Install nload on a CentOS/RHEL/Red Hat/Fedora Linux

First, turn on EPEL repo on a CentOS or RHEL based system. Type the following yum command to install nload:
# yum install nload

Install nload on a Debian or Ubuntu Linux

Type the following apt-get command:
$ sudo apt-get install nload

How do I use nload to display the current network usage?

The basic syntax is:

nload device
nload [options] device1 device2

Just type the following command:
$ nload
$ nload eth0
$ nload em0 em2

Controlling nload app

Once nload command executed, it begins to monitor the network devices. You can control nload with the following key shortcuts:

  1. You can switch between the devices by pressing the left and right arrow keys or Enter/Tab key.
  2. Press F2 to show the option window
  3. Press F5 to save current settings to the user’s config file.
  4. Press F6 reload settings from the config files.
  5. Press q or hit Ctrl+C to quit nload.

Setting the refresh interval of the display

The default value of interval is 100 milliseconds to refresh interval of the display. In this example, change to 500 milliseconds:
$ nload -t {interval_number_in_millisec}
$ nload -t 500

Setting the type of unit used for the display of traffic numbers

The syntax is:
$ nload -u h|H|b|B|k|K|m|M|g|G
$ nload -U h|H|b|B|k|K|m|M|g|G
$ nload -u h
$ nload -u G
$ nload -U G


    • The lower case -u
      option: h means human readable (auto), b Bit/s, k kBit/s, m MBit/s and g
      GBit/s. The upper case letters mean the corresponding units in Bytes
      (instead of Bits). The default is k.
    • The upper case -U option is same as lower case -u option, but for an amount of data, e.g. Bit, kByte, GBit etc. (without "/s"). The default is M.
      • REF:


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