1. post.PostToTags.Where(t => tagArray.Contains(t.PostTag.Name, comparerWihtoutCases) && !t.IsActive).ForEach(softDeletedItem => { softDeletedItem.IsActive = true; softDeletedItem.PostTag.UseCount++;});
  2. i++;
prep. verbs
of accuse
from borrow
in believe
on act


My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year,we were traveling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name an address on it into a bottle. She throw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl of Holland. Both girls write to each other regularly now. However, they have decided to use the post office. Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly travel (much) faster.





dream a dream.


have a good/sweet dream.

daydream: v.开小差

He is daydreaming.

I dream of being a master.

I dream of flying in the sky.

dream on: 继续做梦吧->做你的青天白日梦吧


dream boat: 梦中情人,梦寐以求的……

throw (threw,thrown): throw away 扔掉

of one's own age: 和……同岁的

She is the girl of my own age.


I have a bog with books in it.


each other: 相互 = one other 大多情况下可以互现。它们的区别就是强调的是两者之间,后者强调的是两者以上之间。

more: adj. pron.(代词)

a little: 可以修饰比较级的程度,译为“稍微,一点”。反义词much

Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly travel much faster.

We can put of, from,in, or on after certain verbs:

  1. | prep. | verbs |
  2. | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
  3. | **of** | accuse | approve | assure | beware | boast (or about) | complain (or about) | consist | convince (or about) | cure | despair | dream (or about) | expect (or from) | hear (or from) | be/get rid | smell | suspect | think (or about) | tire(d) | warn (or against) |
  4. | **from** | borrow | defend (or against) | demand (or of) | differ | dismiss | draw | emerge | escape | excuse (or for) | hinder | prevent | prohibit | protect (or against) | receive | separate | suffer |
  5. | **in** | believe | delight | employ(ed) | encourage | engage(d) | experience(d) | fail | help (or with) | include | indulge | instruct | interest(ed) | invest | involve(d) | persist | share |
  6. | **on** | act | base(d) | call | comment | concentrate | congratulate | consult (or about) | count | decide | depend | economize | embark | experiment | insist | lean (or against) | live | operate | perform (or in) | pride (oneself) | rely | vote (on a motion;*for* someone) | write (or about) |

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