2017ACM暑期多校联合训练 - Team 2 1008 HDU 6052 To my boyfriend (数学 模拟)
Problem Description
Dear Liao
I never forget the moment I met with you. You carefully asked me: "I have a very difficult problem. Can you teach me?". I replied with a smile, "of course". You replied:"Given a matrix, I randomly choose a sub-matrix, what is the expectation of the number of different numbers it contains?"
Sincerely yours,
The first line of input contains an integer T(T≤8) indicating the number of test cases.
Each case contains two integers, n and m (1≤n, m≤100), the number of rows and the number of columns in the grid, respectively.
The next n lines each contain m integers. In particular, the j-th integer in the i-th of these rows contains g_i,j (0≤ g_i,j < n*m).
Each case outputs a number that holds 9 decimal places.
Sample Input
2 3
1 2 1
2 1 2
Sample Output
6(size = 1) + 14(size = 2) + 4(size = 3) + 4(size = 4) + 2(size = 6) = 30 / 18 = 6(size = 1) + 7(size = 2) + 2(size = 3) + 2(size = 4) + 1(size = 6)
期望(也就相当于均值)=所有子矩阵的value之和 / 子矩阵个数。
接下来我们讲重点:显然要每个颜色单独考虑,在考虑颜色i的时候,把颜色i的点看作关键点,求出 至少包含一个关键点的子矩阵个数。现在的问题是我们如何不重复不遗漏的统计个数。
整个算法复杂度严格小于 mn(n/2+m)(点数平摊上边界枚举数量&最多需要考虑的点),实际上跑起来是快的飞起,因为中间会跳出,而且要考虑的点没那么多。
using namespace std;
const int MAX = 105;
int m,n;
int mp[MAX][MAX];
int bottom[MAX];
vector< pair <int,int> > Color[MAX*MAX];///用于存储每个颜色对应的坐标点
vector<int> yIndex[MAX];///每个颜色已经遍历过的点的行号
long long calc(int col)
long long ans = 0;
for (vector<pair <int,int> > :: iterator it=Color[col].begin(); it!=Color[col].end(); it++)
int ni = it->first,nj = it->second;///获取横、纵坐标
for (int i = 1; i<=m; i++)///在每一列里面找,看有没有这个颜色的点
if (bottom[i])
int yl=1,yr=m;
bool br = false;
for (int ii = ni; ii>=1; ii--)
for (vector<int>::iterator it = yIndex[ii].begin(); it!=yIndex[ii].end(); it++)
int yy = *it;
if (yy<nj)
yl = max(yl,yy+1);///寻找左边界
else if (yy>nj)
yr = min (yr,yy-1);///右边界
br = true;
if (br) break;
bottom[nj] = ni;
return ans;
void solve()
long long ans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<=n*m; i++)
if (!Color[i].empty())
ans +=calc(i);
double anss = ((double)(4*ans))/(n*(n+1)*m*(m+1));
int main()
int Cas;
while (Cas--)
for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)
for (int j = 1; j<=m; j++)
for (int i=0; i<=n*m; i++)
if (!Color[i].empty())
return 0;
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