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  1. [
  2. {
  3. "isleader": 0,
  4. "core_user_id": "",
  5. "name": "摩贝(上海)生物科技有限公司",
  6. "pId": 0,
  7. "id": 1,
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  9. "open": true
  10. },
  11. {
  12. "isleader": 1,
  13. "core_user_id": "",
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  16. "id": 2,
  17. "ispost": 1,
  18. "open": true
  19. },
  20. {
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  25. "id": 5,
  26. "ispost": 1,
  27. "open": false
  28. },
  29. {
  30. "isleader": 0,
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  34. "id": 6,
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  36. "open": false
  37. },
  38. {
  39. "isleader": 0,
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  43. "id": 9,
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  45. "open": false
  46. },
  47. {
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  54. "open": false
  55. },
  56. {
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  65. },
  66. {
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  75. },
  76. {
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  84. },
  85. {
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  93. },
  94. {
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  102. },
  103. {
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  111. },
  112. {
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  120. },
  121. {
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  129. },
  130. {
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  138. },
  139. {
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  147. },
  148. {
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  156. },
  157. {
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  165. },
  166. {
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  184. {
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  193. },
  194. {
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  203. {
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  230. {
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  240. {
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  257. },
  258. {
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  304. {
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  651. {
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  670. {
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  678. },
  679. {
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  686. "open": false
  687. },
  688. {
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  692. "pId": 99,
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  696. },
  697. {
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  705. },
  706. {
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  711. "id": 102,
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  713. "open": false
  714. },
  715. {
  716. "isleader": 0,
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  720. "id": 104,
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  723. },
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  2. zTree Style
  4. version: 3.4
  5. author: Hunter.z
  6. email: hunter.z@263.net
  7. website: http://code.google.com/p/jquerytree/
  9. -------------------------------------*/
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  78. *���Ӹ�����ͼ��
  79. **/
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  1. /*
  2. * JQuery zTree core v3.5.19.1
  3. * http://zTree.me/
  4. *
  5. * Copyright (c) 2010 Hunter.z
  6. *
  7. * Licensed same as jquery - MIT License
  8. * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
  9. *
  10. * email: hunter.z@263.net
  11. * Date: 2015-10-26
  12. */
  13. (function($){
  14. var settings = {}, roots = {}, caches = {},
  15. //default consts of core
  16. _consts = {
  17. className: {
  18. BUTTON: "button",
  19. LEVEL: "level",
  20. ICO_LOADING: "ico_loading",
  21. SWITCH: "switch"
  22. },
  23. event: {
  24. NODECREATED: "ztree_nodeCreated",
  25. CLICK: "ztree_click",
  26. EXPAND: "ztree_expand",
  27. COLLAPSE: "ztree_collapse",
  28. ASYNC_SUCCESS: "ztree_async_success",
  29. ASYNC_ERROR: "ztree_async_error",
  30. REMOVE: "ztree_remove",
  31. SELECTED: "ztree_selected",
  32. UNSELECTED: "ztree_unselected"
  33. },
  34. id: {
  35. A: "_a",
  36. ICON: "_ico",
  37. SPAN: "_span",
  38. SWITCH: "_switch",
  39. UL: "_ul"
  40. },
  41. line: {
  42. ROOT: "root",
  43. ROOTS: "roots",
  44. CENTER: "center",
  45. BOTTOM: "bottom",
  46. NOLINE: "noline",
  47. LINE: "line"
  48. },
  49. folder: {
  50. OPEN: "open",
  51. CLOSE: "close",
  52. DOCU: "docu"
  53. },
  54. node: {
  55. CURSELECTED: "curSelectedNode"
  56. }
  57. },
  58. //default setting of core
  59. _setting = {
  60. treeId: "",
  61. treeObj: null,
  62. view: {
  63. addDiyDom: null,
  64. autoCancelSelected: true,
  65. dblClickExpand: true,
  66. expandSpeed: "fast",
  67. fontCss: {},
  68. nameIsHTML: false,
  69. selectedMulti: true,
  70. showIcon: true,
  71. showLine: true,
  72. showTitle: true,
  73. txtSelectedEnable: false
  74. },
  75. data: {
  76. key: {
  77. children: "children",
  78. name: "name",
  79. title: "",
  80. url: "url",
  81. icon: "icon"
  82. },
  83. simpleData: {
  84. enable: false,
  85. idKey: "id",
  86. pIdKey: "pId",
  87. rootPId: null
  88. },
  89. keep: {
  90. parent: false,
  91. leaf: false
  92. }
  93. },
  94. async: {
  95. enable: false,
  96. contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
  97. type: "post",
  98. dataType: "text",
  99. url: "",
  100. autoParam: [],
  101. otherParam: [],
  102. dataFilter: null
  103. },
  104. callback: {
  105. beforeAsync:null,
  106. beforeClick:null,
  107. beforeDblClick:null,
  108. beforeRightClick:null,
  109. beforeMouseDown:null,
  110. beforeMouseUp:null,
  111. beforeExpand:null,
  112. beforeCollapse:null,
  113. beforeRemove:null,
  115. onAsyncError:null,
  116. onAsyncSuccess:null,
  117. onNodeCreated:null,
  118. onClick:null,
  119. onDblClick:null,
  120. onRightClick:null,
  121. onMouseDown:null,
  122. onMouseUp:null,
  123. onExpand:null,
  124. onCollapse:null,
  125. onRemove:null
  126. }
  127. },
  128. //default root of core
  129. //zTree use root to save full data
  130. _initRoot = function (setting) {
  131. var r = data.getRoot(setting);
  132. if (!r) {
  133. r = {};
  134. data.setRoot(setting, r);
  135. }
  136. r[setting.data.key.children] = [];
  137. r.expandTriggerFlag = false;
  138. r.curSelectedList = [];
  139. r.noSelection = true;
  140. r.createdNodes = [];
  141. r.zId = 0;
  142. r._ver = (new Date()).getTime();
  143. },
  144. //default cache of core
  145. _initCache = function(setting) {
  146. var c = data.getCache(setting);
  147. if (!c) {
  148. c = {};
  149. data.setCache(setting, c);
  150. }
  151. c.nodes = [];
  152. c.doms = [];
  153. },
  154. //default bindEvent of core
  155. _bindEvent = function(setting) {
  156. var o = setting.treeObj,
  157. c = consts.event;
  158. o.bind(c.NODECREATED, function (event, treeId, node) {
  159. tools.apply(setting.callback.onNodeCreated, [event, treeId, node]);
  160. });
  162. o.bind(c.CLICK, function (event, srcEvent, treeId, node, clickFlag) {
  163. tools.apply(setting.callback.onClick, [srcEvent, treeId, node, clickFlag]);
  164. });
  166. o.bind(c.EXPAND, function (event, treeId, node) {
  167. tools.apply(setting.callback.onExpand, [event, treeId, node]);
  168. });
  170. o.bind(c.COLLAPSE, function (event, treeId, node) {
  171. tools.apply(setting.callback.onCollapse, [event, treeId, node]);
  172. });
  174. o.bind(c.ASYNC_SUCCESS, function (event, treeId, node, msg) {
  175. tools.apply(setting.callback.onAsyncSuccess, [event, treeId, node, msg]);
  176. });
  178. o.bind(c.ASYNC_ERROR, function (event, treeId, node, XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  179. tools.apply(setting.callback.onAsyncError, [event, treeId, node, XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown]);
  180. });
  182. o.bind(c.REMOVE, function (event, treeId, treeNode) {
  183. tools.apply(setting.callback.onRemove, [event, treeId, treeNode]);
  184. });
  186. o.bind(c.SELECTED, function (event, treeId, node) {
  187. tools.apply(setting.callback.onSelected, [treeId, node]);
  188. });
  189. o.bind(c.UNSELECTED, function (event, treeId, node) {
  190. tools.apply(setting.callback.onUnSelected, [treeId, node]);
  191. });
  192. },
  193. _unbindEvent = function(setting) {
  194. var o = setting.treeObj,
  195. c = consts.event;
  196. o.unbind(c.NODECREATED)
  197. .unbind(c.CLICK)
  198. .unbind(c.EXPAND)
  199. .unbind(c.COLLAPSE)
  200. .unbind(c.ASYNC_SUCCESS)
  201. .unbind(c.ASYNC_ERROR)
  202. .unbind(c.REMOVE)
  203. .unbind(c.SELECTED)
  204. .unbind(c.UNSELECTED);
  205. },
  206. //default event proxy of core
  207. _eventProxy = function(event) {
  208. var target = event.target,
  209. setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId),
  210. tId = "", node = null,
  211. nodeEventType = "", treeEventType = "",
  212. nodeEventCallback = null, treeEventCallback = null,
  213. tmp = null;
  215. if (tools.eqs(event.type, "mousedown")) {
  216. treeEventType = "mousedown";
  217. } else if (tools.eqs(event.type, "mouseup")) {
  218. treeEventType = "mouseup";
  219. } else if (tools.eqs(event.type, "contextmenu")) {
  220. treeEventType = "contextmenu";
  221. } else if (tools.eqs(event.type, "click")) {
  222. if (tools.eqs(target.tagName, "span") && target.getAttribute("treeNode"+ consts.id.SWITCH) !== null) {
  223. tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(target).id;
  224. nodeEventType = "switchNode";
  225. } else {
  226. tmp = tools.getMDom(setting, target, [{tagName:"a", attrName:"treeNode"+consts.id.A}]);
  227. if (tmp) {
  228. tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(tmp).id;
  229. nodeEventType = "clickNode";
  230. }
  231. }
  232. } else if (tools.eqs(event.type, "dblclick")) {
  233. treeEventType = "dblclick";
  234. tmp = tools.getMDom(setting, target, [{tagName:"a", attrName:"treeNode"+consts.id.A}]);
  235. if (tmp) {
  236. tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(tmp).id;
  237. nodeEventType = "switchNode";
  238. }
  239. }
  240. if (treeEventType.length > 0 && tId.length == 0) {
  241. tmp = tools.getMDom(setting, target, [{tagName:"a", attrName:"treeNode"+consts.id.A}]);
  242. if (tmp) {tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(tmp).id;}
  243. }
  244. // event to node
  245. if (tId.length>0) {
  246. node = data.getNodeCache(setting, tId);
  247. switch (nodeEventType) {
  248. case "switchNode" :
  249. if (!node.isParent) {
  250. nodeEventType = "";
  251. } else if (tools.eqs(event.type, "click")
  252. || (tools.eqs(event.type, "dblclick") && tools.apply(setting.view.dblClickExpand, [setting.treeId, node], setting.view.dblClickExpand))) {
  253. nodeEventCallback = handler.onSwitchNode;
  254. } else {
  255. nodeEventType = "";
  256. }
  257. break;
  258. case "clickNode" :
  259. nodeEventCallback = handler.onClickNode;
  260. break;
  261. }
  262. }
  263. // event to zTree
  264. switch (treeEventType) {
  265. case "mousedown" :
  266. treeEventCallback = handler.onZTreeMousedown;
  267. break;
  268. case "mouseup" :
  269. treeEventCallback = handler.onZTreeMouseup;
  270. break;
  271. case "dblclick" :
  272. treeEventCallback = handler.onZTreeDblclick;
  273. break;
  274. case "contextmenu" :
  275. treeEventCallback = handler.onZTreeContextmenu;
  276. break;
  277. }
  278. var proxyResult = {
  279. stop: false,
  280. node: node,
  281. nodeEventType: nodeEventType,
  282. nodeEventCallback: nodeEventCallback,
  283. treeEventType: treeEventType,
  284. treeEventCallback: treeEventCallback
  285. };
  286. return proxyResult
  287. },
  288. //default init node of core
  289. _initNode = function(setting, level, n, parentNode, isFirstNode, isLastNode, openFlag) {
  290. if (!n) return;
  291. var r = data.getRoot(setting),
  292. childKey = setting.data.key.children;
  293. n.level = level;
  294. n.tId = setting.treeId + "_" + (++r.zId);
  295. n.parentTId = parentNode ? parentNode.tId : null;
  296. n.open = (typeof n.open == "string") ? tools.eqs(n.open, "true") : !!n.open;
  297. if (n[childKey] && n[childKey].length > 0) {
  298. n.isParent = true;
  299. n.zAsync = true;
  300. } else {
  301. n.isParent = (typeof n.isParent == "string") ? tools.eqs(n.isParent, "true") : !!n.isParent;
  302. n.open = (n.isParent && !setting.async.enable) ? n.open : false;
  303. n.zAsync = !n.isParent;
  304. }
  305. n.isFirstNode = isFirstNode;
  306. n.isLastNode = isLastNode;
  307. n.getParentNode = function() {return data.getNodeCache(setting, n.parentTId);};
  308. n.getPreNode = function() {return data.getPreNode(setting, n);};
  309. n.getNextNode = function() {return data.getNextNode(setting, n);};
  310. n.getIndex = function() {return data.getNodeIndex(setting, n);};
  311. n.getPath = function() {return data.getNodePath(setting, n);};
  312. n.isAjaxing = false;
  313. data.fixPIdKeyValue(setting, n);
  314. },
  315. _init = {
  316. bind: [_bindEvent],
  317. unbind: [_unbindEvent],
  318. caches: [_initCache],
  319. nodes: [_initNode],
  320. proxys: [_eventProxy],
  321. roots: [_initRoot],
  322. beforeA: [],
  323. afterA: [],
  324. innerBeforeA: [],
  325. innerAfterA: [],
  326. zTreeTools: []
  327. },
  328. //method of operate data
  329. data = {
  330. addNodeCache: function(setting, node) {
  331. data.getCache(setting).nodes[data.getNodeCacheId(node.tId)] = node;
  332. },
  333. getNodeCacheId: function(tId) {
  334. return tId.substring(tId.lastIndexOf("_")+1);
  335. },
  336. addAfterA: function(afterA) {
  337. _init.afterA.push(afterA);
  338. },
  339. addBeforeA: function(beforeA) {
  340. _init.beforeA.push(beforeA);
  341. },
  342. addInnerAfterA: function(innerAfterA) {
  343. _init.innerAfterA.push(innerAfterA);
  344. },
  345. addInnerBeforeA: function(innerBeforeA) {
  346. _init.innerBeforeA.push(innerBeforeA);
  347. },
  348. addInitBind: function(bindEvent) {
  349. _init.bind.push(bindEvent);
  350. },
  351. addInitUnBind: function(unbindEvent) {
  352. _init.unbind.push(unbindEvent);
  353. },
  354. addInitCache: function(initCache) {
  355. _init.caches.push(initCache);
  356. },
  357. addInitNode: function(initNode) {
  358. _init.nodes.push(initNode);
  359. },
  360. addInitProxy: function(initProxy, isFirst) {
  361. if (!!isFirst) {
  362. _init.proxys.splice(0,0,initProxy);
  363. } else {
  364. _init.proxys.push(initProxy);
  365. }
  366. },
  367. addInitRoot: function(initRoot) {
  368. _init.roots.push(initRoot);
  369. },
  370. addNodesData: function(setting, parentNode, index, nodes) {
  371. var childKey = setting.data.key.children, params;
  372. if (!parentNode[childKey]) {
  373. parentNode[childKey] = [];
  374. index = -1;
  375. } else if (index >= parentNode[childKey].length) {
  376. index = -1;
  377. }
  379. if (parentNode[childKey].length > 0 && index === 0) {
  380. parentNode[childKey][0].isFirstNode = false;
  381. view.setNodeLineIcos(setting, parentNode[childKey][0]);
  382. } else if (parentNode[childKey].length > 0 && index < 0) {
  383. parentNode[childKey][parentNode[childKey].length - 1].isLastNode = false;
  384. view.setNodeLineIcos(setting, parentNode[childKey][parentNode[childKey].length - 1]);
  385. }
  386. parentNode.isParent = true;
  388. if (index<0) {
  389. parentNode[childKey] = parentNode[childKey].concat(nodes);
  390. } else {
  391. params = [index, 0].concat(nodes);
  392. parentNode[childKey].splice.apply(parentNode[childKey], params);
  393. }
  394. },
  395. addSelectedNode: function(setting, node) {
  396. var root = data.getRoot(setting);
  397. if (!data.isSelectedNode(setting, node)) {
  398. root.curSelectedList.push(node);
  399. }
  400. },
  401. addCreatedNode: function(setting, node) {
  402. if (!!setting.callback.onNodeCreated || !!setting.view.addDiyDom) {
  403. var root = data.getRoot(setting);
  404. root.createdNodes.push(node);
  405. }
  406. },
  407. addZTreeTools: function(zTreeTools) {
  408. _init.zTreeTools.push(zTreeTools);
  409. },
  410. exSetting: function(s) {
  411. $.extend(true, _setting, s);
  412. },
  413. fixPIdKeyValue: function(setting, node) {
  414. if (setting.data.simpleData.enable) {
  415. node[setting.data.simpleData.pIdKey] = node.parentTId ? node.getParentNode()[setting.data.simpleData.idKey] : setting.data.simpleData.rootPId;
  416. }
  417. },
  418. getAfterA: function(setting, node, array) {
  419. for (var i=0, j=_init.afterA.length; i<j; i++) {
  420. _init.afterA[i].apply(this, arguments);
  421. }
  422. },
  423. getBeforeA: function(setting, node, array) {
  424. for (var i=0, j=_init.beforeA.length; i<j; i++) {
  425. _init.beforeA[i].apply(this, arguments);
  426. }
  427. },
  428. getInnerAfterA: function(setting, node, array) {
  429. for (var i=0, j=_init.innerAfterA.length; i<j; i++) {
  430. _init.innerAfterA[i].apply(this, arguments);
  431. }
  432. },
  433. getInnerBeforeA: function(setting, node, array) {
  434. for (var i=0, j=_init.innerBeforeA.length; i<j; i++) {
  435. _init.innerBeforeA[i].apply(this, arguments);
  436. }
  437. },
  438. getCache: function(setting) {
  439. return caches[setting.treeId];
  440. },
  441. getNodeIndex: function(setting, node) {
  442. if (!node) return null;
  443. var childKey = setting.data.key.children,
  444. p = node.parentTId ? node.getParentNode() : data.getRoot(setting);
  445. for (var i=0, l=p[childKey].length-1; i<=l; i++) {
  446. if (p[childKey][i] === node) {
  447. return i;
  448. }
  449. }
  450. return -1;
  451. },
  452. getNextNode: function(setting, node) {
  453. if (!node) return null;
  454. var childKey = setting.data.key.children,
  455. p = node.parentTId ? node.getParentNode() : data.getRoot(setting);
  456. for (var i=0, l=p[childKey].length-1; i<=l; i++) {
  457. if (p[childKey][i] === node) {
  458. return (i==l ? null : p[childKey][i+1]);
  459. }
  460. }
  461. return null;
  462. },
  463. getNodeByParam: function(setting, nodes, key, value) {
  464. if (!nodes || !key) return null;
  465. var childKey = setting.data.key.children;
  466. for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
  467. if (nodes[i][key] == value) {
  468. return nodes[i];
  469. }
  470. var tmp = data.getNodeByParam(setting, nodes[i][childKey], key, value);
  471. if (tmp) return tmp;
  472. }
  473. return null;
  474. },
  475. getNodeCache: function(setting, tId) {
  476. if (!tId) return null;
  477. var n = caches[setting.treeId].nodes[data.getNodeCacheId(tId)];
  478. return n ? n : null;
  479. },
  480. getNodeName: function(setting, node) {
  481. var nameKey = setting.data.key.name;
  482. return "" + node[nameKey];
  483. },
  484. getNodePath: function(setting, node) {
  485. if (!node) return null;
  487. var path;
  488. if(node.parentTId) {
  489. path = node.getParentNode().getPath();
  490. } else {
  491. path = [];
  492. }
  494. if (path) {
  495. path.push(node);
  496. }
  498. return path;
  499. },
  500. getNodeTitle: function(setting, node) {
  501. var t = setting.data.key.title === "" ? setting.data.key.name : setting.data.key.title;
  502. return "" + node[t];
  503. },
  504. getNodes: function(setting) {
  505. return data.getRoot(setting)[setting.data.key.children];
  506. },
  507. getNodesByParam: function(setting, nodes, key, value) {
  508. if (!nodes || !key) return [];
  509. var childKey = setting.data.key.children,
  510. result = [];
  511. for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
  512. if (nodes[i][key] == value) {
  513. result.push(nodes[i]);
  514. }
  515. result = result.concat(data.getNodesByParam(setting, nodes[i][childKey], key, value));
  516. }
  517. return result;
  518. },
  519. getNodesByParamFuzzy: function(setting, nodes, key, value) {
  520. if (!nodes || !key) return [];
  521. var childKey = setting.data.key.children,
  522. result = [];
  523. value = value.toLowerCase();
  524. for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
  525. if (typeof nodes[i][key] == "string" && nodes[i][key].toLowerCase().indexOf(value)>-1) {
  526. result.push(nodes[i]);
  527. }
  528. result = result.concat(data.getNodesByParamFuzzy(setting, nodes[i][childKey], key, value));
  529. }
  530. return result;
  531. },
  532. getNodesByFilter: function(setting, nodes, filter, isSingle, invokeParam) {
  533. if (!nodes) return (isSingle ? null : []);
  534. var childKey = setting.data.key.children,
  535. result = isSingle ? null : [];
  536. for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
  537. if (tools.apply(filter, [nodes[i], invokeParam], false)) {
  538. if (isSingle) {return nodes[i];}
  539. result.push(nodes[i]);
  540. }
  541. var tmpResult = data.getNodesByFilter(setting, nodes[i][childKey], filter, isSingle, invokeParam);
  542. if (isSingle && !!tmpResult) {return tmpResult;}
  543. result = isSingle ? tmpResult : result.concat(tmpResult);
  544. }
  545. return result;
  546. },
  547. getPreNode: function(setting, node) {
  548. if (!node) return null;
  549. var childKey = setting.data.key.children,
  550. p = node.parentTId ? node.getParentNode() : data.getRoot(setting);
  551. for (var i=0, l=p[childKey].length; i<l; i++) {
  552. if (p[childKey][i] === node) {
  553. return (i==0 ? null : p[childKey][i-1]);
  554. }
  555. }
  556. return null;
  557. },
  558. getRoot: function(setting) {
  559. return setting ? roots[setting.treeId] : null;
  560. },
  561. getRoots: function() {
  562. return roots;
  563. },
  564. getSetting: function(treeId) {
  565. return settings[treeId];
  566. },
  567. getSettings: function() {
  568. return settings;
  569. },
  570. getZTreeTools: function(treeId) {
  571. var r = this.getRoot(this.getSetting(treeId));
  572. return r ? r.treeTools : null;
  573. },
  574. initCache: function(setting) {
  575. for (var i=0, j=_init.caches.length; i<j; i++) {
  576. _init.caches[i].apply(this, arguments);
  577. }
  578. },
  579. initNode: function(setting, level, node, parentNode, preNode, nextNode) {
  580. for (var i=0, j=_init.nodes.length; i<j; i++) {
  581. _init.nodes[i].apply(this, arguments);
  582. }
  583. },
  584. initRoot: function(setting) {
  585. for (var i=0, j=_init.roots.length; i<j; i++) {
  586. _init.roots[i].apply(this, arguments);
  587. }
  588. },
  589. isSelectedNode: function(setting, node) {
  590. var root = data.getRoot(setting);
  591. for (var i=0, j=root.curSelectedList.length; i<j; i++) {
  592. if(node === root.curSelectedList[i]) return true;
  593. }
  594. return false;
  595. },
  596. removeNodeCache: function(setting, node) {
  597. var childKey = setting.data.key.children;
  598. if (node[childKey]) {
  599. for (var i=0, l=node[childKey].length; i<l; i++) {
  600. arguments.callee(setting, node[childKey][i]);
  601. }
  602. }
  603. data.getCache(setting).nodes[data.getNodeCacheId(node.tId)] = null;
  604. },
  605. removeSelectedNode: function(setting, node) {
  606. var root = data.getRoot(setting);
  607. for (var i=0, j=root.curSelectedList.length; i<j; i++) {
  608. if(node === root.curSelectedList[i] || !data.getNodeCache(setting, root.curSelectedList[i].tId)) {
  609. root.curSelectedList.splice(i, 1);
  610. setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.UNSELECTED, [setting.treeId, node]);
  611. i--;j--;
  612. }
  613. }
  614. },
  615. setCache: function(setting, cache) {
  616. caches[setting.treeId] = cache;
  617. },
  618. setRoot: function(setting, root) {
  619. roots[setting.treeId] = root;
  620. },
  621. setZTreeTools: function(setting, zTreeTools) {
  622. for (var i=0, j=_init.zTreeTools.length; i<j; i++) {
  623. _init.zTreeTools[i].apply(this, arguments);
  624. }
  625. },
  626. transformToArrayFormat: function (setting, nodes) {
  627. if (!nodes) return [];
  628. var childKey = setting.data.key.children,
  629. r = [];
  630. if (tools.isArray(nodes)) {
  631. for (var i=0, l=nodes.length; i<l; i++) {
  632. r.push(nodes[i]);
  633. if (nodes[i][childKey])
  634. r = r.concat(data.transformToArrayFormat(setting, nodes[i][childKey]));
  635. }
  636. } else {
  637. r.push(nodes);
  638. if (nodes[childKey])
  639. r = r.concat(data.transformToArrayFormat(setting, nodes[childKey]));
  640. }
  641. return r;
  642. },
  643. transformTozTreeFormat: function(setting, sNodes) {
  644. var i,l,
  645. key = setting.data.simpleData.idKey,
  646. parentKey = setting.data.simpleData.pIdKey,
  647. childKey = setting.data.key.children;
  648. if (!key || key=="" || !sNodes) return [];
  650. if (tools.isArray(sNodes)) {
  651. var r = [];
  652. var tmpMap = [];
  653. for (i=0, l=sNodes.length; i<l; i++) {
  654. tmpMap[sNodes[i][key]] = sNodes[i];
  655. }
  656. for (i=0, l=sNodes.length; i<l; i++) {
  657. if (tmpMap[sNodes[i][parentKey]] && sNodes[i][key] != sNodes[i][parentKey]) {
  658. if (!tmpMap[sNodes[i][parentKey]][childKey])
  659. tmpMap[sNodes[i][parentKey]][childKey] = [];
  660. tmpMap[sNodes[i][parentKey]][childKey].push(sNodes[i]);
  661. } else {
  662. r.push(sNodes[i]);
  663. }
  664. }
  665. return r;
  666. }else {
  667. return [sNodes];
  668. }
  669. }
  670. },
  671. //method of event proxy
  672. event = {
  673. bindEvent: function(setting) {
  674. for (var i=0, j=_init.bind.length; i<j; i++) {
  675. _init.bind[i].apply(this, arguments);
  676. }
  677. },
  678. unbindEvent: function(setting) {
  679. for (var i=0, j=_init.unbind.length; i<j; i++) {
  680. _init.unbind[i].apply(this, arguments);
  681. }
  682. },
  683. bindTree: function(setting) {
  684. var eventParam = {
  685. treeId: setting.treeId
  686. },
  687. o = setting.treeObj;
  688. if (!setting.view.txtSelectedEnable) {
  689. // for can't select text
  690. o.bind('selectstart', handler.onSelectStart).css({
  691. "-moz-user-select":"-moz-none"
  692. });
  693. }
  694. o.bind('click', eventParam, event.proxy);
  695. o.bind('dblclick', eventParam, event.proxy);
  696. o.bind('mouseover', eventParam, event.proxy);
  697. o.bind('mouseout', eventParam, event.proxy);
  698. o.bind('mousedown', eventParam, event.proxy);
  699. o.bind('mouseup', eventParam, event.proxy);
  700. o.bind('contextmenu', eventParam, event.proxy);
  701. },
  702. unbindTree: function(setting) {
  703. var o = setting.treeObj;
  704. o.unbind('selectstart', handler.onSelectStart)
  705. .unbind('click', event.proxy)
  706. .unbind('dblclick', event.proxy)
  707. .unbind('mouseover', event.proxy)
  708. .unbind('mouseout', event.proxy)
  709. .unbind('mousedown', event.proxy)
  710. .unbind('mouseup', event.proxy)
  711. .unbind('contextmenu', event.proxy);
  712. },
  713. doProxy: function(e) {
  714. var results = [];
  715. for (var i=0, j=_init.proxys.length; i<j; i++) {
  716. var proxyResult = _init.proxys[i].apply(this, arguments);
  717. results.push(proxyResult);
  718. if (proxyResult.stop) {
  719. break;
  720. }
  721. }
  722. return results;
  723. },
  724. proxy: function(e) {
  725. var setting = data.getSetting(e.data.treeId);
  726. if (!tools.uCanDo(setting, e)) return true;
  727. var results = event.doProxy(e),
  728. r = true, x = false;
  729. for (var i=0, l=results.length; i<l; i++) {
  730. var proxyResult = results[i];
  731. if (proxyResult.nodeEventCallback) {
  732. x = true;
  733. r = proxyResult.nodeEventCallback.apply(proxyResult, [e, proxyResult.node]) && r;
  734. }
  735. if (proxyResult.treeEventCallback) {
  736. x = true;
  737. r = proxyResult.treeEventCallback.apply(proxyResult, [e, proxyResult.node]) && r;
  738. }
  739. }
  740. return r;
  741. }
  742. },
  743. //method of event handler
  744. handler = {
  745. onSwitchNode: function (event, node) {
  746. var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId);
  747. if (node.open) {
  748. if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeCollapse, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false) return true;
  749. data.getRoot(setting).expandTriggerFlag = true;
  750. view.switchNode(setting, node);
  751. } else {
  752. if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeExpand, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false) return true;
  753. data.getRoot(setting).expandTriggerFlag = true;
  754. view.switchNode(setting, node);
  755. }
  756. return true;
  757. },
  758. onClickNode: function (event, node) {
  759. var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId),
  760. clickFlag = ( (setting.view.autoCancelSelected && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)) && data.isSelectedNode(setting, node)) ? 0 : (setting.view.autoCancelSelected && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && setting.view.selectedMulti) ? 2 : 1;
  761. if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeClick, [setting.treeId, node, clickFlag], true) == false) return true;
  762. if (clickFlag === 0) {
  763. view.cancelPreSelectedNode(setting, node);
  764. } else {
  765. view.selectNode(setting, node, clickFlag === 2);
  766. }
  767. setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.CLICK, [event, setting.treeId, node, clickFlag]);
  768. return true;
  769. },
  770. onZTreeMousedown: function(event, node) {
  771. var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId);
  772. if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeMouseDown, [setting.treeId, node], true)) {
  773. tools.apply(setting.callback.onMouseDown, [event, setting.treeId, node]);
  774. }
  775. return true;
  776. },
  777. onZTreeMouseup: function(event, node) {
  778. var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId);
  779. if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeMouseUp, [setting.treeId, node], true)) {
  780. tools.apply(setting.callback.onMouseUp, [event, setting.treeId, node]);
  781. }
  782. return true;
  783. },
  784. onZTreeDblclick: function(event, node) {
  785. var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId);
  786. if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeDblClick, [setting.treeId, node], true)) {
  787. tools.apply(setting.callback.onDblClick, [event, setting.treeId, node]);
  788. }
  789. return true;
  790. },
  791. onZTreeContextmenu: function(event, node) {
  792. var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId);
  793. if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeRightClick, [setting.treeId, node], true)) {
  794. tools.apply(setting.callback.onRightClick, [event, setting.treeId, node]);
  795. }
  796. return (typeof setting.callback.onRightClick) != "function";
  797. },
  798. onSelectStart: function(e){
  799. var n = e.originalEvent.srcElement.nodeName.toLowerCase();
  800. return (n === "input" || n === "textarea" );
  801. }
  802. },
  803. //method of tools for zTree
  804. tools = {
  805. apply: function(fun, param, defaultValue) {
  806. if ((typeof fun) == "function") {
  807. return fun.apply(zt, param?param:[]);
  808. }
  809. return defaultValue;
  810. },
  811. canAsync: function(setting, node) {
  812. var childKey = setting.data.key.children;
  813. return (setting.async.enable && node && node.isParent && !(node.zAsync || (node[childKey] && node[childKey].length > 0)));
  814. },
  815. clone: function (obj){
  816. if (obj === null) return null;
  817. var o = tools.isArray(obj) ? [] : {};
  818. for(var i in obj){
  819. o[i] = (obj[i] instanceof Date) ? new Date(obj[i].getTime()) : (typeof obj[i] === "object" ? arguments.callee(obj[i]) : obj[i]);
  820. }
  821. return o;
  822. },
  823. eqs: function(str1, str2) {
  824. return str1.toLowerCase() === str2.toLowerCase();
  825. },
  826. isArray: function(arr) {
  827. return Object.prototype.toString.apply(arr) === "[object Array]";
  828. },
  829. $: function(node, exp, setting) {
  830. if (!!exp && typeof exp != "string") {
  831. setting = exp;
  832. exp = "";
  833. }
  834. if (typeof node == "string") {
  835. return $(node, setting ? setting.treeObj.get(0).ownerDocument : null);
  836. } else {
  837. return $("#" + node.tId + exp, setting ? setting.treeObj : null);
  838. }
  839. },
  840. getMDom: function (setting, curDom, targetExpr) {
  841. if (!curDom) return null;
  842. while (curDom && curDom.id !== setting.treeId) {
  843. for (var i=0, l=targetExpr.length; curDom.tagName && i<l; i++) {
  844. if (tools.eqs(curDom.tagName, targetExpr[i].tagName) && curDom.getAttribute(targetExpr[i].attrName) !== null) {
  845. return curDom;
  846. }
  847. }
  848. curDom = curDom.parentNode;
  849. }
  850. return null;
  851. },
  852. getNodeMainDom:function(target) {
  853. return ($(target).parent("li").get(0) || $(target).parentsUntil("li").parent().get(0));
  854. },
  855. isChildOrSelf: function(dom, parentId) {
  856. return ( $(dom).closest("#" + parentId).length> 0 );
  857. },
  858. uCanDo: function(setting, e) {
  859. return true;
  860. }
  861. },
  862. //method of operate ztree dom
  863. view = {
  864. addNodes: function(setting, parentNode, index, newNodes, isSilent) {
  865. if (setting.data.keep.leaf && parentNode && !parentNode.isParent) {
  866. return;
  867. }
  868. if (!tools.isArray(newNodes)) {
  869. newNodes = [newNodes];
  870. }
  871. if (setting.data.simpleData.enable) {
  872. newNodes = data.transformTozTreeFormat(setting, newNodes);
  873. }
  874. if (parentNode) {
  875. var target_switchObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.SWITCH, setting),
  876. target_icoObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.ICON, setting),
  877. target_ulObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.UL, setting);
  879. if (!parentNode.open) {
  880. view.replaceSwitchClass(parentNode, target_switchObj, consts.folder.CLOSE);
  881. view.replaceIcoClass(parentNode, target_icoObj, consts.folder.CLOSE);
  882. parentNode.open = false;
  883. target_ulObj.css({
  884. "display": "none"
  885. });
  886. }
  888. data.addNodesData(setting, parentNode, index, newNodes);
  889. view.createNodes(setting, parentNode.level + 1, newNodes, parentNode, index);
  890. if (!isSilent) {
  891. view.expandCollapseParentNode(setting, parentNode, true);
  892. }
  893. } else {
  894. data.addNodesData(setting, data.getRoot(setting), index, newNodes);
  895. view.createNodes(setting, 0, newNodes, null, index);
  896. }
  897. },
  898. appendNodes: function(setting, level, nodes, parentNode, index, initFlag, openFlag) {
  899. if (!nodes) return [];
  900. var html = [],
  901. childKey = setting.data.key.children;
  903. var tmpPNode = (parentNode) ? parentNode: data.getRoot(setting),
  904. tmpPChild = tmpPNode[childKey],
  905. isFirstNode, isLastNode;
  907. if (!tmpPChild || index >= tmpPChild.length) {
  908. index = -1;
  909. }
  911. for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
  912. var node = nodes[i];
  913. if (initFlag) {
  914. isFirstNode = ((index===0 || tmpPChild.length == nodes.length) && (i == 0));
  915. isLastNode = (index < 0 && i == (nodes.length - 1));
  916. data.initNode(setting, level, node, parentNode, isFirstNode, isLastNode, openFlag);
  917. data.addNodeCache(setting, node);
  918. }
  920. var childHtml = [];
  921. if (node[childKey] && node[childKey].length > 0) {
  922. //make child html first, because checkType
  923. childHtml = view.appendNodes(setting, level + 1, node[childKey], node, -1, initFlag, openFlag && node.open);
  924. }
  925. if (openFlag) {
  927. view.makeDOMNodeMainBefore(html, setting, node);
  928. view.makeDOMNodeLine(html, setting, node);
  929. data.getBeforeA(setting, node, html);
  930. view.makeDOMNodeNameBefore(html, setting, node);
  931. data.getInnerBeforeA(setting, node, html);
  932. view.makeDOMNodeIcon(html, setting, node);
  933. data.getInnerAfterA(setting, node, html);
  934. view.makeDOMNodeNameAfter(html, setting, node);
  935. data.getAfterA(setting, node, html);
  936. if (node.isParent && node.open) {
  937. view.makeUlHtml(setting, node, html, childHtml.join(''));
  938. }
  939. view.makeDOMNodeMainAfter(html, setting, node);
  940. data.addCreatedNode(setting, node);
  941. }
  942. }
  943. return html;
  944. },
  945. appendParentULDom: function(setting, node) {
  946. var html = [],
  947. nObj = $$(node, setting);
  948. if (!nObj.get(0) && !!node.parentTId) {
  949. view.appendParentULDom(setting, node.getParentNode());
  950. nObj = $$(node, setting);
  951. }
  952. var ulObj = $$(node, consts.id.UL, setting);
  953. if (ulObj.get(0)) {
  954. ulObj.remove();
  955. }
  956. var childKey = setting.data.key.children,
  957. childHtml = view.appendNodes(setting, node.level+1, node[childKey], node, -1, false, true);
  958. view.makeUlHtml(setting, node, html, childHtml.join(''));
  959. nObj.append(html.join(''));
  960. },
  961. asyncNode: function(setting, node, isSilent, callback) {
  962. var i, l;
  963. if (node && !node.isParent) {
  964. tools.apply(callback);
  965. return false;
  966. } else if (node && node.isAjaxing) {
  967. return false;
  968. } else if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeAsync, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false) {
  969. tools.apply(callback);
  970. return false;
  971. }
  972. if (node) {
  973. node.isAjaxing = true;
  974. var icoObj = $$(node, consts.id.ICON, setting);
  975. icoObj.attr({"style":"", "class":consts.className.BUTTON + " " + consts.className.ICO_LOADING});
  976. }
  978. var tmpParam = {};
  979. for (i = 0, l = setting.async.autoParam.length; node && i < l; i++) {
  980. var pKey = setting.async.autoParam[i].split("="), spKey = pKey;
  981. if (pKey.length>1) {
  982. spKey = pKey[1];
  983. pKey = pKey[0];
  984. }
  985. tmpParam[spKey] = node[pKey];
  986. }
  987. if (tools.isArray(setting.async.otherParam)) {
  988. for (i = 0, l = setting.async.otherParam.length; i < l; i += 2) {
  989. tmpParam[setting.async.otherParam[i]] = setting.async.otherParam[i + 1];
  990. }
  991. } else {
  992. for (var p in setting.async.otherParam) {
  993. tmpParam[p] = setting.async.otherParam[p];
  994. }
  995. }
  997. var _tmpV = data.getRoot(setting)._ver;
  998. $.ajax({
  999. contentType: setting.async.contentType,
  1000. cache: false,
  1001. type: setting.async.type,
  1002. url: tools.apply(setting.async.url, [setting.treeId, node], setting.async.url),
  1003. data: tmpParam,
  1004. dataType: setting.async.dataType,
  1005. success: function(msg) {
  1006. if (_tmpV != data.getRoot(setting)._ver) {
  1007. return;
  1008. }
  1009. var newNodes = [];
  1010. try {
  1011. if (!msg || msg.length == 0) {
  1012. newNodes = [];
  1013. } else if (typeof msg == "string") {
  1014. newNodes = eval("(" + msg + ")");
  1015. } else {
  1016. newNodes = msg;
  1017. }
  1018. } catch(err) {
  1019. newNodes = msg;
  1020. }
  1022. if (node) {
  1023. node.isAjaxing = null;
  1024. node.zAsync = true;
  1025. }
  1026. view.setNodeLineIcos(setting, node);
  1027. if (newNodes && newNodes !== "") {
  1028. newNodes = tools.apply(setting.async.dataFilter, [setting.treeId, node, newNodes], newNodes);
  1029. view.addNodes(setting, node, -1, !!newNodes ? tools.clone(newNodes) : [], !!isSilent);
  1030. } else {
  1031. view.addNodes(setting, node, -1, [], !!isSilent);
  1032. }
  1033. setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.ASYNC_SUCCESS, [setting.treeId, node, msg]);
  1034. tools.apply(callback);
  1035. },
  1036. error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  1037. if (_tmpV != data.getRoot(setting)._ver) {
  1038. return;
  1039. }
  1040. if (node) node.isAjaxing = null;
  1041. view.setNodeLineIcos(setting, node);
  1042. setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.ASYNC_ERROR, [setting.treeId, node, XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown]);
  1043. }
  1044. });
  1045. return true;
  1046. },
  1047. cancelPreSelectedNode: function (setting, node, excludeNode) {
  1048. var list = data.getRoot(setting).curSelectedList,
  1049. i, n;
  1050. for (i=list.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
  1051. n = list[i];
  1052. if (node === n || (!node && (!excludeNode || excludeNode !== n))) {
  1053. $$(n, consts.id.A, setting).removeClass(consts.node.CURSELECTED);
  1054. if (node) {
  1055. data.removeSelectedNode(setting, node);
  1056. break;
  1057. } else {
  1058. list.splice(i, 1);
  1059. setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.UNSELECTED, [setting.treeId, n]);
  1060. }
  1061. }
  1062. }
  1063. },
  1064. createNodeCallback: function(setting) {
  1065. if (!!setting.callback.onNodeCreated || !!setting.view.addDiyDom) {
  1066. var root = data.getRoot(setting);
  1067. while (root.createdNodes.length>0) {
  1068. var node = root.createdNodes.shift();
  1069. tools.apply(setting.view.addDiyDom, [setting.treeId, node]);
  1070. if (!!setting.callback.onNodeCreated) {
  1071. setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.NODECREATED, [setting.treeId, node]);
  1072. }
  1073. }
  1074. }
  1075. },
  1076. createNodes: function(setting, level, nodes, parentNode, index) {
  1077. if (!nodes || nodes.length == 0) return;
  1078. var root = data.getRoot(setting),
  1079. childKey = setting.data.key.children,
  1080. openFlag = !parentNode || parentNode.open || !!$$(parentNode[childKey][0], setting).get(0);
  1081. root.createdNodes = [];
  1082. var zTreeHtml = view.appendNodes(setting, level, nodes, parentNode, index, true, openFlag),
  1083. parentObj, nextObj;
  1085. if (!parentNode) {
  1086. parentObj = setting.treeObj;
  1087. //setting.treeObj.append(zTreeHtml.join(''));
  1088. } else {
  1089. var ulObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.UL, setting);
  1090. if (ulObj.get(0)) {
  1091. parentObj = ulObj;
  1092. //ulObj.append(zTreeHtml.join(''));
  1093. }
  1094. }
  1095. if (parentObj) {
  1096. if (index >= 0) {
  1097. nextObj = parentObj.children()[index];
  1098. }
  1099. if (index >=0 && nextObj) {
  1100. $(nextObj).before(zTreeHtml.join(''));
  1101. } else {
  1102. parentObj.append(zTreeHtml.join(''));
  1103. }
  1104. }
  1106. view.createNodeCallback(setting);
  1107. },
  1108. destroy: function(setting) {
  1109. if (!setting) return;
  1110. data.initCache(setting);
  1111. data.initRoot(setting);
  1112. event.unbindTree(setting);
  1113. event.unbindEvent(setting);
  1114. setting.treeObj.empty();
  1115. delete settings[setting.treeId];
  1116. },
  1117. expandCollapseNode: function(setting, node, expandFlag, animateFlag, callback) {
  1118. var root = data.getRoot(setting),
  1119. childKey = setting.data.key.children;
  1120. if (!node) {
  1121. tools.apply(callback, []);
  1122. return;
  1123. }
  1124. if (root.expandTriggerFlag) {
  1125. var _callback = callback;
  1126. callback = function(){
  1127. if (_callback) _callback();
  1128. if (node.open) {
  1129. setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.EXPAND, [setting.treeId, node]);
  1130. } else {
  1131. setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.COLLAPSE, [setting.treeId, node]);
  1132. }
  1133. };
  1134. root.expandTriggerFlag = false;
  1135. }
  1136. if (!node.open && node.isParent && ((!$$(node, consts.id.UL, setting).get(0)) || (node[childKey] && node[childKey].length>0 && !$$(node[childKey][0], setting).get(0)))) {
  1137. view.appendParentULDom(setting, node);
  1138. view.createNodeCallback(setting);
  1139. }
  1140. if (node.open == expandFlag) {
  1141. tools.apply(callback, []);
  1142. return;
  1143. }
  1144. var ulObj = $$(node, consts.id.UL, setting),
  1145. switchObj = $$(node, consts.id.SWITCH, setting),
  1146. icoObj = $$(node, consts.id.ICON, setting);
  1148. if (node.isParent) {
  1149. node.open = !node.open;
  1150. if (node.iconOpen && node.iconClose) {
  1151. icoObj.attr("style", view.makeNodeIcoStyle(setting, node));
  1152. }
  1154. if (node.open) {
  1155. view.replaceSwitchClass(node, switchObj, consts.folder.OPEN);
  1156. view.replaceIcoClass(node, icoObj, consts.folder.OPEN);
  1157. if (animateFlag == false || setting.view.expandSpeed == "") {
  1158. ulObj.show();
  1159. tools.apply(callback, []);
  1160. } else {
  1161. if (node[childKey] && node[childKey].length > 0) {
  1162. ulObj.slideDown(setting.view.expandSpeed, callback);
  1163. } else {
  1164. ulObj.show();
  1165. tools.apply(callback, []);
  1166. }
  1167. }
  1168. } else {
  1169. view.replaceSwitchClass(node, switchObj, consts.folder.CLOSE);
  1170. view.replaceIcoClass(node, icoObj, consts.folder.CLOSE);
  1171. if (animateFlag == false || setting.view.expandSpeed == "" || !(node[childKey] && node[childKey].length > 0)) {
  1172. ulObj.hide();
  1173. tools.apply(callback, []);
  1174. } else {
  1175. ulObj.slideUp(setting.view.expandSpeed, callback);
  1176. }
  1177. }
  1178. } else {
  1179. tools.apply(callback, []);
  1180. }
  1181. },
  1182. expandCollapseParentNode: function(setting, node, expandFlag, animateFlag, callback) {
  1183. if (!node) return;
  1184. if (!node.parentTId) {
  1185. view.expandCollapseNode(setting, node, expandFlag, animateFlag, callback);
  1186. return;
  1187. } else {
  1188. view.expandCollapseNode(setting, node, expandFlag, animateFlag);
  1189. }
  1190. if (node.parentTId) {
  1191. view.expandCollapseParentNode(setting, node.getParentNode(), expandFlag, animateFlag, callback);
  1192. }
  1193. },
  1194. expandCollapseSonNode: function(setting, node, expandFlag, animateFlag, callback) {
  1195. var root = data.getRoot(setting),
  1196. childKey = setting.data.key.children,
  1197. treeNodes = (node) ? node[childKey]: root[childKey],
  1198. selfAnimateSign = (node) ? false : animateFlag,
  1199. expandTriggerFlag = data.getRoot(setting).expandTriggerFlag;
  1200. data.getRoot(setting).expandTriggerFlag = false;
  1201. if (treeNodes) {
  1202. for (var i = 0, l = treeNodes.length; i < l; i++) {
  1203. if (treeNodes[i]) view.expandCollapseSonNode(setting, treeNodes[i], expandFlag, selfAnimateSign);
  1204. }
  1205. }
  1206. data.getRoot(setting).expandTriggerFlag = expandTriggerFlag;
  1207. view.expandCollapseNode(setting, node, expandFlag, animateFlag, callback );
  1208. },
  1209. isSelectedNode: function (setting, node) {
  1210. if (!node) {
  1211. return false;
  1212. }
  1213. var list = data.getRoot(setting).curSelectedList,
  1214. i;
  1215. for (i=list.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
  1216. if (node === list[i]) {
  1217. return true;
  1218. }
  1219. }
  1220. return false;
  1221. },
  1222. makeDOMNodeIcon: function(html, setting, node) {
  1223. var nameStr = data.getNodeName(setting, node),
  1224. name = setting.view.nameIsHTML ? nameStr : nameStr.replace(/&/g,'&amp;').replace(/</g,'&lt;').replace(/>/g,'&gt;');
  1225. html.push("<span id='", node.tId, consts.id.ICON,
  1226. "' title='' treeNode", consts.id.ICON," class='", view.makeNodeIcoClass(setting, node),
  1227. "' style='", view.makeNodeIcoStyle(setting, node), "'></span><span id='", node.tId, consts.id.SPAN,
  1228. "'>",name,"</span>");
  1229. },
  1230. makeDOMNodeLine: function(html, setting, node) {
  1231. html.push("<span id='", node.tId, consts.id.SWITCH, "' title='' class='", view.makeNodeLineClass(setting, node), "' treeNode", consts.id.SWITCH,"></span>");
  1232. },
  1233. makeDOMNodeMainAfter: function(html, setting, node) {
  1234. html.push("</li>");
  1235. },
  1236. makeDOMNodeMainBefore: function(html, setting, node) {
  1237. html.push("<li id='", node.tId, "' class='", consts.className.LEVEL, node.level,"' tabindex='0' hidefocus='true' treenode>");
  1238. },
  1239. makeDOMNodeNameAfter: function(html, setting, node) {
  1240. html.push("</a>");
  1241. },
  1242. makeDOMNodeNameBefore: function(html, setting, node) {
  1243. var title = data.getNodeTitle(setting, node),
  1244. url = view.makeNodeUrl(setting, node),
  1245. fontcss = view.makeNodeFontCss(setting, node),
  1246. fontStyle = [];
  1247. for (var f in fontcss) {
  1248. fontStyle.push(f, ":", fontcss[f], ";");
  1249. }
  1250. html.push("<a id='", node.tId, consts.id.A, "' class='", consts.className.LEVEL, node.level,"' treeNode", consts.id.A," onclick=\"", (node.click || ''),
  1251. "\" ", ((url != null && url.length > 0) ? "href='" + url + "'" : ""), " target='",view.makeNodeTarget(node),"' style='", fontStyle.join(''),
  1252. "'");
  1253. if (tools.apply(setting.view.showTitle, [setting.treeId, node], setting.view.showTitle) && title) {html.push("title='", title.replace(/'/g,"'").replace(/</g,'&lt;').replace(/>/g,'&gt;'),"'");}
  1254. html.push(">");
  1255. },
  1256. makeNodeFontCss: function(setting, node) {
  1257. var fontCss = tools.apply(setting.view.fontCss, [setting.treeId, node], setting.view.fontCss);
  1258. return (fontCss && ((typeof fontCss) != "function")) ? fontCss : {};
  1259. },
  1260. makeNodeIcoClass: function(setting, node) {
  1261. var icoCss = ["ico"];
  1262. if (!node.isAjaxing) {
  1263. icoCss[0] = (node.iconSkin ? node.iconSkin + "_" : "") + icoCss[0];
  1264. if (node.isParent) {
  1265. icoCss.push(node.open ? consts.folder.OPEN : consts.folder.CLOSE);
  1266. } else {
  1267. icoCss.push(consts.folder.DOCU);
  1268. }
  1269. }
  1270. return consts.className.BUTTON + " " + icoCss.join('_');
  1271. },
  1272. makeNodeIcoStyle: function(setting, node) {
  1273. var icoStyle = [];
  1274. if (!node.isAjaxing) {
  1275. var icon = (node.isParent && node.iconOpen && node.iconClose) ? (node.open ? node.iconOpen : node.iconClose) : node[setting.data.key.icon];
  1276. if (icon) icoStyle.push("background:url(", icon, ") 0 0 no-repeat;");
  1277. if (setting.view.showIcon == false || !tools.apply(setting.view.showIcon, [setting.treeId, node], true)) {
  1278. icoStyle.push("width:0px;height:0px;");
  1279. }
  1280. }
  1281. return icoStyle.join('');
  1282. },
  1283. makeNodeLineClass: function(setting, node) {
  1284. var lineClass = [];
  1285. if (setting.view.showLine) {
  1286. if (node.level == 0 && node.isFirstNode && node.isLastNode) {
  1287. lineClass.push(consts.line.ROOT);
  1288. } else if (node.level == 0 && node.isFirstNode) {
  1289. lineClass.push(consts.line.ROOTS);
  1290. } else if (node.isLastNode) {
  1291. lineClass.push(consts.line.BOTTOM);
  1292. } else {
  1293. lineClass.push(consts.line.CENTER);
  1294. }
  1295. } else {
  1296. lineClass.push(consts.line.NOLINE);
  1297. }
  1298. if (node.isParent) {
  1299. lineClass.push(node.open ? consts.folder.OPEN : consts.folder.CLOSE);
  1300. } else {
  1301. lineClass.push(consts.folder.DOCU);
  1302. }
  1303. return view.makeNodeLineClassEx(node) + lineClass.join('_');
  1304. },
  1305. makeNodeLineClassEx: function(node) {
  1306. return consts.className.BUTTON + " " + consts.className.LEVEL + node.level + " " + consts.className.SWITCH + " ";
  1307. },
  1308. makeNodeTarget: function(node) {
  1309. return (node.target || "_blank");
  1310. },
  1311. makeNodeUrl: function(setting, node) {
  1312. var urlKey = setting.data.key.url;
  1313. return node[urlKey] ? node[urlKey] : null;
  1314. },
  1315. makeUlHtml: function(setting, node, html, content) {
  1316. html.push("<ul id='", node.tId, consts.id.UL, "' class='", consts.className.LEVEL, node.level, " ", view.makeUlLineClass(setting, node), "' style='display:", (node.open ? "block": "none"),"'>");
  1317. html.push(content);
  1318. html.push("</ul>");
  1319. },
  1320. makeUlLineClass: function(setting, node) {
  1321. return ((setting.view.showLine && !node.isLastNode) ? consts.line.LINE : "");
  1322. },
  1323. removeChildNodes: function(setting, node) {
  1324. if (!node) return;
  1325. var childKey = setting.data.key.children,
  1326. nodes = node[childKey];
  1327. if (!nodes) return;
  1329. for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
  1330. data.removeNodeCache(setting, nodes[i]);
  1331. }
  1332. data.removeSelectedNode(setting);
  1333. delete node[childKey];
  1335. if (!setting.data.keep.parent) {
  1336. node.isParent = false;
  1337. node.open = false;
  1338. var tmp_switchObj = $$(node, consts.id.SWITCH, setting),
  1339. tmp_icoObj = $$(node, consts.id.ICON, setting);
  1340. view.replaceSwitchClass(node, tmp_switchObj, consts.folder.DOCU);
  1341. view.replaceIcoClass(node, tmp_icoObj, consts.folder.DOCU);
  1342. $$(node, consts.id.UL, setting).remove();
  1343. } else {
  1344. $$(node, consts.id.UL, setting).empty();
  1345. }
  1346. },
  1347. setFirstNode: function(setting, parentNode) {
  1348. var childKey = setting.data.key.children, childLength = parentNode[childKey].length;
  1349. if ( childLength > 0) {
  1350. parentNode[childKey][0].isFirstNode = true;
  1351. }
  1352. },
  1353. setLastNode: function(setting, parentNode) {
  1354. var childKey = setting.data.key.children, childLength = parentNode[childKey].length;
  1355. if ( childLength > 0) {
  1356. parentNode[childKey][childLength - 1].isLastNode = true;
  1357. }
  1358. },
  1359. removeNode: function(setting, node) {
  1360. var root = data.getRoot(setting),
  1361. childKey = setting.data.key.children,
  1362. parentNode = (node.parentTId) ? node.getParentNode() : root;
  1364. node.isFirstNode = false;
  1365. node.isLastNode = false;
  1366. node.getPreNode = function() {return null;};
  1367. node.getNextNode = function() {return null;};
  1369. if (!data.getNodeCache(setting, node.tId)) {
  1370. return;
  1371. }
  1373. $$(node, setting).remove();
  1374. data.removeNodeCache(setting, node);
  1375. data.removeSelectedNode(setting, node);
  1377. for (var i = 0, l = parentNode[childKey].length; i < l; i++) {
  1378. if (parentNode[childKey][i].tId == node.tId) {
  1379. parentNode[childKey].splice(i, 1);
  1380. break;
  1381. }
  1382. }
  1383. view.setFirstNode(setting, parentNode);
  1384. view.setLastNode(setting, parentNode);
  1386. var tmp_ulObj,tmp_switchObj,tmp_icoObj,
  1387. childLength = parentNode[childKey].length;
  1389. //repair nodes old parent
  1390. if (!setting.data.keep.parent && childLength == 0) {
  1391. //old parentNode has no child nodes
  1392. parentNode.isParent = false;
  1393. parentNode.open = false;
  1394. tmp_ulObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.UL, setting);
  1395. tmp_switchObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.SWITCH, setting);
  1396. tmp_icoObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.ICON, setting);
  1397. view.replaceSwitchClass(parentNode, tmp_switchObj, consts.folder.DOCU);
  1398. view.replaceIcoClass(parentNode, tmp_icoObj, consts.folder.DOCU);
  1399. tmp_ulObj.css("display", "none");
  1401. } else if (setting.view.showLine && childLength > 0) {
  1402. //old parentNode has child nodes
  1403. var newLast = parentNode[childKey][childLength - 1];
  1404. tmp_ulObj = $$(newLast, consts.id.UL, setting);
  1405. tmp_switchObj = $$(newLast, consts.id.SWITCH, setting);
  1406. tmp_icoObj = $$(newLast, consts.id.ICON, setting);
  1407. if (parentNode == root) {
  1408. if (parentNode[childKey].length == 1) {
  1409. //node was root, and ztree has only one root after move node
  1410. view.replaceSwitchClass(newLast, tmp_switchObj, consts.line.ROOT);
  1411. } else {
  1412. var tmp_first_switchObj = $$(parentNode[childKey][0], consts.id.SWITCH, setting);
  1413. view.replaceSwitchClass(parentNode[childKey][0], tmp_first_switchObj, consts.line.ROOTS);
  1414. view.replaceSwitchClass(newLast, tmp_switchObj, consts.line.BOTTOM);
  1415. }
  1416. } else {
  1417. view.replaceSwitchClass(newLast, tmp_switchObj, consts.line.BOTTOM);
  1418. }
  1419. tmp_ulObj.removeClass(consts.line.LINE);
  1420. }
  1421. },
  1422. replaceIcoClass: function(node, obj, newName) {
  1423. if (!obj || node.isAjaxing) return;
  1424. var tmpName = obj.attr("class");
  1425. if (tmpName == undefined) return;
  1426. var tmpList = tmpName.split("_");
  1427. switch (newName) {
  1428. case consts.folder.OPEN:
  1429. case consts.folder.CLOSE:
  1430. case consts.folder.DOCU:
  1431. tmpList[tmpList.length-1] = newName;
  1432. break;
  1433. }
  1434. obj.attr("class", tmpList.join("_"));
  1435. },
  1436. replaceSwitchClass: function(node, obj, newName) {
  1437. if (!obj) return;
  1438. var tmpName = obj.attr("class");
  1439. if (tmpName == undefined) return;
  1440. var tmpList = tmpName.split("_");
  1441. switch (newName) {
  1442. case consts.line.ROOT:
  1443. case consts.line.ROOTS:
  1444. case consts.line.CENTER:
  1445. case consts.line.BOTTOM:
  1446. case consts.line.NOLINE:
  1447. tmpList[0] = view.makeNodeLineClassEx(node) + newName;
  1448. break;
  1449. case consts.folder.OPEN:
  1450. case consts.folder.CLOSE:
  1451. case consts.folder.DOCU:
  1452. tmpList[1] = newName;
  1453. break;
  1454. }
  1455. obj.attr("class", tmpList.join("_"));
  1456. if (newName !== consts.folder.DOCU) {
  1457. obj.removeAttr("disabled");
  1458. } else {
  1459. obj.attr("disabled", "disabled");
  1460. }
  1461. },
  1462. selectNode: function(setting, node, addFlag) {
  1463. if (!addFlag) {
  1464. view.cancelPreSelectedNode(setting, null, node);
  1465. }
  1466. $$(node, consts.id.A, setting).addClass(consts.node.CURSELECTED);
  1467. data.addSelectedNode(setting, node);
  1468. setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.SELECTED, [setting.treeId, node]);
  1469. },
  1470. setNodeFontCss: function(setting, treeNode) {
  1471. var aObj = $$(treeNode, consts.id.A, setting),
  1472. fontCss = view.makeNodeFontCss(setting, treeNode);
  1473. if (fontCss) {
  1474. aObj.css(fontCss);
  1475. }
  1476. },
  1477. setNodeLineIcos: function(setting, node) {
  1478. if (!node) return;
  1479. var switchObj = $$(node, consts.id.SWITCH, setting),
  1480. ulObj = $$(node, consts.id.UL, setting),
  1481. icoObj = $$(node, consts.id.ICON, setting),
  1482. ulLine = view.makeUlLineClass(setting, node);
  1483. if (ulLine.length==0) {
  1484. ulObj.removeClass(consts.line.LINE);
  1485. } else {
  1486. ulObj.addClass(ulLine);
  1487. }
  1488. switchObj.attr("class", view.makeNodeLineClass(setting, node));
  1489. if (node.isParent) {
  1490. switchObj.removeAttr("disabled");
  1491. } else {
  1492. switchObj.attr("disabled", "disabled");
  1493. }
  1494. icoObj.removeAttr("style");
  1495. icoObj.attr("style", view.makeNodeIcoStyle(setting, node));
  1496. icoObj.attr("class", view.makeNodeIcoClass(setting, node));
  1497. },
  1498. setNodeName: function(setting, node) {
  1499. var title = data.getNodeTitle(setting, node),
  1500. nObj = $$(node, consts.id.SPAN, setting);
  1501. nObj.empty();
  1502. if (setting.view.nameIsHTML) {
  1503. nObj.html(data.getNodeName(setting, node));
  1504. } else {
  1505. nObj.text(data.getNodeName(setting, node));
  1506. }
  1507. if (tools.apply(setting.view.showTitle, [setting.treeId, node], setting.view.showTitle)) {
  1508. var aObj = $$(node, consts.id.A, setting);
  1509. aObj.attr("title", !title ? "" : title);
  1510. }
  1511. },
  1512. setNodeTarget: function(setting, node) {
  1513. var aObj = $$(node, consts.id.A, setting);
  1514. aObj.attr("target", view.makeNodeTarget(node));
  1515. },
  1516. setNodeUrl: function(setting, node) {
  1517. var aObj = $$(node, consts.id.A, setting),
  1518. url = view.makeNodeUrl(setting, node);
  1519. if (url == null || url.length == 0) {
  1520. aObj.removeAttr("href");
  1521. } else {
  1522. aObj.attr("href", url);
  1523. }
  1524. },
  1525. switchNode: function(setting, node) {
  1526. if (node.open || !tools.canAsync(setting, node)) {
  1527. view.expandCollapseNode(setting, node, !node.open);
  1528. } else if (setting.async.enable) {
  1529. if (!view.asyncNode(setting, node)) {
  1530. view.expandCollapseNode(setting, node, !node.open);
  1531. return;
  1532. }
  1533. } else if (node) {
  1534. view.expandCollapseNode(setting, node, !node.open);
  1535. }
  1536. }
  1537. };
  1538. // zTree defind
  1539. $.fn.zTree = {
  1540. consts : _consts,
  1541. _z : {
  1542. tools: tools,
  1543. view: view,
  1544. event: event,
  1545. data: data
  1546. },
  1547. getZTreeObj: function(treeId) {
  1548. var o = data.getZTreeTools(treeId);
  1549. return o ? o : null;
  1550. },
  1551. destroy: function(treeId) {
  1552. if (!!treeId && treeId.length > 0) {
  1553. view.destroy(data.getSetting(treeId));
  1554. } else {
  1555. for(var s in settings) {
  1556. view.destroy(settings[s]);
  1557. }
  1558. }
  1559. },
  1560. init: function(obj, zSetting, zNodes) {
  1561. var setting = tools.clone(_setting);
  1562. $.extend(true, setting, zSetting);
  1563. setting.treeId = obj.attr("id");
  1564. setting.treeObj = obj;
  1565. setting.treeObj.empty();
  1566. settings[setting.treeId] = setting;
  1567. //For some older browser,(e.g., ie6)
  1568. if(typeof document.body.style.maxHeight === "undefined") {
  1569. setting.view.expandSpeed = "";
  1570. }
  1571. data.initRoot(setting);
  1572. var root = data.getRoot(setting),
  1573. childKey = setting.data.key.children;
  1574. zNodes = zNodes ? tools.clone(tools.isArray(zNodes)? zNodes : [zNodes]) : [];
  1575. if (setting.data.simpleData.enable) {
  1576. root[childKey] = data.transformTozTreeFormat(setting, zNodes);
  1577. } else {
  1578. root[childKey] = zNodes;
  1579. }
  1581. data.initCache(setting);
  1582. event.unbindTree(setting);
  1583. event.bindTree(setting);
  1584. event.unbindEvent(setting);
  1585. event.bindEvent(setting);
  1587. var zTreeTools = {
  1588. setting : setting,
  1589. addNodes : function(parentNode, index, newNodes, isSilent) {
  1590. if (!parentNode) parentNode = null;
  1591. if (parentNode && !parentNode.isParent && setting.data.keep.leaf) return null;
  1593. var i = parseInt(index, 10);
  1594. if (isNaN(i)) {
  1595. isSilent = !!newNodes;
  1596. newNodes = index;
  1597. index = -1;
  1598. } else {
  1599. index = i;
  1600. }
  1601. if (!newNodes) return null;
  1603. var xNewNodes = tools.clone(tools.isArray(newNodes)? newNodes: [newNodes]);
  1604. function addCallback() {
  1605. view.addNodes(setting, parentNode, index, xNewNodes, (isSilent==true));
  1606. }
  1608. if (tools.canAsync(setting, parentNode)) {
  1609. view.asyncNode(setting, parentNode, isSilent, addCallback);
  1610. } else {
  1611. addCallback();
  1612. }
  1613. return xNewNodes;
  1614. },
  1615. cancelSelectedNode : function(node) {
  1616. view.cancelPreSelectedNode(setting, node);
  1617. },
  1618. destroy : function() {
  1619. view.destroy(setting);
  1620. },
  1621. expandAll : function(expandFlag) {
  1622. expandFlag = !!expandFlag;
  1623. view.expandCollapseSonNode(setting, null, expandFlag, true);
  1624. return expandFlag;
  1625. },
  1626. expandNode : function(node, expandFlag, sonSign, focus, callbackFlag) {
  1627. if (!node || !node.isParent) return null;
  1628. if (expandFlag !== true && expandFlag !== false) {
  1629. expandFlag = !node.open;
  1630. }
  1631. callbackFlag = !!callbackFlag;
  1633. if (callbackFlag && expandFlag && (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeExpand, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false)) {
  1634. return null;
  1635. } else if (callbackFlag && !expandFlag && (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeCollapse, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false)) {
  1636. return null;
  1637. }
  1638. if (expandFlag && node.parentTId) {
  1639. view.expandCollapseParentNode(setting, node.getParentNode(), expandFlag, false);
  1640. }
  1641. if (expandFlag === node.open && !sonSign) {
  1642. return null;
  1643. }
  1645. data.getRoot(setting).expandTriggerFlag = callbackFlag;
  1646. if (!tools.canAsync(setting, node) && sonSign) {
  1647. view.expandCollapseSonNode(setting, node, expandFlag, true, function() {
  1648. if (focus !== false) {try{$$(node, setting).focus().blur();}catch(e){}}
  1649. });
  1650. } else {
  1651. node.open = !expandFlag;
  1652. view.switchNode(this.setting, node);
  1653. if (focus !== false) {try{$$(node, setting).focus().blur();}catch(e){}}
  1654. }
  1655. return expandFlag;
  1656. },
  1657. getNodes : function() {
  1658. return data.getNodes(setting);
  1659. },
  1660. getNodeByParam : function(key, value, parentNode) {
  1661. if (!key) return null;
  1662. return data.getNodeByParam(setting, parentNode?parentNode[setting.data.key.children]:data.getNodes(setting), key, value);
  1663. },
  1664. getNodeByTId : function(tId) {
  1665. return data.getNodeCache(setting, tId);
  1666. },
  1667. getNodesByParam : function(key, value, parentNode) {
  1668. if (!key) return null;
  1669. return data.getNodesByParam(setting, parentNode?parentNode[setting.data.key.children]:data.getNodes(setting), key, value);
  1670. },
  1671. getNodesByParamFuzzy : function(key, value, parentNode) {
  1672. if (!key) return null;
  1673. return data.getNodesByParamFuzzy(setting, parentNode?parentNode[setting.data.key.children]:data.getNodes(setting), key, value);
  1674. },
  1675. getNodesByFilter: function(filter, isSingle, parentNode, invokeParam) {
  1676. isSingle = !!isSingle;
  1677. if (!filter || (typeof filter != "function")) return (isSingle ? null : []);
  1678. return data.getNodesByFilter(setting, parentNode?parentNode[setting.data.key.children]:data.getNodes(setting), filter, isSingle, invokeParam);
  1679. },
  1680. getNodeIndex : function(node) {
  1681. if (!node) return null;
  1682. var childKey = setting.data.key.children,
  1683. parentNode = (node.parentTId) ? node.getParentNode() : data.getRoot(setting);
  1684. for (var i=0, l = parentNode[childKey].length; i < l; i++) {
  1685. if (parentNode[childKey][i] == node) return i;
  1686. }
  1687. return -1;
  1688. },
  1689. getSelectedNodes : function() {
  1690. var r = [], list = data.getRoot(setting).curSelectedList;
  1691. for (var i=0, l=list.length; i<l; i++) {
  1692. r.push(list[i]);
  1693. }
  1694. return r;
  1695. },
  1696. isSelectedNode : function(node) {
  1697. return data.isSelectedNode(setting, node);
  1698. },
  1699. reAsyncChildNodes : function(parentNode, reloadType, isSilent) {
  1700. if (!this.setting.async.enable) return;
  1701. var isRoot = !parentNode;
  1702. if (isRoot) {
  1703. parentNode = data.getRoot(setting);
  1704. }
  1705. if (reloadType=="refresh") {
  1706. var childKey = this.setting.data.key.children;
  1707. for (var i = 0, l = parentNode[childKey] ? parentNode[childKey].length : 0; i < l; i++) {
  1708. data.removeNodeCache(setting, parentNode[childKey][i]);
  1709. }
  1710. data.removeSelectedNode(setting);
  1711. parentNode[childKey] = [];
  1712. if (isRoot) {
  1713. this.setting.treeObj.empty();
  1714. } else {
  1715. var ulObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.UL, setting);
  1716. ulObj.empty();
  1717. }
  1718. }
  1719. view.asyncNode(this.setting, isRoot? null:parentNode, !!isSilent);
  1720. },
  1721. refresh : function() {
  1722. this.setting.treeObj.empty();
  1723. var root = data.getRoot(setting),
  1724. nodes = root[setting.data.key.children]
  1725. data.initRoot(setting);
  1726. root[setting.data.key.children] = nodes
  1727. data.initCache(setting);
  1728. view.createNodes(setting, 0, root[setting.data.key.children], null, -1);
  1729. },
  1730. removeChildNodes : function(node) {
  1731. if (!node) return null;
  1732. var childKey = setting.data.key.children,
  1733. nodes = node[childKey];
  1734. view.removeChildNodes(setting, node);
  1735. return nodes ? nodes : null;
  1736. },
  1737. removeNode : function(node, callbackFlag) {
  1738. if (!node) return;
  1739. callbackFlag = !!callbackFlag;
  1740. if (callbackFlag && tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeRemove, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false) return;
  1741. view.removeNode(setting, node);
  1742. if (callbackFlag) {
  1743. this.setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.REMOVE, [setting.treeId, node]);
  1744. }
  1745. },
  1746. selectNode : function(node, addFlag) {
  1747. if (!node) return;
  1748. if (tools.uCanDo(setting)) {
  1749. addFlag = setting.view.selectedMulti && addFlag;
  1750. if (node.parentTId) {
  1751. view.expandCollapseParentNode(setting, node.getParentNode(), true, false, function() {
  1752. try{$$(node, setting).focus().blur();}catch(e){}
  1753. });
  1754. } else {
  1755. try{$$(node, setting).focus().blur();}catch(e){}
  1756. }
  1757. view.selectNode(setting, node, addFlag);
  1758. }
  1759. },
  1760. transformTozTreeNodes : function(simpleNodes) {
  1761. return data.transformTozTreeFormat(setting, simpleNodes);
  1762. },
  1763. transformToArray : function(nodes) {
  1764. return data.transformToArrayFormat(setting, nodes);
  1765. },
  1766. updateNode : function(node, checkTypeFlag) {
  1767. if (!node) return;
  1768. var nObj = $$(node, setting);
  1769. if (nObj.get(0) && tools.uCanDo(setting)) {
  1770. view.setNodeName(setting, node);
  1771. view.setNodeTarget(setting, node);
  1772. view.setNodeUrl(setting, node);
  1773. view.setNodeLineIcos(setting, node);
  1774. view.setNodeFontCss(setting, node);
  1775. }
  1776. }
  1777. }
  1778. root.treeTools = zTreeTools;
  1779. data.setZTreeTools(setting, zTreeTools);
  1781. if (root[childKey] && root[childKey].length > 0) {
  1782. view.createNodes(setting, 0, root[childKey], null, -1);
  1783. } else if (setting.async.enable && setting.async.url && setting.async.url !== '') {
  1784. view.asyncNode(setting);
  1785. }
  1786. return zTreeTools;
  1787. }
  1788. };
  1790. var zt = $.fn.zTree,
  1791. $$ = tools.$,
  1792. consts = zt.consts;
  1793. })(jQuery);


* JQuery zTree excheck v3.5.19.1
* http://zTree.me/
* Copyright (c) 2010 Hunter.z
* Licensed same as jquery - MIT License
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* email: hunter.z@263.net
* Date: 2015-10-26
//default consts of excheck
var _consts = {
event: {
CHECK: "ztree_check"
id: {
CHECK: "_check"
checkbox: {
STYLE: "checkbox",
DEFAULT: "chk",
DISABLED: "disable",
FALSE: "false",
TRUE: "true",
FULL: "full",
PART: "part",
FOCUS: "focus"
radio: {
STYLE: "radio",
TYPE_ALL: "all",
TYPE_LEVEL: "level"
//default setting of excheck
_setting = {
check: {
enable: false,
autoCheckTrigger: false,
chkStyle: _consts.checkbox.STYLE,
nocheckInherit: false,
chkDisabledInherit: false,
radioType: _consts.radio.TYPE_LEVEL,
chkboxType: {
"Y": "ps",
"N": "ps"
data: {
key: {
checked: "checked"
callback: {
//default root of excheck
_initRoot = function (setting) {
var r = data.getRoot(setting);
r.radioCheckedList = [];
//default cache of excheck
_initCache = function(treeId) {},
//default bind event of excheck
_bindEvent = function(setting) {
var o = setting.treeObj,
c = consts.event;
o.bind(c.CHECK, function (event, srcEvent, treeId, node) {
event.srcEvent = srcEvent;
tools.apply(setting.callback.onCheck, [event, treeId, node]);
_unbindEvent = function(setting) {
var o = setting.treeObj,
c = consts.event;
//default event proxy of excheck
_eventProxy = function(e) {
var target = e.target,
setting = data.getSetting(e.data.treeId),
tId = "", node = null,
nodeEventType = "", treeEventType = "",
nodeEventCallback = null, treeEventCallback = null; if (tools.eqs(e.type, "mouseover")) {
if (setting.check.enable && tools.eqs(target.tagName, "span") && target.getAttribute("treeNode"+ consts.id.CHECK) !== null) {
tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(target).id;
nodeEventType = "mouseoverCheck";
} else if (tools.eqs(e.type, "mouseout")) {
if (setting.check.enable && tools.eqs(target.tagName, "span") && target.getAttribute("treeNode"+ consts.id.CHECK) !== null) {
tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(target).id;
nodeEventType = "mouseoutCheck";
} else if (tools.eqs(e.type, "click")) {
if (setting.check.enable && tools.eqs(target.tagName, "span") && target.getAttribute("treeNode"+ consts.id.CHECK) !== null) {
tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(target).id;
nodeEventType = "checkNode";
if (tId.length>0) {
node = data.getNodeCache(setting, tId);
switch (nodeEventType) {
case "checkNode" :
nodeEventCallback = _handler.onCheckNode;
case "mouseoverCheck" :
nodeEventCallback = _handler.onMouseoverCheck;
case "mouseoutCheck" :
nodeEventCallback = _handler.onMouseoutCheck;
var proxyResult = {
stop: nodeEventType === "checkNode",
node: node,
nodeEventType: nodeEventType,
nodeEventCallback: nodeEventCallback,
treeEventType: treeEventType,
treeEventCallback: treeEventCallback
return proxyResult
//default init node of excheck
_initNode = function(setting, level, n, parentNode, isFirstNode, isLastNode, openFlag) {
if (!n) return;
var checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked;
if (typeof n[checkedKey] == "string") n[checkedKey] = tools.eqs(n[checkedKey], "true");
n[checkedKey] = !!n[checkedKey];
n.checkedOld = n[checkedKey];
if (typeof n.nocheck == "string") n.nocheck = tools.eqs(n.nocheck, "true");
n.nocheck = !!n.nocheck || (setting.check.nocheckInherit && parentNode && !!parentNode.nocheck);
if (typeof n.chkDisabled == "string") n.chkDisabled = tools.eqs(n.chkDisabled, "true");
n.chkDisabled = !!n.chkDisabled || (setting.check.chkDisabledInherit && parentNode && !!parentNode.chkDisabled);
if (typeof n.halfCheck == "string") n.halfCheck = tools.eqs(n.halfCheck, "true");
n.halfCheck = !!n.halfCheck;
n.check_Child_State = -1;
n.check_Focus = false;
n.getCheckStatus = function() {return data.getCheckStatus(setting, n);}; if (setting.check.chkStyle == consts.radio.STYLE && setting.check.radioType == consts.radio.TYPE_ALL && n[checkedKey] ) {
var r = data.getRoot(setting);
//add dom for check
_beforeA = function(setting, node, html) {
var checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked;
if (setting.check.enable) {
data.makeChkFlag(setting, node);
html.push("<span ID='", node.tId, consts.id.CHECK, "' class='", view.makeChkClass(setting, node), "' treeNode", consts.id.CHECK, (node.nocheck === true?" style='display:none;'":""),"></span>");
//update zTreeObj, add method of check
_zTreeTools = function(setting, zTreeTools) {
zTreeTools.checkNode = function(node, checked, checkTypeFlag, callbackFlag) {
var checkedKey = this.setting.data.key.checked;
if (node.chkDisabled === true) return;
if (checked !== true && checked !== false) {
checked = !node[checkedKey];
callbackFlag = !!callbackFlag; if (node[checkedKey] === checked && !checkTypeFlag) {
} else if (callbackFlag && tools.apply(this.setting.callback.beforeCheck, [this.setting.treeId, node], true) == false) {
if (tools.uCanDo(this.setting) && this.setting.check.enable && node.nocheck !== true) {
node[checkedKey] = checked;
var checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, this.setting);
if (checkTypeFlag || this.setting.check.chkStyle === consts.radio.STYLE) view.checkNodeRelation(this.setting, node);
view.setChkClass(this.setting, checkObj, node);
view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(this.setting, node);
if (callbackFlag) {
this.setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.CHECK, [null, this.setting.treeId, node]);
} zTreeTools.checkAllNodes = function(checked) {
view.repairAllChk(this.setting, !!checked);
} zTreeTools.getCheckedNodes = function(checked) {
var childKey = this.setting.data.key.children;
checked = (checked !== false);
return data.getTreeCheckedNodes(this.setting, data.getRoot(this.setting)[childKey], checked);
} zTreeTools.getChangeCheckedNodes = function() {
var childKey = this.setting.data.key.children;
return data.getTreeChangeCheckedNodes(this.setting, data.getRoot(this.setting)[childKey]);
} zTreeTools.setChkDisabled = function(node, disabled, inheritParent, inheritChildren) {
disabled = !!disabled;
inheritParent = !!inheritParent;
inheritChildren = !!inheritChildren;
view.repairSonChkDisabled(this.setting, node, disabled, inheritChildren);
view.repairParentChkDisabled(this.setting, node.getParentNode(), disabled, inheritParent);
} var _updateNode = zTreeTools.updateNode;
zTreeTools.updateNode = function(node, checkTypeFlag) {
if (_updateNode) _updateNode.apply(zTreeTools, arguments);
if (!node || !this.setting.check.enable) return;
var nObj = $$(node, this.setting);
if (nObj.get(0) && tools.uCanDo(this.setting)) {
var checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, this.setting);
if (checkTypeFlag == true || this.setting.check.chkStyle === consts.radio.STYLE) view.checkNodeRelation(this.setting, node);
view.setChkClass(this.setting, checkObj, node);
view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(this.setting, node);
//method of operate data
_data = {
getRadioCheckedList: function(setting) {
var checkedList = data.getRoot(setting).radioCheckedList;
for (var i=0, j=checkedList.length; i<j; i++) {
if(!data.getNodeCache(setting, checkedList[i].tId)) {
checkedList.splice(i, 1);
i--; j--;
return checkedList;
getCheckStatus: function(setting, node) {
if (!setting.check.enable || node.nocheck || node.chkDisabled) return null;
var checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked,
r = {
checked: node[checkedKey],
half: node.halfCheck ? node.halfCheck : (setting.check.chkStyle == consts.radio.STYLE ? (node.check_Child_State === 2) : (node[checkedKey] ? (node.check_Child_State > -1 && node.check_Child_State < 2) : (node.check_Child_State > 0)))
return r;
getTreeCheckedNodes: function(setting, nodes, checked, results) {
if (!nodes) return [];
var childKey = setting.data.key.children,
checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked,
onlyOne = (checked && setting.check.chkStyle == consts.radio.STYLE && setting.check.radioType == consts.radio.TYPE_ALL);
results = !results ? [] : results;
for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
if (nodes[i].nocheck !== true && nodes[i].chkDisabled !== true && nodes[i][checkedKey] == checked) {
if(onlyOne) {
data.getTreeCheckedNodes(setting, nodes[i][childKey], checked, results);
if(onlyOne && results.length > 0) {
return results;
getTreeChangeCheckedNodes: function(setting, nodes, results) {
if (!nodes) return [];
var childKey = setting.data.key.children,
checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked;
results = !results ? [] : results;
for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
if (nodes[i].nocheck !== true && nodes[i].chkDisabled !== true && nodes[i][checkedKey] != nodes[i].checkedOld) {
data.getTreeChangeCheckedNodes(setting, nodes[i][childKey], results);
return results;
makeChkFlag: function(setting, node) {
if (!node) return;
var childKey = setting.data.key.children,
checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked,
chkFlag = -1;
if (node[childKey]) {
for (var i = 0, l = node[childKey].length; i < l; i++) {
var cNode = node[childKey][i];
var tmp = -1;
if (setting.check.chkStyle == consts.radio.STYLE) {
if (cNode.nocheck === true || cNode.chkDisabled === true) {
tmp = cNode.check_Child_State;
} else if (cNode.halfCheck === true) {
tmp = 2;
} else if (cNode[checkedKey]) {
tmp = 2;
} else {
tmp = cNode.check_Child_State > 0 ? 2:0;
if (tmp == 2) {
chkFlag = 2; break;
} else if (tmp == 0){
chkFlag = 0;
} else if (setting.check.chkStyle == consts.checkbox.STYLE) {
if (cNode.nocheck === true || cNode.chkDisabled === true) {
tmp = cNode.check_Child_State;
} else if (cNode.halfCheck === true) {
tmp = 1;
} else if (cNode[checkedKey] ) {
tmp = (cNode.check_Child_State === -1 || cNode.check_Child_State === 2) ? 2 : 1;
} else {
tmp = (cNode.check_Child_State > 0) ? 1 : 0;
if (tmp === 1) {
chkFlag = 1; break;
} else if (tmp === 2 && chkFlag > -1 && i > 0 && tmp !== chkFlag) {
chkFlag = 1; break;
} else if (chkFlag === 2 && tmp > -1 && tmp < 2) {
chkFlag = 1; break;
} else if (tmp > -1) {
chkFlag = tmp;
node.check_Child_State = chkFlag;
//method of event proxy
_event = { },
//method of event handler
_handler = {
onCheckNode: function (event, node) {
if (node.chkDisabled === true) return false;
var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId),
checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked;
if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeCheck, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false) return true;
node[checkedKey] = !node[checkedKey];
view.checkNodeRelation(setting, node);
var checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, setting);
view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node);
view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(setting, node);
setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.CHECK, [event, setting.treeId, node]);
return true;
onMouseoverCheck: function(event, node) {
if (node.chkDisabled === true) return false;
var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId),
checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, setting);
node.check_Focus = true;
view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node);
return true;
onMouseoutCheck: function(event, node) {
if (node.chkDisabled === true) return false;
var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId),
checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, setting);
node.check_Focus = false;
view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node);
return true;
//method of tools for zTree
_tools = { },
//method of operate ztree dom
_view = {
checkNodeRelation: function(setting, node) {
var pNode, i, l,
childKey = setting.data.key.children,
checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked,
r = consts.radio;
if (setting.check.chkStyle == r.STYLE) {
var checkedList = data.getRadioCheckedList(setting);
if (node[checkedKey]) {
if (setting.check.radioType == r.TYPE_ALL) {
for (i = checkedList.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
pNode = checkedList[i];
if (pNode[checkedKey] && pNode != node) {
pNode[checkedKey] = false;
checkedList.splice(i, 1); view.setChkClass(setting, $$(pNode, consts.id.CHECK, setting), pNode);
if (pNode.parentTId != node.parentTId) {
view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(setting, pNode);
} else {
var parentNode = (node.parentTId) ? node.getParentNode() : data.getRoot(setting);
for (i = 0, l = parentNode[childKey].length; i < l; i++) {
pNode = parentNode[childKey][i];
if (pNode[checkedKey] && pNode != node) {
pNode[checkedKey] = false;
view.setChkClass(setting, $$(pNode, consts.id.CHECK, setting), pNode);
} else if (setting.check.radioType == r.TYPE_ALL) {
for (i = 0, l = checkedList.length; i < l; i++) {
if (node == checkedList[i]) {
checkedList.splice(i, 1);
} } else {
if (node[checkedKey] && (!node[childKey] || node[childKey].length==0 || setting.check.chkboxType.Y.indexOf("s") > -1)) {
view.setSonNodeCheckBox(setting, node, true);
if (!node[checkedKey] && (!node[childKey] || node[childKey].length==0 || setting.check.chkboxType.N.indexOf("s") > -1)) {
view.setSonNodeCheckBox(setting, node, false);
if (node[checkedKey] && setting.check.chkboxType.Y.indexOf("p") > -1) {
view.setParentNodeCheckBox(setting, node, true);
if (!node[checkedKey] && setting.check.chkboxType.N.indexOf("p") > -1) {
view.setParentNodeCheckBox(setting, node, false);
makeChkClass: function(setting, node) {
var checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked,
c = consts.checkbox, r = consts.radio,
fullStyle = "";
if (node.chkDisabled === true) {
fullStyle = c.DISABLED;
} else if (node.halfCheck) {
fullStyle = c.PART;
} else if (setting.check.chkStyle == r.STYLE) {
fullStyle = (node.check_Child_State < 1)? c.FULL:c.PART;
} else {
fullStyle = node[checkedKey] ? ((node.check_Child_State === 2 || node.check_Child_State === -1) ? c.FULL:c.PART) : ((node.check_Child_State < 1)? c.FULL:c.PART);
var chkName = setting.check.chkStyle + "_" + (node[checkedKey] ? c.TRUE : c.FALSE) + "_" + fullStyle;
chkName = (node.check_Focus && node.chkDisabled !== true) ? chkName + "_" + c.FOCUS : chkName;
return consts.className.BUTTON + " " + c.DEFAULT + " " + chkName;
repairAllChk: function(setting, checked) {
if (setting.check.enable && setting.check.chkStyle === consts.checkbox.STYLE) {
var checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked,
childKey = setting.data.key.children,
root = data.getRoot(setting);
for (var i = 0, l = root[childKey].length; i<l ; i++) {
var node = root[childKey][i];
if (node.nocheck !== true && node.chkDisabled !== true) {
node[checkedKey] = checked;
view.setSonNodeCheckBox(setting, node, checked);
repairChkClass: function(setting, node) {
if (!node) return;
data.makeChkFlag(setting, node);
if (node.nocheck !== true) {
var checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, setting);
view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node);
repairParentChkClass: function(setting, node) {
if (!node || !node.parentTId) return;
var pNode = node.getParentNode();
view.repairChkClass(setting, pNode);
view.repairParentChkClass(setting, pNode);
repairParentChkClassWithSelf: function(setting, node) {
if (!node) return;
var childKey = setting.data.key.children;
if (node[childKey] && node[childKey].length > 0) {
view.repairParentChkClass(setting, node[childKey][0]);
} else {
view.repairParentChkClass(setting, node);
repairSonChkDisabled: function(setting, node, chkDisabled, inherit) {
if (!node) return;
var childKey = setting.data.key.children;
if (node.chkDisabled != chkDisabled) {
node.chkDisabled = chkDisabled;
view.repairChkClass(setting, node);
if (node[childKey] && inherit) {
for (var i = 0, l = node[childKey].length; i < l; i++) {
var sNode = node[childKey][i];
view.repairSonChkDisabled(setting, sNode, chkDisabled, inherit);
repairParentChkDisabled: function(setting, node, chkDisabled, inherit) {
if (!node) return;
if (node.chkDisabled != chkDisabled && inherit) {
node.chkDisabled = chkDisabled;
view.repairChkClass(setting, node);
view.repairParentChkDisabled(setting, node.getParentNode(), chkDisabled, inherit);
setChkClass: function(setting, obj, node) {
if (!obj) return;
if (node.nocheck === true) {
} else {
obj.attr('class', view.makeChkClass(setting, node));
setParentNodeCheckBox: function(setting, node, value, srcNode) {
var childKey = setting.data.key.children,
checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked,
checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, setting);
if (!srcNode) srcNode = node;
data.makeChkFlag(setting, node);
if (node.nocheck !== true && node.chkDisabled !== true) {
node[checkedKey] = value;
view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node);
if (setting.check.autoCheckTrigger && node != srcNode) {
setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.CHECK, [null, setting.treeId, node]);
if (node.parentTId) {
var pSign = true;
if (!value) {
var pNodes = node.getParentNode()[childKey];
for (var i = 0, l = pNodes.length; i < l; i++) {
if ((pNodes[i].nocheck !== true && pNodes[i].chkDisabled !== true && pNodes[i][checkedKey])
|| ((pNodes[i].nocheck === true || pNodes[i].chkDisabled === true) && pNodes[i].check_Child_State > 0)) {
pSign = false;
if (pSign) {
view.setParentNodeCheckBox(setting, node.getParentNode(), value, srcNode);
setSonNodeCheckBox: function(setting, node, value, srcNode) {
if (!node) return;
var childKey = setting.data.key.children,
checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked,
checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, setting);
if (!srcNode) srcNode = node; var hasDisable = false;
if (node[childKey]) {
for (var i = 0, l = node[childKey].length; i < l && node.chkDisabled !== true; i++) {
var sNode = node[childKey][i];
view.setSonNodeCheckBox(setting, sNode, value, srcNode);
if (sNode.chkDisabled === true) hasDisable = true;
} if (node != data.getRoot(setting) && node.chkDisabled !== true) {
if (hasDisable && node.nocheck !== true) {
data.makeChkFlag(setting, node);
if (node.nocheck !== true && node.chkDisabled !== true) {
node[checkedKey] = value;
if (!hasDisable) node.check_Child_State = (node[childKey] && node[childKey].length > 0) ? (value ? 2 : 0) : -1;
} else {
node.check_Child_State = -1;
view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node);
if (setting.check.autoCheckTrigger && node != srcNode && node.nocheck !== true && node.chkDisabled !== true) {
setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.CHECK, [null, setting.treeId, node]);
} }
}, _z = {
tools: _tools,
view: _view,
event: _event,
data: _data
$.extend(true, $.fn.zTree.consts, _consts);
$.extend(true, $.fn.zTree._z, _z); var zt = $.fn.zTree,
tools = zt._z.tools,
consts = zt.consts,
view = zt._z.view,
data = zt._z.data,
event = zt._z.event,
$$ = tools.$; data.exSetting(_setting);
data.addInitProxy(_eventProxy, true);
data.addZTreeTools(_zTreeTools); var _createNodes = view.createNodes;
view.createNodes = function(setting, level, nodes, parentNode, index) {
if (_createNodes) _createNodes.apply(view, arguments);
if (!nodes) return;
view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(setting, parentNode);
var _removeNode = view.removeNode;
view.removeNode = function(setting, node) {
var parentNode = node.getParentNode();
if (_removeNode) _removeNode.apply(view, arguments);
if (!node || !parentNode) return;
view.repairChkClass(setting, parentNode);
view.repairParentChkClass(setting, parentNode);
} var _appendNodes = view.appendNodes;
view.appendNodes = function(setting, level, nodes, parentNode, index, initFlag, openFlag) {
var html = "";
if (_appendNodes) {
html = _appendNodes.apply(view, arguments);
if (parentNode) {
data.makeChkFlag(setting, parentNode);
return html;


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    functiongetZtree() { varsetting = { view: { expandSpeed: 100, selectedMulti: true, showLine: true, / ...


  1. APMServ5.2.6win10系统Apache、MySQL5.1启动失败解决办法

    今天想在本地测试网站源码能否正常运行,如果可以就转空间了,然而下载了APMServ之后发现系统Apache.MySQL5.1启动均失败,小白的人表示只能借助百度,用了一个小时的时间终于解决了,虽然坎坷 ...

  2. centos 监控进程,并自动重启

    编辑Crontab crontab -e 按i进行编辑 */ * * * * /root/monitor.sh # 每分钟运行一遍monitor.sh脚本 * * * /sbin/reboot # 每 ...

  3. Solr7.4.0的API(Solrj)操作

    一.SolrJ的概念 solr单机版服务搭建:https://www.cnblogs.com/frankdeng/p/9615253.html solr集群版服务搭建:https://www.cnbl ...

  4. Redux架构

    深入Redux架构   阅读目录 关于redux API 中间件与异步操作 异步操作的基本思路 React-Redux的用法 回到顶部 关于redux 之前写了一篇通过一个demo了解Redux,但对 ...

  5. 关于spark standalone模式下的executor问题

    1.spark standalone模式下,worker与executor是一一对应的. 2.如果想要多个worker,那么需要修改spark-env的SPARK_WORKER_INSTANCES为2 ...

  6. 【Java】 大话数据结构(14) 排序算法(1) (冒泡排序及其优化)

    本文根据<大话数据结构>一书,实现了Java版的冒泡排序. 更多:数据结构与算法合集 基本概念 基本思想:将相邻的元素两两比较,根据大小关系交换位置,直到完成排序. 对n个数组成的无序数列 ...

  7. js加入购物车抛物线动画

    天猫将商品加入购物车会有一个抛物线动画,告诉用户操作成功以及购物车的位置,业务中需要用到类似的效果,记录一下实现过程备忘,先上demo 一开始没有想到用抛物线函数去做,也已经忘记还有这么个函数了,想着 ...

  8. clob字段超过4000转String类型

    上次提到listagg()和wm_concat()方法合并过的字段类型为clob,要是字段长度超过4000,直接使用to_char()方法转会报错. 解决方法可以在java代码中使用流的方式转化成字符 ...

  9. 纠结好久的VM虚拟机MAC地址绑定问题

    VM虚拟机(centos)采用桥接的方式访问网络,搭建一个Online Judger 的 web服务端.本想让虚拟机的ip能够固定下来,因此在路由上采用MAC和IP绑定的方式解决. 结果:每次重启虚拟 ...

  10. 回忆Ajax ๑乛◡乛๑

    东西越多,记不完,也记不住,笔记是最好的记忆了. 回顾以前的ajax的写法,简单封装一个ajax. //data = { // url: "url", // method: &qu ...