LeetCode——Intersection of Two Linked Lists
Write a program to find the node at which the intersection of two singly linked lists begins.
For example, the following two linked lists:
A: a1 → a2
c1 → c2 → c3
B: b1 → b2 → b3
begin to intersect at node c1.
* Definition for singly-linked list.
* public class ListNode {
* int val;
* ListNode next;
* ListNode(int x) {
* val = x;
* next = null;
* }
* }
public class Solution {
public ListNode getIntersectionNode(ListNode headA, ListNode headB) {
if(headA==null || headB==null)
return null;
ListNode aNode = headA;
ListNode bNode = headB;
int aLen = 0, bLen = 0;
while(aNode != null) {
aLen ++;
aNode = aNode.next;
while(bNode != null) {
bLen ++;
bNode = bNode.next;
if(aNode != bNode)
return null;
if(aLen > bLen) {
for(int i = 0; i < aLen-bLen; i++)
headA = headA.next;
else if(aLen < bLen) {
for(int i=0; i<bLen-aLen; i++)
headB = headB.next;
while(headA != headB) {
headA = headA.next;
headB = headB.next;
return headA;
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