SmartSql = Dapper + MyBatis + Cache(Memory | Redis) + ZooKeeper + R/W Splitting + ......
- 拥抱 跨平台 DotNet Core,是时候了。
- 高性能、高生产力,超轻量级的ORM。156kb (Dapper:168kb)
So SmartSql
- TargetFrameworks: .NETFramework 4.6 & .NETStandard 2.0
- SmartSql = SmartSql = MyBatis + Cache(Memory | Redis) + ZooKeeper + R/W Splitting +Dynamic Repository + ......
- 1 ORM
- 1.1 Sync
- 1.2 Async
- 2 XmlConfig & XmlStatement -> Sql
- 2.1 SmartSqlMapConfig & SmartSqlMap (是的,你猜对了,和MyBatis一样,通过XML配置分离SQL。)
- 2.2 Config Hot Update ->ConfigWatcher & Reload (配置文件热更新:当你需要修改Sql的时候,直接修改SqlMap配置文件,保存即可。)
- 3 读写分离
- 3.1 读写分离
- 3.2 多读库 权重筛选 (配置多读库,根据读库权重选举读库)
- 4 日志
- 4.1 基于 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (当你需要跟踪调试的时候一切都是那么一目了然)
- 5 Dynamic Repository
- 5.1 SmartSql.DyRepository (解放你的双手,你来定义仓储接口,我来实现数据库访问)
- 6 查询缓存 (热数据缓存,一个配置轻松搞定)
- 6.1 SmartSql.Cache.Memory
- 6.1.1 Fifo
- 6.1.2 Lru
- 6.2 SmartSql.Cache.Redis
- 6.3 缓存事务一致性
- 6.1 SmartSql.Cache.Memory
- 7 分布式配置插件
- 7.1 IConfigLoader (配置文件加载器)
- 7.2 LocalFileConfigLoader (本地文件配置加载器)
- 7.2.1 Load SmartSqlMapSource Xml
- 7.3.1 Load SmartSqlMapSource Directory
- 7.3 SmartSql.ZooKeeperConfig (ZooKeeper 分布式配置文件加载器)
BenchmarkDotNet=v0.10.14, OS=Windows 10.0.17134
Intel Core i7-6700K CPU 4.00GHz (Skylake), 1 CPU, 8 logical and 4 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=2.1.201
[Host] : .NET Core 2.0.7 (CoreCLR 4.6.26328.01, CoreFX 4.6.26403.03), 64bit RyuJIT
DefaultJob : .NET Core 2.0.7 (CoreCLR 4.6.26328.01, CoreFX 4.6.26403.03), 64bit RyuJIT
ORM | Type | Method | Return | Mean | Error | StdDev | Rank | Gen 0 | Gen 1 | Gen 2 | Allocated |
Native | NativeBenchmarks | Query_GetValue_DbNull | IEnumerable`1 | 78.39 ms | 0.8935 ms | 0.7921 ms | 1 | 3000.0000 | 1125.0000 | 500.0000 | 15.97 MB |
SmartSql | SmartSqlBenchmarks | Query | IEnumerable`1 | 78.46 ms | 0.2402 ms | 0.1875 ms | 1 | 2312.5000 | 1000.0000 | 312.5000 | 12.92 MB |
SmartSqlDapper | SmartSqlDapperBenchmarks | Query | IEnumerable`1 | 78.65 ms | 1.2094 ms | 1.1312 ms | 1 | 3687.5000 | 1437.5000 | 687.5000 | 19.03 MB |
Native | NativeBenchmarks | Query_IsDBNull_GetValue | IEnumerable`1 | 78.84 ms | 0.8984 ms | 0.7502 ms | 1 | 2312.5000 | 1000.0000 | 312.5000 | 12.92 MB |
Dapper | DapperBenchmarks | Query | IEnumerable`1 | 79.00 ms | 1.0949 ms | 0.9706 ms | 1 | 3312.5000 | 1312.5000 | 625.0000 | 17.19 MB |
EF | EFBenchmarks | Query | IEnumerable`1 | 79.44 ms | 1.6880 ms | 1.5789 ms | 1 | 6250.0000 | - | - | 26.05 MB |
SqlSugar | SqlSugarBenchmarks | Query | IEnumerable`1 | 81.09 ms | 0.8718 ms | 0.7728 ms | 2 | 2187.5000 | 875.0000 | 250.0000 | 12.64 MB |
Chloe | ChloeBenchmarks | Query | IEnumerable`1 | 83.86 ms | 1.2714 ms | 1.1893 ms | 3 | 2250.0000 | 937.5000 | 312.5000 | 12.62 MB |
EF | EFBenchmarks | SqlQuery | IEnumerable`1 | 89.11 ms | 0.7562 ms | 0.6314 ms | 4 | 8187.5000 | 125.0000 | - | 33.68 MB |
EF | EFBenchmarks | Query_NoTracking | IEnumerable`1 | 93.13 ms | 0.8458 ms | 0.7912 ms | 5 | 5875.0000 | 2250.0000 | 1062.5000 | 29.71 MB |
EF | EFBenchmarks | SqlQuery_NoTracking | IEnumerable`1 | 106.89 ms | 1.0998 ms | 1.0288 ms | 6 | 7437.5000 | 2875.0000 | 1312.5000 | 37.34 MB |
Nuget Packages
Package | NuGet Stable | Downloads |
SmartSql | ||
SmartSql.TypeHandler | ||
SmartSql.DyRepository | ||
SmartSql.DIExtension | ||
SmartSql.Cache.Redis | ||
SmartSql.ZooKeeperConfig | ||
SmartSql.Options |
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