public class StoreDataSetPaginator : DocumentPaginator
private DataTable dt; // Could be wrapped with public properties that call PaginateData() when set.
private Typeface typeface;
private double fontSize;
private double margin; public StoreDataSetPaginator(DataTable dt, Typeface typeface, double fontSize, double margin, Size pageSize)
this.dt = dt;
this.typeface = typeface;
this.fontSize = fontSize;
this.margin = margin;
this.pageSize = pageSize;
public override bool IsPageCountValid
get { return true; }
} private int pageCount;
public override int PageCount
get { return pageCount; }
} private Size pageSize;
public override Size PageSize
return pageSize;
pageSize = value;
} public override IDocumentPaginatorSource Source
get { return null; }
} // This helper method splits the data into pages.
// In some cases you'll need to store objects representing the per-page data.
// Here, a rowsPerPage value is enough becuase every page is the same.
private int rowsPerPage; /// <summary>
/// 计算页数
/// </summary>
private void PaginateData()
// Create a test string for the purposes of measurement.
FormattedText text = GetFormattedText("A"); // Count the lines that fit on a page.
rowsPerPage = (int)((pageSize.Height - margin * ) / text.Height); // Leave a row for the headings
rowsPerPage -= ; pageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)dt.Rows.Count / rowsPerPage);
} public override DocumentPage GetPage(int pageNumber)
// Create a test string for the purposes of measurement.
FormattedText text = GetFormattedText("A");
// Size columns relative to the width of one "A" letter.
// It's a shortcut that works in this example.
double col1_X = margin;
double col2_X = col1_X + text.Width * ; // Calculate the range of rows that fits on this page.
int minRow = pageNumber * rowsPerPage;
int maxRow = minRow + rowsPerPage; // Create the visual for the page.
DrawingVisual visual = new DrawingVisual(); // Initially, set the position to the top-left corner of the printable area.
Point point = new Point(margin, margin); // Print the column values.
using (DrawingContext dc = visual.RenderOpen())
// Draw the column headers.
Typeface columnHeaderTypeface = new Typeface(typeface.FontFamily, FontStyles.Normal, FontWeights.Bold, FontStretches.Normal);
point.X = col1_X;
text = GetFormattedText("Model Number", columnHeaderTypeface);
dc.DrawText(text, point);
text = GetFormattedText("Model Name", columnHeaderTypeface);
point.X = col2_X;
dc.DrawText(text, point); // Draw the line underneath.
dc.DrawLine(new Pen(Brushes.Black, ),
new Point(margin, margin + text.Height),
new Point(pageSize.Width - margin, margin + text.Height)); point.Y += text.Height; // Draw the column values.
for (int i = minRow; i < maxRow; i++)
// Check for the end of the last (half-filled) page.
if (i > (dt.Rows.Count - )) break; point.X = col1_X;
text = GetFormattedText(dt.Rows[i]["ModelNumber"].ToString());
dc.DrawText(text, point); // Add second column.
text = GetFormattedText(dt.Rows[i]["ModelName"].ToString());
point.X = col2_X;
dc.DrawText(text, point);
point.Y += text.Height;
return new DocumentPage(visual, pageSize, new Rect(pageSize), new Rect(pageSize));
} private FormattedText GetFormattedText(string text)
return GetFormattedText(text, typeface);
} private FormattedText GetFormattedText(string text, Typeface typeface)
return new FormattedText(
text, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
typeface, fontSize, Brushes.Black);
} }

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