Dungeon Master (广搜)
Is an escape possible? If yes, how long will it take?
L is the number of levels making up the dungeon.
R and C are the number of rows and columns making up the plan of each level.
Then there will follow L blocks of R lines each containing C characters. Each character describes one cell of the dungeon. A cell full of rock is indicated by a '#' and empty cells are represented by a '.'. Your starting position is indicated by 'S' and the exit by the letter 'E'. There's a single blank line after each level. Input is terminated by three zeroes for L, R and C.
Escaped in x minute(s).
where x is replaced by the shortest time it takes to escape.
If it is not possible to escape, print the line
Sample Input
- 3 4 5
- S....
- .###.
- .##..
- ###.#
- #####
- #####
- ##.##
- ##...
- #####
- #####
- #.###
- ####E
- 1 3 3
- S##
- #E#
- ###
- 0 0 0
Sample Output
- Escaped in 11 minute(s).
- Trapped!
- 用三维数组来存地图,然后用广度优先搜索即可。
- #include<cstdio>
- #include<queue>
- #include<cstring>
- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- char a[][][];
- int l,r,c;
- int next[][]={{,,},{-,,},{,,},{,-,},{,,},{,,-}};
- struct node
- {
- int x;
- int y;
- int z;
- int step;
- }s,e,now,net;
- int bfs()
- {
- queue<node> q;
- q.push(s);
- while(q.size())
- {
- now=q.front();
- if(now.x==e.x&&now.y==e.y&&now.z==e.z)
- return now.step;
- for(int i=;i<;i++)
- {
- net.x=now.x+next[i][];
- net.y=now.y+next[i][];
- net.z=now.z+next[i][];
- if(net.x>&&net.x<=l&&net.y>&&net.y<=r&&net.z>&&net.z<=c&&a[net.x][net.y][net.z]!='#')
- {
- a[net.x][net.y][net.z]='#';
- net.step=now.step+;
- q.push(net);
- }
- }
- q.pop();
- }
- return -;
- }
- int main()
- {
- while(~scanf("%d%d%d",&l,&r,&c))
- {
- if(l==&&r==&&c==)break;
- for(int i=;i<=l;i++)
- {
- for(int j=;j<=r;j++)
- {
- for(int k=;k<=c;k++)
- {
- scanf(" %c",&a[i][j][k]);
- if(a[i][j][k]=='S')
- {
- s.x=i;
- s.y=j;
- s.z=k;
- s.step=;
- }
- if(a[i][j][k]=='E')
- {
- e.x=i;
- e.y=j;
- e.z=k;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int ans=bfs();
- if(ans==-)printf("Trapped!\n");
- else printf("Escaped in %d minute(s).\n",ans);
- }
- return ;
- }
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