The new operating system BerOS has a nice feature. It is possible to use any number of characters '/' as a delimiter in path instead of one traditional '/'. For example, strings //usr///local//nginx/sbin// and /usr/local/nginx///sbin are equivalent. The character '/' (or some sequence of such characters) at the end of the path is required only in case of the path to the root directory, which can be represented as single character '/'.

A path called normalized if it contains the smallest possible number of characters '/'.

Your task is to transform a given path to the normalized form.


The first line of the input contains only lowercase Latin letters and character '/' — the path to some directory. All paths start with at least one character '/'. The length of the given line is no more than 100 characters, it is not empty.


The path in normalized form.



#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <queue>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath> using namespace std; int main()
char s[];
char t[];
int i = ,j = ,c = ;
t[j ++] = s[i];
if(s[i] == '/')
c ++;
while(s[i + ] == '/')i ++;
i ++;
if(c > )while(t[j - ] == '/')j --;
t[j] = '\0';

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