

英文原文:Deep Learning, NLP, and Representations



这篇文章中主要提到了单层神经网络,单词嵌入(word embeddings),表征这几个概念,结合具体的实例,写的是通俗易懂,在引用参考文献的位置都给出了对应的链接,一些参考文献中的工作还是挺有意思的。



关于表征representation,单词嵌入应该就算是一种吧,文中重点介绍了共同表征/共享嵌入(shared representation),将多个不同空间的嵌入信息映射到同一个空间,并介绍了两个很好的应用场景——双语单词嵌入和图像-文字嵌入。




整体来看,这篇文章更像是一篇不错的科普文章,个人认为读完之后还是有收获的,尤其是Word Embedding这个概念。




1:It’s true, essentially, because the hidden layer can be used as a lookup table.

2:word embeddings;

3:It seems natural for a network to make words with similar meanings have similar vectors.

4:You’ve seen all the words that you understand before, but you haven’t seen all the sentences that you understand before. So too with neural networks.

5:Word embeddings exhibit an even more remarkable property: analogies between words seem to be encoded in the difference vectors between words.

6:This general tactic – learning a good representation on a task A and then using it on a task B – is one of the major tricks in the Deep Learning toolbox. It goes by different names depending on the details: pretraining, transfer learning, and multi-task learning. One of the great strengths of this approach is that it allows the representation to learn from more than one kind of data.

There’s a counterpart to this trick. Instead of learning a way to represent one kind of data and using it to perform multiple kinds of tasks, we can learn a way to map multiple kinds of data into a single representation!

7:Shared Representations

(1)Bilingual Word Embeddings;

(2)Embed images and words in a single representation;

8:By merging sequences of words, A takes us from representing words to representing phrases or even representing whole sentences! And because we can merge together different numbers of words, we don’t have to have a fixed number of inputs.

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