

http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream; #log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
# '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
# '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'; #access_log logs/access.log main; sendfile on;
#tcp_nopush on; #keepalive_timeout 0;
keepalive_timeout 65; #gzip on; upstream backend { //配置后端机器
} server {
listen 8099;
upstream backend {
....... # pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on
location ~ \.php$ {
root html;
fastcgi_pass backend; //指定到后端机器
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /scripts$fastcgi_script_name;
include fastcgi_params;
} ...............

2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 http upstream request: "/aa.php?"
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 http upstream process header
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 malloc: 0000000006717E30:4096
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 recv: fd:4 0 of 4096
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [error] 24481#0: *66 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /aa.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: ""
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 http next upstream, 2
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 free rr peer 2 4
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [warn] 24481#0: *66 upstream server temporarily disabled while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /aa.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: ""
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 free rr peer failed: 0000000006738850 0
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 close http upstream connection: 4
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 free: 00000000066F71D0, unused: 48
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 event timer del: 4: 1507691601518
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 reusable connection: 0
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 get rr peer, try: 1
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 get rr peer, current: 00000000067388F8 0
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 stream socket 4
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 epoll add connection: fd:4 ev:80000005
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 connect to, fd:4 #68
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 http upstream connect: -2
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 posix_memalign: 00000000066F71D0:128 @16
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 event timer add: 4: 60000:1507691601519
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: epoll: stale event 00002AD1E49F92B0
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: timer delta: 1
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: worker cycle
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: epoll timer: 60000
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: epoll: fd:4 ev:0019 d:00002AD1E49F92B1
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: epoll_wait() error on fd:4 ev:0019
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 http upstream request: "/aa.php?"
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 http upstream process header
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [error] 24481#0: *66 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /aa.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: ""
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 http next upstream, 2
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 free rr peer 1 4
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [warn] 24481#0: *66 upstream server temporarily disabled while connecting to upstream, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /aa.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: ""
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 free rr peer failed: 00000000067388F8 0
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 finalize http upstream request: 502
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 finalize http fastcgi request
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 close http upstream connection: 4
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 free: 00000000066F71D0, unused: 48
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 event timer del: 4: 1507691601519
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 reusable connection: 0
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 http finalize request: 502, "/aa.php?" a:1, c:1
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 http special response: 502, "/aa.php?"
2017/10/11 11:12:21 [debug] 24481#0: *66 internal redirect: "/50x.html?"

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