Recently, some of my projects rely heavily upon tests with selenium. Some books about selenium are collected and listed here for reference.

- An Introduction to Testing Web Applications with twill and Selenium (2007)

* A simple introduction to how to use twill and selenium in entry level. It's really old and outdate. Web environment and tools have changed a lot since it's published.

- Selenium 1.0 Testing Tools: Beginner’s Guide

* A beginner's guide to using Selenium to record, tweak and replay test scripts.

Selenium Books的更多相关文章

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  2. 【项目】Selenium和pymongo复习

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  3. Python&Selenium 数据驱动【unittest+ddt+xml】

    一.摘要 本博文将介绍Python和Selenium做自动化测试的时候,基于unittest框架,借助ddt模块使用xml文件作为数据文件作为测试输入 二.xml文件 <?xml version ...

  4. selenium自动化测试工具模拟登陆爬取当当网top500畅销书单

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  5. <自动化测试>之<Selenium API 的用法1>

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  6. selenium docs

    Note to the Reader - Docs Being Revised for Selenium 2.0! Introduction Test Automation for Web Appli ...

  7. Python&Selenium 数据驱动测试【unittest+ddt+xml】

    一.摘要 本博文将介绍Python和Selenium做自动化测试时,基于unittest框架,借助ddt模块,使用xml文件作为测试输入. 二.xml文件 保存路径:D:\\Programs\\Pyt ...

  8. Python爬虫小白入门(四)PhatomJS+Selenium第一篇

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  9. Selenium的PO模式(Page Object Model)[python版]

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