Given a sequence of integers as an array, determine whether it is possible to obtain a strictly increasing sequence by removing no more than one element from the array.


  • For sequence = [1, 3, 2, 1], the output should be
    almostIncreasingSequence(sequence) = false.

    There is no one element in this array that can be removed in order to get a strictly increasing sequence.

  • For sequence = [1, 3, 2], the output should be
    almostIncreasingSequence(sequence) = true.

    You can remove 3 from the array to get the strictly increasing sequence [1, 2]. Alternately, you can remove 2 to get the strictly increasing sequence [1, 3].


    • [execution time limit] 0.5 seconds (cpp)

    • [input] array.integer sequence

      Guaranteed constraints:
      2 ≤ sequence.length ≤ 105,
      -105 ≤ sequence[i] ≤ 105.

    • [output] boolean

      • Return true if it is possible to remove one element from the array in order to get a strictly increasing sequence, otherwise return false.


 import copy

 def isSequence(lst):
for i in range(len(lst)):
if lst.count(lst[i]) > 1: #如果列表中有重复的数字,返回False
return False
sort_lst = copy.copy(lst)
if lst == sort_lst:
return True
return False def almostIncreasingSequence(sequence):
if isSequence(sequence):
return True
i = 0
while i < len(sequence):
sequence_copy = copy.copy(sequence)
del sequence_copy[i] # 循环,一个一个删除,查看剩余序列是否严格递增有序
if isSequence(sequence_copy):
return True
i += 1 return False print(almostIncreasingSequence([1,2,1,2]))


 bool isSequence(vector<int> sequence)
for(auto e: sequence)
if(iset.size() != sequence.size()) //如果sequence中有重复元素,返回false
return false; vector<int>v = sequence; //如果sequence与排序后的v相等,则说明sequence是递增有序的
sort(v.begin(), v.end());
if(sequence == v)
return true;
return false; } bool almostIncreasingSequence(std::vector<int> sequence)
if (isSequence(sequence))
return true;
int i = ;
while (i < sequence.size())
vector<int> v = sequence;
v.erase(v.begin() + i);
return true;
return false;

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