[Node.js] Load balancing a Http server
Let's see how to do load balancing in Node.js.
Before we start with the solution, you can do a test to see the ability concurrent requests your current machine can handle.
This is our server.js:
const http = require('http');
const pid = process.pid;
// listen the mssage event on the global
// then do the computation
process.on('message', (msg) => {
const sum = longComputation();
}) http.createServer((req, res) => {
for (let i = ; i<1e7; i++); // simulate CPU work
res.end(`Handled by process ${pid}`)
}).listen(, () => {
console.log(`Started process ${pid}`);
Test 200 concurrent requests in 10 seconds.
ab -c200 -t10 http:localhost:/
For one single node server can handle 51 requsts / second:
Create cluster.js:
// Cluster.js
const cluster = require('cluster');
const os = require('os'); // For runing for the first time,
// Master worker will get started
// Then we can fork our new workers
if (cluster.isMaster) {
const cpus = os.cpus().length; console.log(`Forking for ${cpus} CPUs`);
for (let i = ; i < cpus; i++) {
} else {
For the first time Master worker is running, we just need to create as many workers as our cpus allows. Then next run, we just require our server.js; that's it! simple enough!
node cluster.js
When you refresh the page, you should be able to see, we are assigned to different worker.
Now, if we do the ab testing again:
ab -c200 -t10 http:localhost:/
The result is 181 requests/second!
Sometimes it would be ncessary to communcation between master worker and cluster wokers.
We can send information from master worker to each cluster worker:
const cluster = require('cluster');
const os = require('os'); // For runing for the first time,
// Master worker will get started
// Then we can fork our new workers
if (cluster.isMaster) {
const cpus = os.cpus().length; console.log(`Forking for ${cpus} CPUs`);
for (let i = ; i < cpus; i++) {
} console.dir(cluster.workers, {depth: });
Object.values(cluster.workers).forEach(worker => {
worker.send(`Hello Worker ${worker.id}`);
} else {
In the server.js, we can listen to the events:
const http = require('http');
const pid = process.pid;
// listen the mssage event on the global
// then do the computation
process.on('message', (msg) => {
const sum = longComputation();
}) http.createServer((req, res) => {
for (let i = ; i<1e7; i++); // simulate CPU work
res.end(`Handled by process ${pid}`)
}).listen(, () => {
console.log(`Started process ${pid}`);
}) process.on('message', msg => {
console.log(`Message from master: ${msg}`)
A one patical example would be count users with DB opreations;
// CLuster.js const cluster = require('cluster');
const os = require('os');
* Mock DB Call
const numberOfUsersDB = function() {
this.count = this.count || ;
this.count = this.count * this.count;
return this.count;
} // For runing for the first time,
// Master worker will get started
// Then we can fork our new workers
if (cluster.isMaster) {
const cpus = os.cpus().length; console.log(`Forking for ${cpus} CPUs`);
for (let i = ; i < cpus; i++) {
} const updateWorkers = () => {
const usersCount = numberOfUsersDB();
Object.values(cluster.workers).forEach(worker => {
} updateWorkers();
setInterval(updateWorkers, );
} else {
Here, we let master worker calculate the result, and every 10 seconds we send out the result to all cluster workers.
Then in the server.js, we just need to listen the request:
let usersCount;
http.createServer((req, res) => {
for (let i = ; i<1e7; i++); // simulate CPU work
res.write(`Users ${usersCount}`);
res.end(`Handled by process ${pid}`)
}).listen(, () => {
console.log(`Started process ${pid}`);
}) process.on('message', msg => {
usersCount = msg.usersCount;
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