
To uninstall RabbitMQ and Erlang from the machine completely, do the following:

Open the Windows Control Panel.
Double-click Programs and Features.
In the list of currently installed programs, right-click RabbitMQ Server, and then click Uninstall.
In the list of currently installed programs, right-click Erlang OTP, and then click Uninstall.
Open the Windows Task Manager.
In the Task Manager, look for the process epmd.exe. If this process is still running, right-click it and then click End Process.
Delete all the installation directories for both RabbitMQ and Erlang.
Delete the file C:\Windows\.erlang.cookie (if present).
Go to the User folder: C:\Users\[username], and then delete the file .erlang.cookie.   删除
Also in the User folder, go to AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ.     输入%appdata%\Rabbitmq 找到配置文件删除
Backup the Log folder to a secure location, and then delete the folder.

     3、在当前安装的程序列表中,右键单击RabbitMQ Server,然后单击“卸载”。
     4、在当前安装的程序列表中,右键单击“Erlang OTP”,然后单击“卸载”。
     6、在任务管理器中,查找进程epmd.exe。 如果此进程仍在运行,请右键单击该进程,然后单击“结束进程”。
     8、删除文件C:\ Windows \ .erlang.cookie(如果存在)。
     9、转到用户文件夹:C:\ Users \ [username],然后删除文件.erlang.cookie。删除
     10、同样在User文件夹中,转到AppData \ Roaming \ RabbitMQ。 输入%appdata%\ Rabbitmq找到配置文件删除


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