UITextView in iOS7 has been really weird. As you type and are entering the last line of your UITextView, the scroll view doesn't scroll to the bottom like it should and it causes the text to be "clipped".

The problem is due to iOS 7. In the text view delegate, add this code:
- (void)textViewDidChange:(UITextView *)textView {
CGRect line = [textView caretRectForPosition:
CGFloat overflow = line.origin.y + line.size.height
- ( textView.contentOffset.y + textView.bounds.size.height
- textView.contentInset.bottom - textView.contentInset.top );
if ( overflow > 0 ) {
// We are at the bottom of the visible text and introduced a line feed, scroll down (iOS 7 does not do it)
// Scroll caret to visible area
CGPoint offset = textView.contentOffset;
offset.y += overflow + 7; // leave 7 pixels margin
// Cannot animate with setContentOffset:animated: or caret will not appear
[UIView animateWithDuration:.2 animations:^{
[textView setContentOffset:offset];

It worked.

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