- freebsd下,使用SO_REUSEPORT选项,两个tcp的socket可以绑定同一个端口;同样,使用SO_REUSEPORT选项,两个udp的socket可以绑定同一个端口。
- linux下,两个tcp的socket不能绑定同一个端口;而如果使用SO_REUSEADDR选项,两个udp的socket可以绑定同一个端口。
- freebsd下,两个tcp的socket绑定同一端口,只有第一个socket获得数据。
- freebsd下,两个udp的socket绑定同一端口,如果数据包的目的地址是单播地址,则只有第一个socket获得数据,而如果数据包的目的地址是多播地址,则两个socket同时获得相同的数据。
- linux下,两个udp的socket绑定同一端口,如果数据包的目的地址是单播地址,则只有最后一个socket获得数据,而如果数据包的目的地址是多播地址,则两个socket同时获得相同的数据。
- SO_REUSEADDR允许启动一个监听服务器并捆绑其众所周知端口,即使以前建立的将此端口用做他们的本地端口的连接仍存在。这通常是重启监听服务器时出现,若不设置此选项,则bind时将出错。
- SO_REUSEADDR允许在同一端口上启动同一服务器的多个实例(多个进程),只要每个实例捆绑一个不同的本地IP地址即可。在有多块网卡或者用IP Alias技术的机器可以测试这种情况。 对于TCP,我们根本不可能启动捆绑相同IP地址和相同端口号的多个服务器。
- SO_REUSEADDR允许单个进程捆绑同一端口到多个套接口上,只要每个捆绑指定不同的本地IP地址即可。这一般不用于TCP服务器。
- SO_REUSEADDR允许完全重复的捆绑:当一个IP地址和端口绑定到某个套接口上时,还允许此IP地址和端口捆绑到另一个套接口上。一般来说,这个特性仅在支持多播的系统上才有,而且只对UDP套接口而言,不用于TCP(TCP不支持多播)。
- 此选项允许完全重复捆绑,但仅在想捆绑相同IP地址和端口的套接口都指定了此套接口选项才行。 如果被捆绑的IP地址是一个多播地址,则SO_REUSEADDR和SO_REUSEPORT等效。
- 在所有TCP服务器中,在调用bind之前设置SO_REUSEADDR套接口选项。
- 当编写一个同一时刻在同一主机上可运行多次的多播应用程序时,设置SO_REUSEADDR选项,并将本组的多播地址作为本地IP地址捆绑。
A:这个套接字选项通知内核,如果端口忙,但TCP状态位于 TIME_WAIT ,可以重用端口。如果端口忙,而TCP状态位于其他状态,重用端口时依旧得到一个错误信息,指明"地址已经使用中"。如果你的服务程序停止后想立即重启,而新套接字依旧使用同一端口,此时SO_REUSEADDR 选项非常有用。必须意识到,此时任何非期望数据到达,都可能导致服务程序反应混乱,不过这只是一种可能,事实上很不可能。
一个套接字由相关五元组构成,协议、本地地址、本地端口、远程地址、远程端口。SO_REUSEADDR 仅仅表示可以重用本地本地地址、本地端口,整个相关五元组还是唯一确定的。所以,重启后的服务程序有可能收到非期望数据。必须慎重使用 SO_REUSEADDR 选项。
- if( getsockopt( sockfd , SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT,
- ( char *)&optval, &optlen ) < 0 )
- printf( " get socket error /n" );
- if( setsockopt( sockfd , SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT,
- ( char *)&optval, sizeof( optval ) ) < 0 )
- printf( " set socket error /n" );
- 编译报错:
- libtcp.c:1195: error: `SO_REUSEPORT' undeclared (first use in this function)
- libtcp.c:1195: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
- libtcp.c:1195: error: for each function it appears in.)
/usr/include/asm/socket.h:/* To add :#define SO_REUSEPORT 15 */
What is the difference between SO_REUSEADDR and SO_REUSEPORT?
from:UNIX Socket FAQ
SO_REUSEADDR allows your server to bind to an address which is in a TIME_WAIT state. It does not allow more than one server to bind to the same address. It was mentioned that use of this flag can create a security risk because another server can bind to a the same port, by binding to a specific address as opposed to INADDR_ANY. The SO_REUSEPORT flag allows multiple processes to bind to the same address provided all of them use the SO_REUSEPORT option.
From Richard Stevens (
This is a newer flag that appeared in the 4.4BSD multicasting code (although that code was from elsewhere, so I am not sure just who invented the new SO_REUSEPORT flag).
What this flag lets you do is rebind a port that is already in use, but only if all users of the port specify the flag. I believe the intent is for multicasting apps, since if you're running the same app on a host, all need to bind the same port. But the flag may have other uses. For example the following is from a post in February:
From Stu Friedberg (
SO_REUSEPORT is also useful for eliminating the try-10-times-to-bind hack in ftpd's data connection setup routine. Without SO_REUSEPORT, only one ftpd thread can bind to TCP (lhost, lport, INADDR_ANY, 0) in preparation for connecting back to the client. Under conditions of heavy load, there are more threads colliding here than the try-10-times hack can accomodate. With SO_REUSEPORT, things work nicely and the hack becomes unnecessary.
I have also heard that DEC OSF supports the flag. Also note that under 4.4BSD, if you are binding a multicast address, then SO_REUSEADDR is condisered the same as SO_REUSEPORT (p. 731 of "TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2"). I think under Solaris you just replace SO_REUSEPORT with SO_REUSEADDR.
From a later Stevens posting, with minor editing:
Basically SO_REUSEPORT is a BSD'ism that arose when multicasting was added, even thought it was not used in the original Steve Deering code. I believe some BSD-derived systems may also include it (OSF, now Digital Unix, perhaps?). SO_REUSEPORT lets you bind the same address *and* port, but only if all the binders have specified it. But when binding a multicast address (its main use), SO_REUSEADDR is considered identical to SO_REUSEPORT (p. 731, "TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2"). So for portability of multicasting applications I always use SO_REUSEADDR.
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