// demo1.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。


#include "stdafx.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


class CMath



 CMath(float a):m_a(a)






 double Add(double a,double b);

 double Sub(double a,double b);

 double Mul(double a,double b);

 double Div(double a,double b);

 int Add(int a,int b)


  return a+b;


 int Sub(int a,int b)


  return a-b;


 int Mul(int a,int b)


  return a*b;


 int Div(int a,int b)


  if (b!=0)


   return a/b;


  return 0;



 CMath operator +(CMath& mymath)


  CMath result(0);


  return result;


 CMath operator -(CMath& mymath)


  CMath result(0);


  return result;


 CMath operator *(CMath& mymath)


  CMath result(0);


  return result;


 CMath operator /(CMath& mymath)


  if (mymath.m_a==0)




  CMath result(0);


  return result;


 CMath operator ++()//前++



  return *this;


 CMath operator ++(int)//后++,加上參数int,无意义


  CMath *t=this;


  return *t;


 CMath operator --()//前--



  return *this;


 CMath operator --(int)//后--,加上參数int,无意义


  CMath *t=this;


  return *t;


 CMath operator +=(CMath & mymath)



  return *this;


  CMath operator -=(CMath & mymath)



  return *this;


 bool operator ==(CMath &mymath)


  return (m_a==mymath.m_a);


 friend ostream& operator <<(ostream &os,CMath &t);//必须是友元



 friend iostream& operator >>(iostream &is,CMath &t);//必须是友元



 CMath operator ()(const CMath& t)


  return CMath(this->m_a=t.m_a);


 CMath& operator =(CMath &t)



  return *this;



 float m_a;



ostream& operator <<(ostream &os,CMath &t)



 return os;


iostream& operator >>(iostream &is,CMath &t)



 return is;



double CMath::Add(double a,double b)


 return a+b;



double CMath::Sub(double a,double b)


 return a-b;



double CMath::Mul(double a,double b)


 return a*b;



double CMath::Div(double a,double b)


 if (b==0)




 return a/b;


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])


 CMath mymath(4);















 CMath mymath1(20);



 if (mymath==mymath1)












 return 0;




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