The mesh stack consists of a number of subsystems that are interfaced through a set of API modules. The API modules hide the complexity of their subsystems. The functionality provided in the API is sufficient to make a functioning mesh device, so that there is no need to bypass the API.

  The mesh stack's structure is based off the structure of the Bluetooth Mesh Specification and follows the same naming conventions. See Basic Bluetooth Mesh concepts for an introduction to the Bluetooth Mesh.




  • Models: The Bluetooth Mesh models present and implement device behavior.
  • Access: The Bluetooth Mesh access layer organizes models and communication.
  • DSM: The Device State Manager stores addresses and encryption keys for usage in the models.
  • Core: The Core Bluetooth Mesh layer takes care of encryption and message relaying.
  • Provisioning: The Bluetooth Mesh provisioning protocol is used for adding devices to the network.
  • Bearer: The Bearer layer takes care of low-level radio operation.
  • DFU: The Device Firmware Upgrade module cooperates with a bootloader to enable firmware upgrades through the mesh.
  • Node Config (not pictured): The node configuration is a utility module that manages the configuration and setup of the device.
  • Serial (not pictured): Application-level serialization of the Mesh API allows the mesh to be controlled by a separate host device.
  • 模型: 蓝牙 MESH 模型

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