set hive.cli.print.current.db=true;
set hive.mapred.mode=strict;
set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;

--Dynamic Partition Inserts --by position not by names

PARTITION (country, state)
SELECT ..., se.cnty,
FROM staged_employees se;


----with this way , we can not generate the temporary table

SELECT upper(name), salary, deductions["Federal Taxes"] as fed_taxes,
  round(salary * (1 - deductions["Federal Taxes"])) as salary_minus_fed_taxes
  FROM employees
) e
SELECT, e.salary_minus_fed_taxes
WHERE e.salary_minus_fed_taxes > 70000;

--When Hive Can Avoid MapReduce


--Hive supports the classic SQL JOINstatement, but only equi-joinsare supported.
--Hive also assumes that the lasttable in the query is the  largest
--It attempts to buffer the other tables and then stream the last table through
-- you should structure your join queries so the largest table is last.

SELECT /*+ STREAMTABLE(s) */ s.ymd, s.symbol, s.price_close, d.dividend
FROM stocks s JOIN dividends d ON s.ymd = d.ymd AND s.symbol = d.symbol
WHERE s.symbol = 'AAPL';

hive.mapjoin.smalltable.filesize=25000000;--table size less than this can use in map phase
SELECT /*+ MAPJOIN(d) */ s.ymd, s.symbol, s.price_close, d.dividend
FROM stocks s JOIN dividends d ON s.ymd = d.ymd AND s.symbol = d.symbol
WHERE s.symbol = 'AAPL';

set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin=true;
set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin.sortedmerge=true;

--Using  DISTRIBUTE BY ... SORT BYor the shorthand  CLUSTER BYclauses is a way to exploit
--the parallelism of SORT BY, yet achieve a total ordering across the output files.
--this method is better than use order by (just one reducer);

--Queries that Sample Data

SELECT * from numbers TABLESAMPLE(BUCKET 3 OUT OF 10 ON rand()) s;
SELECT * FROM numbersflat TABLESAMPLE(0.1 PERCENT) s;--block sampling


CREATE INDEX employees_index
ON TABLE employees (country)
AS 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.index.compact.CompactIndexHandler'

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