应用 XAF 开发移动手机应用
应用 XAF 开发移动手机应用:
1、 How to create a native mobile or lightweight web client UI based on the existing XAF application database, data model and logic?
2、客户端 Decide what you would use for the client UI part, e.g. DevExtreme, Xamarin, DataExplorer or other tools.
For instance, the documentation for creating and customizing mobile apps with DevExtreme is available here: http://js.devexpress.com/Documentation/Overview/
eXpress Persistent Objects > Design-Time Features > OData Service Wizard
How do I create OData V4 endpoint using ASP.NET Web API and XPO data model?
Create an OData v4 Endpoint Using ASP.NET Web API 2.2 + Entity Framework
3、登录验证、权限: Implement authentication, authorization and other business logic in your client and server applications.
See the following help links for more details:
Login page - How to implement application security with DevExtreme
eXpressApp Framework > Concepts > Data Manipulation and Business Logic > Access XAF Application Data in a non-XAF Application
eXpressApp Framework > Task-Based Help > How to: Use the Integrated Mode of the Security System in Non-XAF Applications
Tutorial: Web app with a multi-tenant database using Entity Framework and Row-Level Security
Access the Security System in Code
How to deploy the OData security service in the Cloud for further use by a mobile DevExtreme client
4、Q: How is the backend application service built?
A: The new XAF mobile application project automatically created from the XAF Solution Wizard in Visual Studio contains three main classes:
1. YourSolutionNameDataServiceMobileApplication (MobileApplication.cs) - this class derives from the new MobileApplication class similarly to WinApplication or WebApplication in appropriate platforms. An instance of YourSolutionNameDataServiceMobileApplication is created for each request from the client application.
2. DataService (DataService.svc) - this is the backend service for mobile applications used to serve requests, manage security and execute actions. Technically, it is a regular OData service (WCF Data Services 5.0) based on XPO OData V3 provider , XPO being the only currently supported ORM (Entity Framework support is coming later).
3. MetadataService (MetadataService.svc) - this service supplies mobile application configuration data to a separate device simulator service.
4. Simulator (Index.html and player.html) - technically this is a web page that contains a client "player" script that queries the aforementioned backend data and UI metadata services and generates the actual HTML5/JS UI inside the web browser. This player script also gets redistributed to the actual mobile device when a native package is installed. The simulator is automatically opened in the web browser when you make a YourSolutionName.Mobile project as startup in Solution Explorer and start debugging (F5). Note that currently this simulator downloads some resources from Azure and thus requires Internet connection.
NOTE: Starting with v16.1.6+, the Simulator files were removed from the mobile project. All the resources are obtained from an assembly automatically and there is also an HTTP handler that handles a virtual URL like http://localhost:51985/Static/ in the web browser.
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