1. 延迟timer,相当于setTimeout


2. 循环timer,相当于setInterval


3. 停止一个timer

this.monsterTimer = game.time.events.loop(Phaser.Timer.SECOND,this.addMonster,this);

4. Phaser中的时间常量

Phaser.Timer.SECOND =1 second
Phaser.Timer.SECOND*5 =5 seconds
Phaser.Timer.SECOND/2= half a second or call the function twice a second
Phaser.Timer.SECOND/10 =one tenth a second

5. 创建一个倒计时的例子

var StateMain = {
preload: function() {},
create: function() {
//total time until trigger
this.timeInSeconds = 120;
//make a text field
this.timeText = game.add.text(game.world.centerX, game.world.centerY, "0:00");
//turn the text white
this.timeText.fill = "#ffffff";
//center the text
this.timeText.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
//set up a loop timer
this.timer = game.time.events.loop(Phaser.Timer.SECOND, this.tick, this);
tick: function() {
//subtract a second
//find how many complete minutes are left
var minutes = Math.floor(this.timeInSeconds / 60);
//find the number of seconds left
//not counting the minutes
var seconds = this.timeInSeconds - (minutes * 60);
//make a string showing the time
var timeString = this.addZeros(minutes) + ":" + this.addZeros(seconds);
//display the string in the text field
this.timeText.text = timeString;
//check if the time is up
if (this.timeInSeconds == 0) {
//remove the timer from the game
//call your game over or other code here!
this.timeText.text="Game Over";
* add leading zeros to any number less than 10
* for example turn 1 to 01
addZeros: function(num) {
if (num < 10) {
num = "0" + num;
return num;
update: function() {}



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