


.设置hostname以及hosts web9.lulu.com web10.lulu.com

. 安装ansible (只需要在106--server端安装)
[root@web9 ~]# yum install -y epel-release
[root@web9 ~]# yum install -y ansible



[root@web9 ~]# ssh-keygen -t rsa      //直接回车生成密钥对
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): //此处输入密码
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): [root@web9 ~]# scp .ssh/id_rsa.pub
[root@web9 ~]# cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> /root/.ssh/authorized.keys
[root@web9 ~]# chmod /root/.ssh/authorized.keys
[root@web9 ~]# setenforce
[root@web9 ~]# iptables -F
[root@web9 ~]# ssh web10.lulu.com
-bash: ssh: command not found
[root@web9 ~]# yum install -y openssh-clients

[root@web9 ~]# ssh web10.lulu.com
The authenticity of host 'web10.lulu.com(' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is .....
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes



[root@web9 ~]# vi /etc/ansible/hosts
[testhost] /* testhost --主机组名字 ,自定义 以下ip --组内的机器的ip
*/ [root@web9 ~]# ansible testhost -m command -a 'hostname' | success | rc= >>
web9.lulu.com web10.lulu.com | success | rc= >>
web10.lulu.com /* testhost --主机组名字。自定义 -m + 模块名 -a +命令

此处会遇到的错误 :

[root@web9 ~]# ansible -m command -a 'hostname'
错误: "msg":"Aborting,target uses selinux but python bindings(libselinux-python) aren't installed!" --> yum install -y libselinux-python

[root@web9 ~]# ansible 'web10.lulu.com' -m shell -a 'hostname'
web10.lulu.com | success | rc= >>
web10.lulu.com [root@web9 ~]# ansible 'web10.lulu.com' -m shell -a 'cat /etc/passwd|grep root'
web10.lulu.com | success | rc= >>



[root@web9 ~]# ansible web10.lulu.com -m copy -a "src=/etc/passwd dest=/tmp/1.txt"
web10.lulu.com | success >>{
} /* 解释:
-m -- 模块选择 copy src 源文件 dest 目标文件
*/ [root@web9 ~]# ansible web10.lulu.com -m copy -a "src=/etc/passwd dest=/tmp/1.txt owner=root group=root mode=0755"
web10.lulu.com | success >> {

[root@web9 ~]# ansible web10.lulu.com -m copy -a "src=/etc/ansible dest=/tmp/ansible"
web10.lulu.com | success >>{
} //client端检查是否拷贝成功并且与server端相同
[root@web9 ~]# ls /etc/ansible [root@web10 ~]# ls /tmp/ansible


[root@web9 ~]# vim /tmp/test.sh
echo `date` > /tmp/ansible_test.txt [root@web9 ~]# ansible testhost -m copy -a "src=/tmp/test.sh dest=/tmp/test.sh mod=0755" //将脚本分发到各服务器上
[root@web9 ~]# ansible testhost -m shell -a "/bin/bash /tmp/test.sh"
//批量执行shell脚本 //shell模块还支持远程执行命令加管道符
[root@web9 ~]# ansible testhost -m shell -a "cat /etc/passwd|wc -l"



[root@web9 ~]# ansible testhost -m cron -a "name='test cron' job='/bin/touch /tmp/123.txt' weekday=6"

/*   name 任务名称

      job 执行的命令



[root@web9 ~]# crontab -l //删除cron任务 [root@web9 ~]# ansible testhost -m cron -a "name='test cron' state=absent"


[root@web9 ~]# ansible web10.lulu.com -m yum -a "name=httpd"
/* 解释:
    name = rpm包名
*/ //client端检查是否安装完成
[root@web10 ~]# yum list|grep httpd .
[root@web9 ~]# ansible testhost -m service -a "name=httpd state=started enabled=yes" ==
[root@web9 ~]# ansible testhost -m service -a "name=httpd state=stopped enabled=no" [root@web9 ~]# ansible testhost -m service -a "name=httpd state=started enabled=no" ==
[root@web9 ~]# ansible testhost -m service -a "name=httpd state=stopped enabled=yes"
//ansible 文档的使用

[root@web9 ~]# ansible-doc -l      //列出所有的模块

[root@web9 ~]# ansible-doc cron         //查看指定模块的文档 


[root@web9 ~]# cd /etc/ansible
[root@web9 ansible]# ls
ansible.cfg hosts roles
[root@web9 ansible]# vi test.yml
- hosts: testhost
remote_user: root
- name: test_playbook
shell: touch /tmp/fran.txt /*
hosts --指定哪些主机进行参作 user --指定 使用什么用户登录 远程主机操作 tasks -- 指定任务 */ //生效
[root@web9 ansible]# ansible-playbook test.yml

[root@web9 ansible]# vi create_user.yml
- name: create_user
hosts: testhost
user: root
gather_facts: false
- user: "test"
- name: create user
user: name="{{ user }}" /*
gather_facts --指定了以下任务部分执行前,是否先执行setup模块获取主机相关信息 变量值 -- 一定要 " " 引住 user -- 调用了user模块 */


[root@web9 ansible]# vi loop.yml
- hosts: testhost
 user: root
  - name: change mod for file
   file: path=/tmp/{{ item }} mode=600 owner=root group=root
    - 1.txt
    - 2.txt
    - 3.txt
[root@web9 ansible]# ansible-playbook loop.yml
[root@web9 ansible]# touch /tmp/{1.txt,2.txt,3.txt}
[root@web10 ~]# touch /tmp/{1.txt,2.txt,3.txt} //回到server
[root@web9 ansible]# ls -l /tmp/
-rw------- 1 root root 0 12月 24 20:50 1.txt
-rw------- 1 root root 0 12月 24 20:50 2.txt
-rw------- 1 root root 0 12月 24 20:50 3.txt
[root@web10 ~]# ls -l /tmp/
-rw------- 1 root root 0 12月 24 20:50 1.txt
-rw------- 1 root root 0 12月 24 20:50 2.txt
-rw------- 1 root root 0 12月 24 20:50 3.txt


[root@web9 ansible]# vi when.yml
- hosts: testhost
remote_user: root
gather_facts: True
- name: use when
shell: touch /tmp/when.txt
when: facter_ipaddress == "" [root@web9 ansible]# ansible web10.lulu.com -m setup
“facter_ipaddress": "",
[root@web9 ansible]# ansible-playbook when.yml
[root@web9 ansible]# ls -lt /tmp/when.txt
-rw-r--r-- root root 12月 : /tmp/when.txt


/* 执行task任务之后,服务器发生变化之后-- 需执行一些操作

            比如 修改配置文件后,---需要重启服务              */

[root@web9 ansible]# vi handlers.yml
- name: handlers test
hosts: web10.lulu.com
user: root
- name: copy file
copy: src=/etc/passwd dest=/tmp/aaa.txt
notify: test handlers
- name: test handlers
shell: echo "" >> /tmp/aaa.txt [root@web9 ansible]# ansible-playbook handlers.yml //client端检查
[root@web10 ~]# cat /tmp/aaa.txt

九、ansible实例 -- 安装nginx

[root@web9 ansible]# cd /etc/ansible
[root@web9 ansible]# mkdir nginx_install    //创建一个装nginx各种需要文件的目录
[root@web9 ansible]# cd nginx_install
[root@web9 ansible]# mkdir -p roles/{common,install}/{handlers.files,meta,tasks,templates,vars} /* explain:
roles -- common(准备) -- handlers(当发生改变时),files(安装时用到) install(安装nginx) -- meta(说明信息,角色依赖等),tasks(核心配置) -- templates(存配置文件,启动脚本等模版) -- vars(定义的变量)
*/ /* 准备: 在一台机器上事先编译安装好nginx,配置好启动脚本,配置好配置文件 安装好---将nginx目录打包---放到/etc/ansible/nginx_install/roles/install/files ,名字取为nginx.tar.gz --启动脚本、配置文件需要放到/etc/ansible/nginx_install/roles/install/templates */
[root@web9 ansible]# cp /usr/local/nginx.tar.gz files/ [root@web9 ansible]# cp /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf templates/
[root@web9 ansible]# cp /etc/init.d/nginx templates
[root@web9 ansible]# vim nginx_install/roles/install/vars/main.yml
nginx_user: www
nginx_port: 80
nginx_basedir: /usr/local/nginx
[root@web9 ansible]# cd nginx_install/roles
[root@web9 roles]# vim ./common/tasks/main.yml
- name: Install initializtion require software
yum: name={{ item }} state=installed
- zlib-devel
- pcre-devel
- opensshl-devel //把要用到的文档拷贝到目标机器
[root@web9 ansible]# vim nginx_install/roles/install/tasks/copy.yml
- name: Copy Nginx Software
 copy: src=nginx.tar.gz dest=/tmp/nginx.tar.gz owner=root group=root - name: Uncompression Nginx Software
 shell: tar zxf /tmp/nginx.tar.gz -C /usr/local/ - name: Copy Nginx Start Script
 template: src=nginx dest=/etc/init.d/nginx owner=root group=root - name: Copy Nginx Config
 template: src=nginx.conf dest={{ nginx_basedir }}/conf/ owner=root group=root mode= //建立用户,启动服务,删除压缩包
[root@web9 ansible]# vim nginx_install/roles/install/tasks/install.yml
- name: Create Nginx User
 user: name={{ nginx_user }} state=present createhome=no shell=/sbin/nologin - name: Start Nginx Service
 service: name= nginx state=restarted #这里是started的区别 - name: Add Boot Start Nginx Service
 shell:chkconfig --level nginx on - name: Delete Nginx compression files
 shell: rm -rf /tmp/nginx.tar.gz //再创建main.yml并且把copy和install调用
[root@web9 ansible]# cd nginx_install/roles/install/tasks [root@web9 tasks]# ls
copy.yml install.yml [root@web9 tasks]# vi main.yml
- include: copy.yml
- include: install.yml //定义入口文件
[root@web9 tasks]# cd /etc/ansible/nginx_install/
[root@web9 nginx_install]# vi install/yml
- hosts: testhost
 remote_user: root
 gather_facts: True
  - common
  - install [root@web9 nginx_install]# ansible-playbook install.yml //client check
[root@web10 ~]# rpm -qa|egrep 'pcre|openssl|zlib'
[root@web10 ~]# ls /usr/local/nginx
.. . ... ... .. ...
[root@web10 ~]# ps aux|grep nginx
[root@web10 ~]# chkconfig --list nginx
nginx       :关闭 :关闭 :关闭 :启用 :启用 :启用 :关闭

/*   生产环境中 -- 大多需要管理配置文件  

*/ [root@web9 ~]# mkdir -p /etc/ansible/nginx_config/roles/{new,old}/{files,handlers,vars,tasks} /* new --更新 old --回滚 files --存着nginx.conf and vhosts handlers -- 重启nginx服务的命令 关于回滚 , 执行playbook前需要 备份一下 旧的配置, 老配置管理要严格--不能随便修改线上机器的配置 且保证new/files里的配置和线上的一致
*/ [root@web9 ~]# ccd /usr/local/nginx/conf
[root@web9 conf]# cp -r nginx.conf vhosts /etc/ansible/nginx_conf/roles/new/files/
[root@web9 conf]# vim /etc/ansible/nginx_config/roles/new/vars/main.yml //定义变量
nginx_basedir: /usr/local/nginx [root@web9 conf]# vim /etc/ansible/nginx_config/roles/new/handlers/main.yml //定义重加载nginx服务
- name: restart nginx
shell: /etc/init.d/nginx reload [root@web9 conf]# vim /etc/ansible/nginx_config/roles/new/tasks/main.yml //核心任务
- name: copy conf file
copy: src={{ item.src }} dest={{ nginx_basedir }}/{{ item.dest }} backup=yes owner=root group=root mode=
- { src: nginx.conf, dest: conf/nginx.conf }
- { src: vhosts, dest: conf/ }
notify: restart nginx
[root@web9 tasks]# vim /etc/ansible/nginx_config/update.yml  //定义总入口配置
- hosts: testhost
user: root
- new
[root@web9 tasks]# ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/nginx_config/update.yml
[root@web9 tasks]# vi roles/new/files/vhosts/.conf
[root@web9 tasks]# vi roles/new/files/nginx.conf
include vhosts/*.conf;    */
[root@web9 tasks]# ansible-playbook update.yml //client check
[root@web10 ~]# cat /usr/local/nginx/conf/vhosts/.conf
[root@web10 ~]# ps aux|grep nginx
[root@web10 ~]# date //与date相比是否时间差不多,配置的时间 //同步数据
[root@web9 roles]# rsync -av new/ old/
sending incremental file list
[root@web9 roles]# cd ..
[root@web9 nginx_config]# cp update.yml backup.yml
[root@web9 nginx_config]# vi backup.yml
//change to
- old [root@web9 nginx_config]# vi roles/new/files/vhosts/.conf
[root@web9 nginx_config]# ansible-playbook update.yml
//client check
[root@web10 ~]# cat /usr/local/nginx/conf/vhosts/.conf
#jhdjkahkdjs //recover data
[root@web9 nginx_config]# ansible-playbook backup.yml
//client check
[root@web10 ~]# cat /usr/local/nginx/conf/vhosts/.conf
#sjadhjsahkd //下载整个样例库
[root@web9 ~]# yum install -y git
[root@web9 ~]# git clone git://github.com/dh528888/ansible-examples.git


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