Instead of specifying the metadata collection name as a string constant, you may use members of System.Data.DbMetaDataCollectionNames and Devart.Data.DB2.DB2MetadataCollectionNames as the first GetSchema argument values. The members of these classes are the string fields, each field stores the corresponding metadata collection name. It is recommended to use these fields rather than manually input the collection names manually as the string constants because in case of using these fields, you will find misspellings at compile-time, and intellisense will show you all the available metadata collection names.
GetSchema Method Reference
The following table provides detailed information on metadata collections that can be retrieved using the GetSchema method, and restrictions that can be applied for them. Some collections may be not supported in older server versions. If you try to get metadata for unsupported collection you will get exception with message "Collection not defined".
Collection Name
Number of restrictions
MetaDataCollections 0
Returns this list. Same as using GetSchema() method without parameters.
Restrictions 0
Lists restrictions for each metadata collection.
ReservedWords 0
Lists all reserved words used in the server.
DataSourceInformation 0
Returns the information about the data source, associated with this DB2Connection instance.
DataTypes 0
Lists data types supported by DB2 server.
Catalogs 0
Lists databases on the DB2 server.
Schemas 0
Lists schemas on the DB2 server.
Tables 4
GetSchema("Tables") returns the list of all tables (and/or views) on the server that you have access to.
  • The first restriction for this collection is name of a database.
  • The second restriction for this collection is name of a schema. If specified, the method returns all tables within the schema.
  • The third restriction is table name.
  • The third restriction is table type. Can be 'TABLE' or 'VIEW' or 'ALIAS'.
TablePrivileges 3
GetSchema("Views") returns the list of table privileges on the server that you have access to.
  • The first restriction for this collection is name of a database.
  • The second restriction for this collection is name of a schema. If specified, the method returns the table privileges within the schema.
  • The third restriction is the name of the table.
Columns 4
Returns the list of columns, their type and some extra information.
GetSchema("Columns") returns the list of all columns in all
databases on the server you have access to.
  • Restricted by database name, the method returns all columns in the specified
  • Restricted by schema name, the method returns all columns in the specified
  • The second restriction is a name of a table that GetSchema method should
    search in.
  • At last, you can specify column name.
Column Privileges 4
Returns the list of column privileges.
GetSchema("Column Privileges")
returns the list of column privileges in all databases on the server you have
access to.
  • Restricted by database name, the method returns all column privileges for
    the specified database.
  • Restricted by schema name, the method returns all column privileges for the
    specified schema.
  • The third restriction is a name of a table that GetSchema method should
    search in.
  • At last, you can specify column name.
Indexes 5
Returns the list of indexes and their details.
  • The first restriction is name of a database.
  • The second restriction is name of a schema the indexes belongs to.
  • The third restriction is name of a table that uses the index.
  • The fourth restriction defines whether to return information for unique
    indexes only. Can be true or false.
  • The last restriction is name of schema the table belongs
Functions 3
Returns the list of functions on the server. The following restrictions may
be specified:
  • Database name;
  • Schema name;
  • Function name.
Procedures 4
Returns the list of procedures on the server. The following restrictions
may be specified:
  • Database name;
  • Schema name;
  • Module name;
  • Procedure name.
Function Parameters 4
Returns the list of function arguments. The following restrictions may be
  • Database name;
  • Schema name;
  • Procedure name;
  • Argument name.
Procedure Parameters 5
Returns the list of procedure arguments. The following restrictions may be
  • Database name;
  • Schema name;
  • Module name;
  • Procedure name;
  • Argument name.
PrimaryKeys 4
Returns the list of primary keys on the server. The following restrictions
may be specified:
  • Database name;
  • Schema name;
  • Table name.
ForeignKeys 6
Returns the list of foreign keys on the server. The following restrictions
may be specified:
  • Primary key database name;
  • Primary key schema name;
  • Primary key table name.
  • Foreign key database name;
  • Foreign key schema name;
  • Foreign key table name.

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