通过编写一个QSingleApplication类,来实现Qt程序的单例化,原文的作者是在Windows Vista + Qt4.4 下实现的,不过应用在其他平台上是没问题的。(本文是我在http://www.qtcentre.org/wiki/index.php?title=SingleApplication上看到的)
方案一:使用Qt中的QSharedMemory,QLocalServer和QLocalSocket实现(不过需要在你的.pro里加上QT += network)
- // "single_application.h"
- #include <QApplication>
- #include <QSharedMemory>
- #include <QLocalServer>
- class SingleApplication : public QApplication
- {
- public:
- SingleApplication(int &argc, char *argv[], const QString uniqueKey);
- bool isRunning();
- bool sendMessage(const QString &message);
- public slots:
- void receiveMessage();
- signals:
- void messageAvailable(QString message);
- private:
- bool _isRunning;
- QString _uniqueKey;
- QSharedMemory sharedMemory;
- QLocalServer *localServer;
- static const int timeout = 1000;
- };
- // "single_application.cpp"
- #include <QLocalSocket>
- #include "single_application.h"
- SingleApplication::SingleApplication(int &argc, char *argv[], const QString uniqueKey) : QApplication(argc, argv), _uniqueKey(uniqueKey)
- {
- sharedMemory.setKey(_uniqueKey);
- if (sharedMemory.attach())
- _isRunning = true;
- else
- {
- _isRunning = false;
- // create shared memory.
- if (!sharedMemory.create(1))
- {
- qDebug("Unable to create single instance.");
- return;
- }
- // create local server and listen to incomming messages from other instances.
- localServer = new QLocalServer(this);
- connect(localServer, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(receiveMessage()));
- localServer->listen(_uniqueKey);
- }
- }
- // public slots.
- void SingleApplication::receiveMessage()
- {
- QLocalSocket *localSocket = localServer->nextPendingConnection();
- if (!localSocket->waitForReadyRead(timeout))
- {
- qDebug(localSocket->errorString().toLatin1());
- return;
- }
- QByteArray byteArray = localSocket->readAll();
- QString message = QString::fromUtf8(byteArray.constData());
- emit messageAvailable(message);
- localSocket->disconnectFromServer();
- }
- // public functions.
- bool SingleApplication::isRunning()
- {
- return _isRunning;
- }
- bool SingleApplication::sendMessage(const QString &message)
- {
- if (!_isRunning)
- return false;
- QLocalSocket localSocket(this);
- localSocket.connectToServer(_uniqueKey, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
- if (!localSocket.waitForConnected(timeout))
- {
- qDebug(localSocket.errorString().toLatin1());
- return false;
- }
- localSocket.write(message.toUtf8());
- if (!localSocket.waitForBytesWritten(timeout))
- {
- qDebug(localSocket.errorString().toLatin1());
- return false;
- }
- localSocket.disconnectFromServer();
- return true;
- // "single_application.h"
- #include <QApplication>
- #include <QSharedMemory>
- class SingleApplication : public QApplication
- {
- public:
- SingleApplication(int &argc, char *argv[], const QString uniqueKey);
- bool isRunning();
- bool sendMessage(const QString &message);
- public slots:
- void checkForMessage();
- signals:
- void messageAvailable(QString message);
- private:
- bool _isRunning;
- QSharedMemory sharedMemory;
- };
- // "single_application.cpp"
- #include <QTimer>
- #include <QByteArray>
- #include "single_application.h"
- SingleApplication::SingleApplication(int &argc, char *argv[], const QString uniqueKey) : QApplication(argc, argv)
- {
- sharedMemory.setKey(uniqueKey);
- if (sharedMemory.attach())
- _isRunning = true;
- else
- {
- _isRunning = false;
- // attach data to shared memory.
- QByteArray byteArray("0"); // default value to note that no message is available.
- if (!sharedMemory.create(byteArray.size()))
- {
- qDebug("Unable to create single instance.");
- return;
- }
- sharedMemory.lock();
- char *to = (char*)sharedMemory.data();
- const char *from = byteArray.data();
- memcpy(to, from, qMin(sharedMemory.size(), byteArray.size()));
- sharedMemory.unlock();
- // start checking for messages of other instances.
- QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this);
- connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkForMessage()));
- timer->start(1000);
- }
- }
- // public slots.
- void SingleApplication::checkForMessage()
- {
- sharedMemory.lock();
- QByteArray byteArray = QByteArray((char*)sharedMemory.constData(), sharedMemory.size());
- sharedMemory.unlock();
- if (byteArray.left(1) == "0")
- return;
- byteArray.remove(0, 1);
- QString message = QString::fromUtf8(byteArray.constData());
- emit messageAvailable(message);
- // remove message from shared memory.
- byteArray = "0";
- sharedMemory.lock();
- char *to = (char*)sharedMemory.data();
- const char *from = byteArray.data();
- memcpy(to, from, qMin(sharedMemory.size(), byteArray.size()));
- sharedMemory.unlock();
- }
- // public functions.
- bool SingleApplication::isRunning()
- {
- return _isRunning;
- }
- bool SingleApplication::sendMessage(const QString &message)
- {
- if (!_isRunning)
- return false;
- QByteArray byteArray("1");
- byteArray.append(message.toUtf8());
- byteArray.append('/0'); // < should be as char here, not a string!
- sharedMemory.lock();
- char *to = (char*)sharedMemory.data();
- const char *from = byteArray.data();
- memcpy(to, from, qMin(sharedMemory.size(), byteArray.size()));
- sharedMemory.unlock();
- return true;
- }
- // "main.cpp"
- #include "single_application.h"
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- SingleApplication app(argc, argv, "some unique key string");
- if (app.isRunning())
- {
- app.sendMessage("message from other instance.");
- return 0;
- }
- MainWindow *mainWindow = new MainWindow();
- // connect message queue to the main window.
- QObject::connect(&app, SIGNAL(messageAvailable(QString)), mainWindow, SLOT(receiveMessage(QString)));
- // show mainwindow.
- mainWindow->show();
- return app.exec();
- }
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