LeetCode FindMinimuminRotatedSorteArray &&FindMinimuminRotatedSorteArray2
首先第一题: FindMinimuminRotatedSorteArray(时间复杂度为二分算法的时间复杂度O(logN))
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Leetcode
public class FindMinimuminRotatedSorteArray
public int FindMin(int[] nums)
int length = nums.Length;
int beg = ;
int end = length - ;//闭区间,注意-1
int mid = ;
while (beg < end)
if (nums[beg] < nums[end])//如果成立代表数组是有序的,直接退出循环
mid = (beg + end) / ;
if (nums[beg] > nums[mid])//这里面将两个元素的特殊情况包括在内
end = mid;
beg = mid + ;
return nums[beg];
} /*参考博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/loverooney/article/details/40921751*/
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Leetcode
class FindMinimuminRotatedSorteArray2
public int FindMin(int[] nums)
int length = nums.Length;
int beg = ;
int end = length - ;
int mid = ;
while (beg < end)
if (nums[beg] < nums[end])
mid = (beg + end) / ;
if (nums[beg] > nums[mid])
end = mid;//闭区间(也有可能mid是最小值)
else if (nums[mid] > nums[end])
beg = mid + ;//开区间,因此+1(mid不可能是最小值)
return nums[beg];
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