unity3d 加密资源并缓存加载
// C# Example // Builds an asset bundle from the selected objects in the project view. // Once compiled go to "Menu" -> "Assets" and select one of the choices // to build the Asset Bundle using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.IO; public class ExportAssetBundles { [MenuItem( "Assets/Build AssetBundle Binary file From Selection - Track dependencies " )] static void ExportResource () { // Bring up save panel string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel ( "Save Resource" , "" , "New Resource" , "unity3d" ); if (path.Length != 0) { // Build the resource file from the active selection. Object[] selection = Selection.GetFiltered( typeof (Object), SelectionMode.DeepAssets); BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(Selection.activeObject, selection, path, BuildAssetBundleOptions.CollectDependencies | BuildAssetBundleOptions.CompleteAssets); Selection.objects = selection; FileStream fs = new FileStream(path,FileMode.Open,FileAccess.ReadWrite); byte [] buff = new byte [fs.Length+1]; fs.Read(buff,0,( int )fs.Length); buff[buff.Length-1] = 0; fs.Close(); File.Delete(path); string BinPath = path.Substring(0,path.LastIndexOf( '.' ))+ ".bytes" ; // FileStream cfs = new FileStream(BinPath,FileMode.Create); cfs.Write(buff,0,buff.Length); buff = null ; cfs.Close(); // string AssetsPath = BinPath.Substring(BinPath.IndexOf("Assets")); // Object ta = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(AssetsPath,typeof(Object)); // BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(ta, null, path); } } [MenuItem( "Assets/Build AssetBundle From Selection - No dependency tracking" )] static void ExportResourceNoTrack () { // Bring up save panel string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel ( "Save Resource" , "" , "New Resource" , "unity3d" ); if (path.Length != 0) { // Build the resource file from the active selection. BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(Selection.activeObject, Selection.objects, path); } } } |
当bytes文件生成好后再选中它,使用"Assets/Build AssetBundle From Selection - No dependency tracking"再次打包。
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System; public class WWWLoadTest : MonoBehaviour
{ public string BundleURL;
public string AssetName;
IEnumerator Start()
WWW www =WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload(BundleURL,); yield return www; TextAsset txt = www.assetBundle.Load("characters",typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset; byte[] data = txt.bytes; byte[] decryptedData = Decryption(data);
Debug.LogError("decryptedData length:"+decryptedData.Length);
} IEnumerator LoadBundle(byte[] decryptedData){
AssetBundleCreateRequest acr = AssetBundle.CreateFromMemory(decryptedData);
yield return acr;
AssetBundle bundle = acr.assetBundle;
Instantiate(bundle.Load(AssetName)); } byte[] Decryption(byte[] data){
byte[] tmp = new byte[data.Length-];
for(int i=;i<data.Length-;i++){
tmp[i] = data[i];
return tmp; } }
www.assetBundle.Load("characters",typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset //characters是加密文件的名字
AssetBundleCreateRequest acr = AssetBundle.CreateFromMemory(decryptedData);
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