Question 56
You work for a manufacturer who needs to advertise its catalog of products online using a SharePoint 2010 publishing site. A page author will create a Web page for every type of product the manufacturer makes. Each Web page will display the name of the material the product is made from and a photo of the product. You need to design this site to satisfy the following requirements:
.When the page author creates a new Web page for a product, the author should only be able to choose from a list of five materials.
.The manufacturer’s marketing manager should be able to add to the list of materials at any time without assistance from the IT department.
.Users can choose to view the site in English, German, or Spanish. A user should see the name of the product material in only the language they have selected.
.The URL of the page should remain the same for each type of product regardless of the language the user has selected.
Which approach should you recommend?
A. Create a site column of type "Choice" for English, German, and French, and add the translated list of materials to the site column for each language. Add all three site columns to the page layout. Give the marketing manager permission to edit the Choice site column values for each language.
B. Create a resource file for each language and install the resource file using a SharePoint solution package. Show the marketing manager how to edit the resource file.
C. Use the Managed Metadata Service to create a set of terms used for product materials and translate each term into English, German, and Spanish. Add a site column mapped to the term set to the page layout. Make the marketing manager the term set owner.
D. For each type of product, create three Web pages, one for each language. Give the marketing manager permission to edit all the product Web pages.

 选项A. 明显不支持多语言,它只是把同一材料的所有语言翻译项都打包进同一个列表,用户无法只见到自己的语言版本选项。
 选项B. 此选项市场经理必须借助IT部门的技术支持才能对资源文件进行修改,所以也不满足本题要求。
 选项C. 通过管理元数据服务配合Page Layout,可以达到本题的目标 。
 选项D. 针对同一类产品的每种语言都创建了不同的页面,不符合本题要求保持唯一的URL这个条件。所以也必须排除。
因此本题答案应该选 C


Question 57
You are designing a multi-lingual publishing Web site using SharePoint 2010. Administrators have installed language packs for Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese on the server. Users whose browser locale is set to Japanese, Chinese, or Vietnamese must be able to navigate to a corresponding language-specific site with as few clicks as possible. Your design needs to ensure that this is accomplished with no custom development. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Create a variation label for Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese. For each variation label, create a hierarchy. SharePoint will automatically redirect users to the language-specific site that corresponds to their browser locale.
B. Create a language-specific site for Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese. Create a top-level site with a welcome page that contains hyperlinks to the language-specific sites. Allow users to navigate to the language specific site of their choosing.
C. Create a language-specific site for Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese. Create an application page that queries that user's browser locale and redirects them to the appropriate language-specific site. Make this page the welcome page for the top-level site.
D. Create a language-specific site for Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese. Create a JScript file that queries the user's browser locale and redirects them to the appropriate language-specific site. Add a reference to the JScript file to each master pages used in the site collection.

  Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 中的变体功能 通过将内容从源变体网站 复制到每个目标变体网站,将内容提供给不同网站上的特定访问群体。用户访问根网站时,系统会基于用户 Web 浏览器的语言设置将用户重定向到适当的变体网站。如果需要,可以在目标变体网站上自定义内容。例如,目标变体网站上的内容可以在发布之前翻译为其他语言。变体只能在使用某个发布网站模板创建的 SharePoint Server 2010 网站或启用了 SharePoint Server 发布基础结构功能的网站上使用【这个前提正好符合本题所要创建的网站】。
  许多组织的业务范围都遍布全球各地。不过,即使在国内市场中,组织也必须满足不同客户群的需求,他们可能使用多种不同的语言,也可能需要获取基于地域差异、不同的移动设备或企业品牌的特定信息。这些类型的组织需要提供定制内容的网站,以适应不同的文化、不同的市场和不同的地理区域。生成和维护网站的变体可能非常困难而且相当耗时。通过使用变体作为 SharePoint Server 2010 解决方案的一部分,网站架构师和网站管理员可以简化生成和维护这些网站的过程。变体功能可自动创建网站和页面,而不必手动为每个所需变体实例创建网站以及所有关联的页面。【这是解决本题问题的基本思路即:不用为每个变体实例创建网站,也正是基于这一点,本题的选项B.C.D均可排除,因为它们都是Create a language-specific site for……】
• 变体根网站   变体根网站提供所有源和目标变体网站的 URL,并且包含将用户重定向到正确的变体网站的登陆页面。这与网站集的根网站不同,不过您可以指定将网站集的根网站用作变体层次结构的根网站。
• 变体标签   变体标签是用于命名新变体网站的标识符。网站的变体通过创建变体标签定义,每个规划的变体分别使用一个标签。
• 变体网站   变体网站是基于定义的变体标签创建的网站。有两种类型的变体网站:
o 源变体网站   源变体网站是创作和发布共享内容的网站,同时也是从中将共享内容的副本发送到目标变体网站的网站。一个网站集中只能有一个源变体网站。选择源变体网站后,将不能进行更改。
o 目标变体网站   目标变体网站的大多数内容都是从源变体网站接收的。尽管可以在目标变体网站上创建新内容,但是这些内容不会与其他网站共享,而是在其中创建这些内容的网站所特有的。
• 变体层次结构   变体层次结构是使用所有变体标签表示的整组网站。
• 变体页面   变体页面是存储在源变体网站和目标变体网站的页面库中的已发布页面。这些页面以及任何相关资源(如图像和文档)是从源变体网站复制到目标变体网站的唯一内容。
默认情况下,当用户访问根网站时,系统会基于用户 Web 浏览器的语言设置将用户重定向到适当的变体网站。例如,如果用户的默认浏览器语言为法语,SharePoint Server 2010 会将用户重定向到法语变体网站。可以通过使用其他页面替换默认重定向页面 VariationRoot.aspx 来自定义此行为。此新页面可以实施用于确定用户首选语言、用户设备或不同网站的其他基础设置的逻辑。
因此本题答案应该选 A


Question 58
You work for a product company that sells custom SharePoint 2010 Web Parts to customers. You are designing a Web Part that will be deployed to the Web Part gallery when a feature is activated. The feature must accommodate multiple languages, so that a user will see the name of the feature in the same language that was used to create the site. You need to ensure that your design meets this requirement. Which two approaches would accomplish this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)
A. For each language, add a new node to the Manifest.xml file. Add the language ID and the localized name of the feature to each node.
B. For each language, add a new node to the Feature.xml file. Add the language ID and the localized name of the feature to each node.
C. Create a resource file for each language. Deploy the .resx files to the 14\Resources folder. Assign the name of the feature a resource token value.
D. Create a resource file for each language. Deploy the .resx files to a folder named Resources inside the feature folder. Assign the name of the feature a resource token value.

  你所在的公司是一家开发和销售定制Sharepoint2010 Web Part的公司,你负责开发一个Web Part,此Web Part要在功能被激活后部署到Web Part Gallery,此功能必须提供多语言支持,这样不同国家的用户就能看到用本国语言所描述的功能名,你要如何做才能达到希望的效果呢?[两个选项答案]
   本题的实质就是考你关于Web Part的本地化相关知识。
   本地化 是自定义给定区域性或区域设置下的应用程序、网页或网站的过程。
本地化 Web 部件的第一步是向项目中添加语言资源文件。您可以使用您喜欢的任何语言。如使用英语,中文和西班牙语。【所以可以直接排除本题的选项A.B,因为它们都没有采用语言资源文件】
您必须将创建的资源文件部署到 Web 服务器的文件系统中可由生成显示文本的 Web 部件的所有组件访问的位置,这些组件包括:
1.激活 Web 部件的功能。
2.提供有关 Web 部件库信息的 Web 部件控件说明文件(该链接可能指向英文页面)。
您可以采用多种备选方法来在目标 Web 服务器上设置语言资源。最简单的方法和以后可以最灵活地为其他语言添加支持的方法是设置紧接 SharePoint Foundation 安装根之下的 Resources 文件夹中的语言资源文件。Visual Studio 用于此文件夹的标记是 {SharePointRoot}\Resources。完整路径是 %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\Resources。【选项C提到的位置】SharePoint Foundation 将内置 Web 部件所使用的语言资源安装在此文件夹中。
因此本题答案应该选 C.D


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