Re: [xml] MSYS and MINGW: undefined reference to _imp__xmlFree

  • From: Mike Peat <mpeat unicorninterglobal com>
  • To: danielg teragram com
  • Cc: "Daniel Richard G." <oss teragram com>, xml gnome org
  • Subject: Re: [xml] MSYS and MINGW: undefined reference to _imp__xmlFree
  • Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 15:36:21 +0000

On 16/11/2012 08:06, Daniel Richard G. wrote:

On Fri, 9 Nov 2012, Mike Peat wrote:

I am trying to do that under MinGW/MSys (having had no joy with MSVC due to msvcrt.dll incompatibilities), but am running into the error "undefined reference to _imp__xmlFree". If anybody knows how to solve this problem then I would be extremely grateful if they would let me know how.

That's a sign that you compiled LibXML2 as a static library, but compiled your application to consume LibXML2 as a DLL. When "_imp_" is prepended to a function name, that means the function lives (or is expected to live) in a DLL.

Try compiling your application with -DLIBXML_STATIC.


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