错误:The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.

[2010-03-11 09:36:56 - HelloOPone] You must restart adb and Eclipse.

[2010-03-11 09:36:56 - HelloOPone] Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'D:\androidSDKAeclipse\android-sdk-windows-1.5_r2\platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed.

方法1:cmd中adb kill-server,然后adb  start-server 


cmd中adb  start-server 出现如下:

C:\Users\xxxx>adb nodaemon server
cannot bind 'tcp:5037'

原来adb server 端口绑定失败


C:\Users\xxxxxx>netstat -ano | findstr "5037"
  TCP              LISTENING       4236
  TCP        ESTABLISHED     4236
  TCP         ESTABLISHED     3840


至此问题没有完全解决,再次在cmd中adb start-server

出现:* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *

* daemon started successfully *


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