- 源端ogg版本:
- [oracle@rac1 ogg]$ ggsci -v
- Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
- Version 18343248 18541804_FBO
- Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on May 8 2014 23:38:49
- Copyright (C) 1995, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- 目标端ogg版本:
- [oracle@single2 ggs]$ ggsci -v
- Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
- Version 16874907 OGGCORE_11.
- Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Jun 12 2013 03:27:15
- Copyright (C) 1995, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- 正常配置:
- 源端:exthtl dphtl
- 目标端:rephtl
- 起同步以后,目标端进程:
- GGSCI (single2) 3> info all
- Program Status Group Lag Time Since Chkpt
- REPLICAT ABENDED REPHTL 00:00:00 00:06:26
- 检查报错:
- GGSCI (single2) 5> view report rephtl
- 。。。
- 2017-06-01 02:34:10 ERROR OGG-01332 File /ggs/dirdat/tl000000, with compatibility level 3, is not compatible with the current software version's compatib
- ility level of 2. Modify the file writer's parameter file to generate the appropriate format using the FORMAT LEVEL 2 option.
- 。。。
- 搜索ogg官方文档E24874-01 :
- OGG-01332: File {0}, with compatibility level {1,number,0}, is not compatible with
- the current software version's compatibility level of {2,number,0}. Modify the
- file writer's parameter file to generate the appropriate format using the
- FORMAT LEVEL {2,number,0} option.
- Cause: The version of the trail file and the version of the process that reads it
- (Extract or Replicat) are not the same. The trail version must be the same as, or
- older than, that of the reader process. LEVEL is an internal option that specifies a
- compatibility level that is independent of the Oracle GoldenGate software version
- and only changes if new functionality was added to a version that affects the trail
- format. A value of 1 or greater specifies a format that is supported by Oracle
- GoldenGate versions 10.0 and later. A value of 0 specifies a format that is
- supported by Oracle GoldenGate versions prior to 10.0.
- Action: Edit the parameter file to set the EXTFILE, EXTTRAIL, RMTFILE, or
- RMTTRAIL parameter to 0 to write a trail that is backward compatibile with the
- reader process. Next, issue the issue the ALTER EXTRACT comand with the
- ETROLLOVER option in GGSCI. The rollover creates a new trail file in the
- specified format. Start Extract to begin writing to the new trail file. For more
- information, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for the trail or
- file parameters.
- 也就是说,生成trail文件的版本必须必读取trail文件的版本相同或者更旧。根据提示,去查找ogg官方文档E27274-01:
- FORMAT RELEASE <major>.<minor> :
- Specifies the metadata format of the data that is sent by Extract to a
- trail, a file, or (if a remote task) to another process. The metadata tells
- the reader process whether the data records are of a version that it
- supports. The metadata format depends on the version of the Oracle
- GoldenGate process. Older Oracle GoldenGate versions contain
- different metadata than newer ones.
- ◆ FORMAT is a required keyword.
- ◆ RELEASE specifies an Oracle GoldenGate release version. <major> is
- the major version number, and <minor> is the minor version
- number. Valid values are 9.0 through the current Oracle
- GoldenGate version number. (If you use an Oracle GoldenGate
- version that is earlier than 9.0, specify either 9.0 or 9.5.) The
- release version is programatically mapped back to the appropriate
- trail format compatibility level. The default is the current version
- of the process that writes to this trail.
- There is a dependency between FORMAT and the RECOVERYOPTIONS
- parameter. When RECOVERYOPTIONS is set to APPENDMODE, FORMAT must
- be set to RELEASE 10.0 or greater. When RECOVERYOPTIONS is set to
- OVERWRITEMODE, FORMAT must be set to RELEASE 9.5 or less.
- See Appendix 2 on page 562 for additional information about Oracle
- GoldenGate trail file versioning and recovery modes
- 根据提示,在参数文件中涉及trail文件的加format release 11.1(ext及dp中),再次重新部署,目标端启动进程:
- 2017-06-01 03:46:43 WARNING OGG-00869 OCI Error ORA-26945: unsupported hint RESTRICT_ALL_REF_CONS (status = 26945), SQL <INSERT /*+ RESTRICT_ALL_REF_CONS *
- / INTO "TEST"."PK" ("ID","NAME") VALUES (:a0,:a1)>.
- 2017-06-01 03:46:43 WARNING OGG-01004 Aborted grouped transaction on 'TEST.PK', Database error 26945 (OCI Error ORA-26945: unsupported hint RESTRICT_ALL_RE
- F_CONS (status = 26945), SQL <INSERT /*+ RESTRICT_ALL_REF_CONS */ INTO "TEST"."PK" ("ID","NAME") VALUES (:a0,:a1)>).
- 2017-06-01 03:46:43 WARNING OGG-01003 Repositioning to rba 328089 in seqno 0.
- 2017-06-01 03:46:43 WARNING OGG-01154 SQL error 26945 mapping TEST.PK to TEST.PK OCI Error ORA-26945: unsupported hint RESTRICT_ALL_REF_CONS (status = 2694
- 2017-06-01 03:46:43 WARNING OGG-01003 Repositioning to rba 328089 in seqno 0.
- Source Context :
- SourceModule : [er.main]
- SourceID : [/scratch/aime1/adestore/views/aime1_adc4150267/oggcore/OpenSys/src/app/er/rep.c]
- SourceFunction : [take_rep_err_action]
- SourceLine : [16191]
- ThreadBacktrace : [8] elements
- : [/ggs/replicat(CMessageContext::AddThreadContext()+0x26) [0x68bab6]]
- : [/ggs/replicat(CMessageFactory::CreateMessage(CSourceContext*, unsigned int, ...)+0x39f) [0x6853df]]
- : [/ggs/replicat(_MSG_ERR_MAP_TO_TANDEM_FAILED(CSourceContext*, DBString<777> const&, DBString<777> const&, CMessageFactory::Messag
- eDisposition)+0x4d) [0x66bf2d]]
- : [/ggs/replicat() [0x552ab3]]
- : [/ggs/replicat() [0x55d8cb]]
- : [/ggs/replicat(main+0x65c) [0x54800c]]
- : [/lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xfd) [0x3648e1ed1d]]
- : [/ggs/replicat(__gxx_personality_v0+0x1ea) [0x4fd56a]]
- 2017-06-01 03:46:43 ERROR OGG-01296 Error mapping from TEST.PK to TEST.PK.
- 注:ORA-26945: unsupported hint RESTRICT_ALL_REF_CONS原因(摘自 1644272.1)
- The issue is seen on OGG version 11.1 when using DBOPTIONS DEFERREFCONST parameter against Oracle DB version
- OGG version should be 11.2 or higher when using Oracle db version and make sure to use the OGG build for Oracle 11g.
- The error could also happen when ENABLE_GOLDENGATE_REPLICATION database parameter is not enabled on Oracle and
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