培训系列5--spark 的 RDD 的 reduce方法使用


val collegesRdd= sc.textFile("/user/hdfs/CollegeNavigator.csv")
val header= collegesRdd.first

val headerlessRdd= collegesRdd.filter( line=>{ line!= header } )


val countStuMap= headerlessRdd.map(line=>{
val strCount=line.split("\",\"")(7)
if (strCount.length()>0) strCount.toInt
else 0


在map函数里面增加if else语句主要是数据中“”的空字符串,如果直接转换int会报错

3.写r求学生总数的reduce rdd

val totalcount=countStuMap.reduce((stuCount1,stuCount2)=>stuCount1+stuCount2)



scala> header
res12: String = "Name","Address","Website","Type","Awards offered","Campus setting","Campus housing","Student population","Undergraduate students","Graduation Rate","Transfer-Out Rate","Cohort Year *","Net Price **","Largest Program","IPEDS ID","OPE ID"

scala> val typeMap= headerlessRdd.map(line=>{
| val strtype=line.split("\",\"")(3)
| strtype
| })
typeMap: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = MapPartitionsRDD[13] at map at <console>:30

scala> typeMap.count
res13: Long = 503

scala> typeMap.distinct.count
res14: Long = 5



求学校总数,可以通过headerlessRdd.count来获得,也可以用map reduce来做,map和reduce可以连写,

val collegeCount=headerlessRdd.map(line=>1).reduce((line1,line2)=>line1+line2)



主要是由于计算totalcount的时候使用了int类型,int类型的最大值是有限的,实际计算中要把toInt  最好换成 toLong

if (strCount.length()>0) strCount.toLong
else 0

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