






write a weight between  - 2·n2 and 2·n2 (inclusive) on each edge

当然,这个范围是相当大的,一般而言解是一定在这个区间内的(也仅限一般而言)。基于cf是一个有hack机制的网站,毫无疑问会有数据把你的解卡出这个区间(对本人而言是test 34)。因此,random_shuffle是必不可缺的


 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define int long long
#define tag(i) (ed[((i)|1)>>1].id)
using namespace std;
const int N = ;
struct edge {
int la,b;
edge(int la=,int b=):la(la),b(b) {};
} con[N<<];
int tot=,fir[N];
void add(int from,int to) {
con[++tot] = edge(fir[from],to);
fir[from] = tot;
con[++tot] = edge(fir[to],from);
fir[to] = tot;
int c[N],ans[N],n,m,cnt,dep[N],rt,ano,fat[N],up[N],mar[N];
typedef pair<int,int> pii;
struct data {
int a,b,id;
data(int a=,int b=,int id=):a(a),b(b),id(id){}
} ed[N];
pii ext[N];
bool vis[N];
void dfs_init(int pos,int fa) {
fat[pos] = fa;
vis[pos] = ;
dep[pos] = dep[fa] + ;
for (int i = fir[pos] ; i ; i = con[i].la) {
if (con[i].b == fa) continue;
if (vis[con[i].b]) {
if (pos > con[i].b) ext[++cnt] = pii(pos,i);
} else dfs_init(con[i].b,pos),up[con[i].b] = tag(i);
int dfs(int pos,int fa) {
vis[pos] = ;
int now = c[pos];
for (int i = fir[pos] ; i ; i = con[i].la) {
if (vis[con[i].b]) continue;
now -= (ans[tag(i)] = dfs(con[i].b,pos));
return now;
bool ocy(pii x) {
int a = x.first, b = con[x.second].b;
return (dep[a] + dep[b] + )&;
void print() {
for (int i = ; i <= m ; ++ i) {
cout << ans[i] << endl;
void modify(int x,int y) {
int k1 = , k2 = -;
while (dep[x] > dep[y]) {
mar[up[x]] += k1;
k1 = -k1;
x = fat[x];
while (dep[y] > dep[x]) {
mar[up[y]] += k2;
k2 = -k2;
y = fat[y];
while (x != y) {
mar[up[x]] += k1;
k1 = -k1;
x = fat[x];
mar[up[y]] += k2;
k2 = -k2;
y = fat[y];
signed main() {
int a,b;
cin >> n >> m;
for (int i = ; i <= n ; ++ i) cin>>c[i];
for (int i = ; i <= m ; ++ i) {
cin >> a >> b;
ed[i] = data(a,b,i);
for (int i = ; i <= m ; ++ i) add(ed[i].a,ed[i].b);
for (int i = ; i <= cnt ; ++ i) {
if (ocy(ext[i])) {
rt = ext[i].first, ano = con[ext[i].second].b;
mar[tag(ext[i].second)] ++;
memset (vis,,sizeof vis);
if (rt) {
int uns = dfs(rt,)>>;
for (int i = ; i <= m ; ++ i) ans[i] += mar[i] * uns;
} else {
if (dfs(,) != ) puts("NO");
else print();
return ;


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