
The tags helper is a collection of useful methods:


Clean function to convert data into an array.


This method converts the $string depending on the condition:


Returns the year


Returns the site title constant (SITETITLE)


Returns the site email constant (SITEEMAIL)

echo Tags::get('[feedburner username]');

Generates a Feedburner subscriber form

echo Tags::get('[googleplusbox username]');

Generates a Google+ box

echo Tags::get('[twitterfollowbutton username]');

Generates a Twitter follow button for the given username

echo Tags::get('[twittersharebutton username]');

Generates a Twitter share button for the given username

echo Tags::get('[youtube id]');

Generates an embed iframe for youtube, pass the video id only

echo Tags::get('[youtubesub username]');

Generates a youtube subscribe widget

echo Tags::get('[vimeo id]');

Generates an embed iframe for vimeo, pass the video id only


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