

How to Create a Network Share Via Samba Via CLI (Command-line interface/Linux Terminal) - Uncomplicated, Simple and Brief Way!

In this text, I teach how to create a network share via Samba using the CLI (Command-line interface/Linux Terminal) in an uncomplicated, simple and brief way targeting Windows users.


All commands must be done as root (precede each command with 'sudo' or use 'sudo su').

  1. Install Samba
    1. sudo apt-get update
    2. sudo apt-get install samba
  2. Set a password for your user in Samba
    1. sudo smbpasswd -a <user_name>
      1. Note: Samba uses a separate set of passwords than the standard Linux system accounts (stored in /etc/samba/smbpasswd), so you'll need to create a Samba password for yourself. This tutorial implies that you will use your own user and it does not cover situations involving other users passwords, groups, etc...

        Tip1: Use the password for your own user to facilitate.

        Tip2: Remember that your user must have permission to write and edit the folder you want to share.


        sudo chown <user_name> /var/opt/blah/blahblah

        sudo chown :<user_name> /var/opt/blah/blahblah

        Tip3: If you're using another user than your own, it needs to exist in your system beforehand, you can create it without a shell access using the following command :

        sudo useradd USERNAME --shell /bin/false


        You can also hide the user on the login screen by adjusting lightdm's configuration, in /etc/lightdm/users.conf add the newly created user to the line :


  3. Create a directory to be shared

    mkdir /home/<user_name>/<folder_name>

  4. Make a safe backup copy of the original smb.conf file to your home folder, in case you make an error

    sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf ~

  5. Edit the file "/etc/samba/smb.conf"

    sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

    1. Once "smb.conf" has loaded, add this to the very end of the file:
    3. [<folder_name>]
    4. path = /home/<user_name>/<folder_name>
    5. available = yes
    6. valid users = <user_name>
    7. read only = no
    8. browseable = yes
    9. public = yes
    10. writable = yes

      Tip: There Should be in the spaces between the lines, and note que also there should be a single space both before and after each of the equal signs.

  6. Restart the samba:

    sudo service smbd restart

  7. Once Samba has restarted, use this command to check your smb.conf for any syntax errors


  8. To access your network share

    To access your network share use your username (<user_name>) and password through the path "smb://<HOST_IP_OR_NAME>/<folder_name>/" (Linux users) or "\\<HOST_IP_OR_NAME>\<folder_name>\" (Windows users). Note that "<folder_name>" value is passed in "[<folder_name>]", in other words, the share name you entered in "/etc/samba/smb.conf".

    1. Note: The default user group of samba is "WORKGROUP".



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