




  1. The input and output program mean the same thing.
  2. The output is executable in a context we care about.


不可变数据结构(persistent data structure)

例1: 下图是两个列表在内存中的表示:

xs = [0, 1, 2]
ys = [3, 4, 5]

zs = xs ++ ys


例2: 假设下面的数据代表下图的二叉搜索树

xs = [a, b, c, d, f, g, h]

ys = insert ("e", xs)




brew install ocaml opam
opam init
opam install extlib ounit

1.Implement fibonacci as an OCaml function that takes an integer n and returns the nth fibonacci number. Write out the evaluation of (fibonacci 3) in substitution style.

  • 递归计算fibonacci数列
let rec fibonacci (n : int) : int =
if n <= 2 then 1
else (fibonacci (n - 1)) + (fibonacci (n - 2));;
  • The evaluation of (fibonacci 3) in substitution style is :

=> (if 3 <= 2 then 1 else (fibonacci (3 - 1)) + (fibonacci (3 - 2)))

=> (if false then 1 else (fibonacci (3 - 1)) + (fibonacci (3 - 2)))

=> ((fibonacci (3 - 1)) + (fibonacci (3 - 2)))

=> ((fibonacci 2) + (fibonacci (3 - 2)))

=> ...

=> (1 + (fibonacci (3 - 2)))

=> (1 + (fibonacci 1))

=> ...

=> (1 + 1)

=> 2

2.Write tests for max and fibonacci using t_int.

  • 测试用例
(* a helper for testing integers *)
let t_int name value expected = name>::
(fun _ -> assert_equal expected value ~printer:string_of_int);; let max_test = t_int "" (max 4 5) 5;;
let fibonacci_test = t_int "fibonacci_test" (fibonacci 10) 55;; let suite = "suite">:::[max_test; fibonacci_test;];;
run_test_tt_main suite
  • >:: is a function that creates a TestLabel for a TestCase

val (>:

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