In designing websites today, one of the must have frameworks is the twitter bootstrap. To those who do not have an exact idea about the benefit of this framework, but are familiar with the social media account – twitter, it has nothing to do with the boot laces. It usually contains non-responsive and responsive grid layouts, JavaScript, components, and base CSS. It allows development of website in a quick and easy manner since this is a collected elements of CSS and JavaScript. Included here is Grid system which is made in placing content on the site while CSS is for scaffolding.

In fact, some of the novice users of these twitter bootstrap templates affirmed that you could experiment and test them to see exactly if there are issues or concerns that might manifest along the way. Indeed it saves time, and it’s totally reusable especially if you are just starting out of scratch. Some of the built-in features of most of the twitter bootstrap are its typography, fluid grid layout, custom form elements, cross-browser compatibility, and responsive design. Its bootstrap element is really quick especially if you have problems with the website’s budget, you just have to check out the available templates where you can edit or make some few changes.

Here is collection of Top 10 Bootstrap Admin Themes & Templates :

1) Adminica | The Professional Admin Template :

Adminica now comes with a separate Bootstrap template. This is a standalone version, geared at getting your Bootstrap web application up and running and looking great from the beginning.

2) Unicorn – Admin Template :

Unicorn Admin is a fully responsive admin template that can be used for any backed applications. Doesn’t matter where you open the template: on phone, tablet or desktop, Unicorn Admin perfectly suit for any device width. Now compatible with Bootstrap 2.2.x!

3) Gebo Admin Responsive Template :

Gebo Admin is full featured, two column responsive template based on Bootstrap Framework from Twitter. It has lots of js plugins: charts, filterable/searchable list, calendar, multiselect, location finder, file manager, gallery grid, datatables, sticky messages, WYSIWG editor and many more.

4) Aquincum – Premium Responsive Admin Template :

Aquincum – a new premium admin skin with lots of custom elements, 35+ plugins and very flexible content structure. It has 3 columns liquid structure with 3 level navigation and 2 level sidebar. Available 10 main backgrounds, compatible with Bootstrap 2.0.x and latest jquery versions. Integrated bootstrap plugins add an extra easy to use components to custom stuff like buttons, dropdown menus, different button sizes and many other features. Aquincum is a responsive template, which means it is compatible with mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad. 12 columns grid for main content and widgets makes the whole template very flexible for different type of data and content.

5) MWS Admin – Full Featured Admin Template :

MWS Admin has been updated! The new version is v2.1, this version adds some new features and plugin, fixes lots of bugs and tidy up lots of form hassles.

6) Base Admin :

Powerful bootstrap framework responsive bootstrap admin template.

7) Supr – Responsive Admin Template :

Supr is a full admin skin based on popular Twitter Bootstrap framework. This template is designed to help you build the site administration without losing valuable time.Template contains all the important functions which must have one backend system.

Template looks good in any device.

8) Plastique Admin Theme :

Admin Bootstrap Themes built with middleman,ERB Templates, Full static html site included and compatible with Bootstrap.

9) Chromatron HTML5 Admin Backend :

Chromatron is a simple and professional HTML5 template for your backend administration or user interface, both for desktop and mobile. Built on latest Twitter Bootstrap and powered with LESS, Chromatron will save you hours in developing your project. Template is available in 4 default colors and packed with basic and popular user interface elements and widgets. ( Build On Twitter Bootstrap)

10) Start – Metro UI Responsive Admin Template :

Start is a new responsive admin template based on latest Windows 8 interface. This one, called Metro UI, has its roots in the design principles of classic Swiss graphic design – minimal, bold, high contrast and flat colors are some of its great features.
Start is the starting point for your next web application. It`s suitable for any user interface or administration panel, for any devices – from desktop to mobile devices. Start using now and be what`s next for the future of web applications!
Start admin template will save you a lot of time in your development process. Build on famous Twitter Bootstrap framework and updated for using Sass (CSS preprocessor).

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