requirement to run the product on a shared server.)

        Additional Steps for User Responsibility Access

        If you are using Workflow Builder on a WTS2000 or WTS2003 platform, and are accessing it with a 'user' responsibility you will also need to run the following steps for the 'Templates' and 'Icons' to work correctly;

        Copy the template files from [ORACLE_HOME]\wf\DATA\US and the Icons from [ORACLE_HOME]\wf\ICON to the root directory of the drive that you have installed Workflow Builder (for example C:\).

        XML Gateway Message Designer

        Certification Information

        Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Users

        XML Gateway Message Designer version 2.6.3 (Patch 6970344) is certified for Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 and 12.1 on the following Windows desktop client operating systems:

        • Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)
        • Windows 8 (32-bit & 64-bit)
        • Windows 7 (32-bit & 64-bit)
        • Windows Vista
        Oracle E-Business Suite 11i Users

        XML Gateway Message Designer version 2.6.3 (Patch 6970344) is certified for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i on the following Windows desktop client operating systems:

        • Windows 8 (32-bit & 64-bit)
        • Windows 7 (32-bit & 64-bit)
        • Windows Vista
        Note: Although the readme of Patch 6970344 states it is for EBS 12.1 users, it can also be used with EBS 12.2 and EBS 11i.

        Note: Installation requires running the executable in Windows 'Compatibility Mode'. For further details see the Windows Compatibility Mode section below.

        Deploying XML Gateway Client on a Server

        To set up XML Gateway Client on a server, follow the steps below:

        Install and configure XML Gateway Client as specified in the Oracle Workflow Client Installation Notes.

        Set up a Workflow Builder user as outlined in the User Access section below, entering the correct path to the start-up program for example: [ORACLE_HOME]\ecx\MessageDesigner.bat

        (Where the [ORACLE_HOME] directory is where you installed XML Gateway)

        Section 5. User Access

        To ensure a secure environment it is desirable to allow user access to the required product through a 'dumb' window, rather than allowing desktop access. Therefore ensure that the start-up program for a particular product is specified, either against the user on the windows server where the client software is installed, or within the object or published application file if using Tarantella or Citrix.

        Users should also only have User responsibility to the server rather than having access through an administrators responsibility.

        A start-up program can be set against a user on a Windows server as outlined below:

        Windows Terminal Server 2003 and Later

        • Sign on to WTS as a user with administrative responsibilities
        • Go to Start -> All Programs -> Administrative Tasks -> Computer Management -> System Tools -> Local Users and Groups -> Users
        • Select Action -> New User from the menu bar
        • Add the username and any other details as required and click the create button
        • Specify the Users Start Up program - Double click on the newly created user to bring up the User Properties window.
          • Select the Environment Tab and tick the Start the Following Program at Login box.
          • Under Program File Name enter the path to the start-up executable file of the product this user requires access to, as specified in the Product Configuration section above.
          • Add the User to the Remote Desktop Users Group - In the User Properties Window select the Member Of tab and add the group Remote Desktop Users. You may also remove the defaulted Users group.

        Section 6. Additional Information

        Windows Compatibility Mode

        Installing certain applications on Windows Vista or Windows 7 may require installation through Windows compatibility mode. The Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) will not run successfully on these platforms so there is a requirement to run in XP compatibility mode to install the application successfully. To install an application in compatibility mode use one of the methods outlined below:

        Setting Compatibility Mode Manually

        To set compatibility mode before running the executable follow these steps;

        1. Right click on the 'setup.exe' for the application
        2. Select 'Troubleshoot Compatibility' and the 'Program Compatibility' window should open
        3. Click the option 'Try recommended settings'
        4. The 'Windows compatibility mode' should be set to 'Windows XP (Service Pack 2)' or 'Windows XP (Service Pack 3)'
        5. Click the 'Start the program...'
        6. If the 'User Account Control' window opens with the message, 'Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer?', select 'Yes'
        7. The 'Oracle Universal Installer' window should now open allowing installation of the application

        Let Windows Set Compatibility Mode

        1. Run the 'setup.exe' for the application
        2. If the 'User Account Control' window opens with the message, 'Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer?', select 'Yes'
        3. When the 'Oracle Universal Installer' window tries to open the following Error window appears:
        4. Click the 'OK' button and the 'Program Compatibility Assistant' window will open
        5. Select the option, 'Reinstall using the recommended settings'
        6. If the 'User Account Control' window opens with the message, 'Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer?', select 'Yes'
        7. The 'Oracle Universal Installer' window should now open allowing installation of the application

        Terminal Server Install Mode

        To install a product onto Windows Terminal Server you may first need to place the system into Terminal Server's install mode. (Terminal Server in Remote Administration mode does not use install mode). Install mode can be set by using either of the two methods below:-

        1. Run the install from Add/Remove Programs Tool in the Control Panel -

        • Sign onto the system as a user with Administrator privileges
        • Go to Settings -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs -> Add New Programs and run the installation from there

        2a. Set install mode from the command line -

        • Sign onto the system as a user with Administrator privileges
        • At the command prompt, type change user /install
        • Press 'Enter' and you should see the message 'User session is ready to install applications'
        • Type exit and press 'Enter'
        • You can now add or remove the required programs.

        2b. Set execute mode from the command line -

        • Once the program is installed or removed you should place the system in execute mode as follows;
        • At the command prompt, type change user /execute
        • Press 'Enter' and you should see the message 'User session is ready to execute applications'
        • Type exit and press 'Enter'

        Related Notes

        • Deploying JRE (Native Plug-in) for Windows Clients in Oracle E-Business Suite 11i (Document 290807.1)
        • Deploying JRE (Native Plug-in) for Windows Clients in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Document 393931.1)
        • Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i (Document 285218.1)
        • Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Document 389422.1)
        • Microsoft Office Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i and R12 (Document 1077728.1)

Workflow Builder 2.6.3 Certified on Windows 10 for EBS 12.x的更多相关文章

  1. Forms and Reports Developer 10g Certified on Windows 10 for EBS 12.x

    Forms Developer 10g and Reports Developer 10g are now certified on Windows 10 desktops for E-Busines ...

  2. JDeveloper 10g Certified on Windows 10 for EBS 12.1

    JDeveloper 10g is now certified for Windows 10 desktops for Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.  See: Reco ...

  3. Windows 10 Certified with Oracle E-Business Suite

    Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit) is certified as a desktop client operating system for end-u ...

  4. Mikrotik: Setup SSTP Server for Windows 10 Client

    原文: Basic how-to on SSTP for a ...

  5. Windows 10 新特性 -- Bing Maps 3D地图开发入门(一)

    本文主要内容是讲述如何创建基于 Windows Universal App 的Windows 10 3D地图应用,涉及的Windows 10新特性包括 Bing Maps 控件.Compiled da ...

  6. 将windows server 2016改造为像windows 10一样适合个人使用的系统

    Windows server 2016 RTM已流出,具体可以搜索wzor大神泄露的,英文版本是0911的.现根据我安装后整理的如何配置使个人更适合使用. 20170102更新:wzor泄漏的0911 ...

  7. 刪除預裝在windows 10 的app

    刪除預裝在windows 10 的app 步驟: 方法一.(易於解除安裝的app) 1. →按"開始標誌" →"所有應用程式" →在想解除的程式圖示上" ...

  8. 背水一战 Windows 10 (119) - 后台任务: 后台下载任务(任务分组,组完成后触发后台任务)

    [源码下载] 背水一战 Windows 10 (119) - 后台任务: 后台下载任务(任务分组,组完成后触发后台任务) 作者:webabcd 介绍背水一战 Windows 10 之 后台任务 后台下 ...

  9. 背水一战 Windows 10 (116) - 后台任务: 前台程序激活后台任务

    [源码下载] 背水一战 Windows 10 (116) - 后台任务: 前台程序激活后台任务 作者:webabcd 介绍背水一战 Windows 10 之 后台任务 前台程序激活后台任务 示例演示后 ...


  1. python进程间数据不共享(示例演示)

    import multiprocessing data_list = [] def task(arg): data_list.append(arg) print(data_list) def run( ...

  2. HTML5 canvas绘图基本使用方法

    <canvas></canvas>是HTML5中新增的标签,用于绘制图形,实际上,这个标签和其他的标签一样,其特殊之处在于该标签可以获取一个CanvasRenderingCon ...

  3. HackerRank - string-reduction【反推】【规律】

    HackerRank - string-reduction[反推] 题意 给出一串 只有 字母 a, b, c 组成的字符串,然后没两个不同的字符碰到一起都可以变成另外一个字符,然后变到最后,求最短的 ...

  4. nginx日志分割总结

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  5. require和require_once经济性能对比

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  6. zabbix 安装配置

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  7. mysql查询结果乱码

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  8. AtCoder Regular Contest 102

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  9. AtCoder Regular Contest 099

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  10. java实现同步的方法

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