
# params显示:layer名,w,b
for layer_name, param in net.params.items():
print layer_name + '\t' + str(param[0].data.shape), str(param[1].data.shape) # blob显示:layer名,输出的blob维度
for layer_name, blob in net.blobs.items():
print layer_name + '\t' + str(blob.data.shape)


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import caffe
%matplotlib inline plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (8, 8)
plt.rcParams['image.interpolation'] = 'nearest'
plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gray' def show_data(data, padsize=1, padval=0):
"""Take an array of shape (n, height, width) or (n, height, width, 3)
and visualize each (height, width) thing in a grid of size approx. sqrt(n) by sqrt(n)"""
# data归一化
data -= data.min()
data /= data.max() # 根据data中图片数量data.shape[0],计算最后输出时每行每列图片数n
n = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(data.shape[0])))
# padding = ((图片个数维度的padding),(图片高的padding), (图片宽的padding), ....)
padding = ((0, n ** 2 - data.shape[0]), (0, padsize), (0, padsize)) + ((0, 0),) * (data.ndim - 3)
data = np.pad(data, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=(padval, padval)) # 先将padding后的data分成n*n张图像
data = data.reshape((n, n) + data.shape[1:]).transpose((0, 2, 1, 3) + tuple(range(4, data.ndim + 1)))
# 再将(n, W, n, H)变换成(n*w, n*H)
data = data.reshape((n * data.shape[1], n * data.shape[3]) + data.shape[4:])
plt.axis('off') # 示例:显示第一个卷积层的输出数据和权值(filter)
print net.blobs['conv1'].data[0].shape
print net.params['conv1'][0].data.shape


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import caffe
# 使用SGDSolver,即随机梯度下降算法
solver = caffe.SGDSolver('/home/xxx/mnist/solver.prototxt') # 等价于solver文件中的max_iter,即最大解算次数
niter = 10000 # 每隔100次收集一次loss数据
display= 100 # 每次测试进行100次解算
test_iter = 100 # 每500次训练进行一次测试
test_interval =500 #初始化
train_loss = zeros(ceil(niter * 1.0 / display))
test_loss = zeros(ceil(niter * 1.0 / test_interval))
test_acc = zeros(ceil(niter * 1.0 / test_interval)) # 辅助变量
_train_loss = 0; _test_loss = 0; _accuracy = 0
# 进行解算
for it in range(niter):
# 进行一次解算
# 统计train loss
_train_loss += solver.net.blobs['SoftmaxWithLoss1'].data
if it % display == 0:
# 计算平均train loss
train_loss[it // display] = _train_loss / display
_train_loss = 0 if it % test_interval == 0:
for test_it in range(test_iter):
# 进行一次测试
# 计算test loss
_test_loss += solver.test_nets[0].blobs['SoftmaxWithLoss1'].data
# 计算test accuracy
_accuracy += solver.test_nets[0].blobs['Accuracy1'].data
# 计算平均test loss
test_loss[it / test_interval] = _test_loss / test_iter
# 计算平均test accuracy
test_acc[it / test_interval] = _accuracy / test_iter
_test_loss = 0
_accuracy = 0 # 绘制train loss、test loss和accuracy曲线
print '\nplot the train loss and test accuracy\n'
_, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax2 = ax1.twinx() # train loss -> 绿色
ax1.plot(display * arange(len(train_loss)), train_loss, 'g')
# test loss -> 黄色
ax1.plot(test_interval * arange(len(test_loss)), test_loss, 'y')
# test accuracy -> 红色
ax2.plot(test_interval * arange(len(test_acc)), test_acc, 'r') ax1.set_xlabel('iteration')

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