There was another life that I might have had, but I am having this one.


Be responsible for our own choices.

Once maken, please try to make the choices as right as we had expected by our accomplishments.

Live every moment as it would be the last time we live in the world.

Remember there would be tomorrow for us to make up for an oversight, and there would be no chance to make everything right.

Don't regret for the past, don't expect too much about tomorrow, be sure to live in today.

Whatever you are, be a good one.


From Abraham LIncoln.

If you get the apprasal of being a good man, be careful about the implications of that remark.

Maybe the girl meant to say that you are a good man, but I am not suitable for you.

If you think it is, it is.

Several days ago, I wrote that it isn't important to be good or bad, it is of great importance to be capable of doing those good or evil things that can affect others, of course, the more powerful your influences are, the better.

Otherwise your kindness would get nothing but some worthless praises, that is, there is no one caring about whether you are good or not.

Actually in most cases we treat others kindly just because we think we have to follow our conscience and do what we think as right.

That's all.

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