
004. Median of Two Sorted Arrays[H]


There are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively. Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).


这个题目是非常的常见,而且有特别多的变形。特别是在当前大数据的环境下,如何快速查找第i个元素有很现实的意义。如果想看分治的思路,建议直接看这个文章:【分步详解】两个有序数组中的中位数和Top K问题




class Solution {
double findMedianSortedArrays(vector<int>& nums1, vector<int>& nums2) {
if(nums1.size() == 0)
return MedofArray(nums2);
if(nums2.size() == 0)
return MedofArray(nums1);
vector<int> num3;
int size = (nums1.size()+nums2.size());
int mid = size/2;
int flag = !(size%2);
int i,m1,m2,cur;
double a,b;
for(i = m1 = m2 = 0;i < size;i++)
a = m1 < nums1.size()?nums1[m1]:INT_MAX;//过界处理
b = m2 < nums2.size()?nums2[m2]:INT_MAX;//过界处理
//cout<<i<<" a "<<a<<" b "<<b<<endl;
if(a < b)
if(i == mid)
return (num3[mid]+num3[mid-flag])/2.0;
double MedofArray(vector<int>& nums)
int mid = nums.size()/2;
int flag = !(nums.size()%2);
return (nums[mid]+nums[mid-flag])/2.0;

思路2——分治 *

这是一个很经典的Divide & Conquer的题目,关键就在如何划分。这里引用stellari 的高分答案,觉得他这个讲的特别好:
由于篇幅很长,我把这个移动到了这篇文章: 【分步详解】两个有序数组中的中位数和Top K问题


class Solution {
double findMedianSortedArrays(vector<int>& nums1, vector<int>& nums2) {
int n = nums1.size();
int m = nums2.size();
if(n > m) //保证数组1一定最短
return findMedianSortedArrays(nums2,nums1);
int L1,L2,R1,R2,c1,c2,lo = 0, hi = 2*n; //我们目前是虚拟加了'#'所以数组1是2*n长度
while(lo <= hi) //二分
c1 = (lo+hi)/2; //c1是二分的结果
c2 = m+n- c1;
L1 = (c1 == 0)?INT_MIN:nums1[(c1-1)/2]; //map to original element
R1 = (c1 == 2*n)?INT_MAX:nums1[c1/2];
L2 = (c2 == 0)?INT_MIN:nums2[(c2-1)/2];
R2 = (c2 == 2*m)?INT_MAX:nums2[c2/2]; if(L1 > R2)
hi = c1-1;
else if(L2 > R1)
lo = c1+1;
return (max(L1,L2)+ min(R1,R2))/2.0;

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