My favorite way to quickly format a given chunk of XML is to use Notepad++ and the XML Tools plugin.  You can get Notepad++ here.  And the XML Tools plugin is here(you’ll have to wait a few seconds before the download starts).

Installing Notepad

(the following instructions are based on Notepad++ v5.9.4 and my differ in later versions)

1) Choose your language:

2) Click Next:

3) Agree to the License Agreement:

4) Choose where you want to install the files:

5) Choose what options you want to install (I simply use the defaults):

6) Choose the final set of options.  I check the first one because I like having applications keep their data in their own installation directory:

7) Click Install:

8) Click Finish and you’re done!

Settings In Notepad++

There are a few settings that I always set that (I find) make life more convenient (but that’s just me).

Under Settings | Preferences:

On the “General” tab, I check “Show close button on each tab”.

On the “MISC.” tab, I uncheck “Remember current session for next launch” because I always want Notepad++ to open with a new blank document.

Installing the XML Tools

If you run Notepad++ and look in the Plugins menu, you’ll see that the XML Tools aren’t there:

1) Download the XML tools from here.

2) Unzip the file and copy the XMLTools.dll to the Notepad++ plugins folder (in the example above: C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins):

3) Re-start Notepad++ and you should now see the XMLTools appear in the Plugins menu:

When you click on “How to use…” you’ll get the following:

4) I’ve just tried (2011/10/20) following those links and the first one doesn’t work and the 2nd one just takes you to a directory listing. So, I’ve uploaded the zip file to my site and you can download the missing lib files from here.

5) Unzip the file and then copy the unzipped DLLs to the Notepad++ installation directory (in the example above: C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++):

6) Re-start Notepad++ and you should finally see the proper XML Tools menu:

The feature I use the most is “Pretty print (XML only – with line breaks)”.  This will format any piece of XML with all the proper line spacing.

Start with:

After doing Ctrl+Alt+Shift+B:


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