




在生理状态下,把细胞内的DNA与蛋白质交联(Crosslink)后裂解细胞,分离染色体,通过超声或酶处理将染色质随机切割,利用抗原抗体的特异性识别反应,将与目的蛋白相结合的DNA片段沉淀下来,再通过反交联(Reverse crosslink)释放结合蛋白的DNA片段,最后测序获得DNA片段的序列。


Paper: RYBP and Cbx7 Define Specific Biological Functions of Polycomb Complexes in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells


ChIP-seq of RYBP, Cbx7, Ring1B, Suz12, and H2AK119Ub (knock down了一些基因,然后测ChIP-seq)


ChIP-Seq Data Analyses
The millions of reads produced by ChIP-seq of RYBP, Cbx7, Ring1B, Suz12,and H2AK119Ub were aligned with the mouse genome (version NCBIM37)using the Bowtie (Langmead et al., 2009) tool version 0.12.7; two mismatcheswere allowed within the seed alignment. Sequence tags were aligned to thegenome and then subsequently analyzed by MACS software version 1.4.1(Zhang et al., 2008) to detect genomic regions enriched for multiple overlappingDNA fragments (peaks) that we considered to be putative binding sites.MACS estimated the FDR by comparing the peaks obtained from the sampleswith those from the control samples, using the same p value cutoff (1*10-5).Peaks with a FDR lower than 5% from Cbx7, Ring1B, Suz12, and H2AK119ub,and lower than 1% from RYBP, were combined to detect chromosomalregions for further analyses. Genes with a peak within the gene body, or within2.5 kb from the TSS, were considered to be target genes. An area of 5 kbsurrounding each TSS that was associated to one or more ChIP-seq (RYBP,Ring1B, Cbx7, Suz12, or H2AK119ub) was used to calculate the ChIP-seqprofile and the whole ChIP-seq coverage. ChIP-seq profiles around theTSSs were generated for each IP by calculating the average coverage ineach position normalized for the total number of mapped reads with theBED tools package (Quinlan and Hall, 2010).

Figure 1. RYBP and Cbx7 Target Genes Are Not Mutually Exclusive in Mouse ESCs

Figure 2. Cbx7 Target Genes Contain More H2AK119ub and Have Different Biological Functions than RYBP Target Genes

Figure 3. RYBP/Ring1B Target Genes Are More Likely to Be Expressed than Cbx7/Ring1B Targets

Figure 4. Interdependency of RYBP and Cbx7 Recruitment to Chromatin


Polycomb Complexes:一种蛋白复合体,Polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1),Polycomb-group proteins are a family of proteins first discovered in fruit flies that can remodel chromatin(染色质重塑) such that epigenetic silencing of genes takes place. Polycomb-group proteins are well known for silencing Hox genes through modulation of chromatin structure during embryonic development in fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster). 一些重要的蛋白,可以重塑染色体结构,从而实现一些重要过程(胚胎发育)的表观调控,最终决定干细胞的命运。

RYBP and Cbx7: mutually exclusive presence of Cbx7 or RYBP,结合到PRC1上的物质,从而决定不同的PRC1变种,它们在基因的表观调控上有一些差异。虽然有些target gene有overlap,但它们还是相互排斥。 Cbx7 is necessary for recruitment of Ring1B to chromatin;RYBP enhances the PRC1 enzymatic activity。the canonical PRC1 consists of one of the Cbx proteins, polyhomeotic (PHC), PCGF, RYBP/YAF2, and a Ring1A/B E3 ligase subunit that monoubiquitinates histone H2A at lysine 119 (H2AK119ub)。

Cbx7 is the predominant PRC1-associated Cbx subunit in proliferating ESCs and requires the H3K27me3 mark to localize to chromatin and thereby silence the expression of lineage commitment genes. Once ESCs differentiate, other Cbx proteins, including Cbx2 and Cbx4, replace Cbx7 within PRC1 to mediate fate choices along the three germ layers

RYBP-PRC1 does not seem to require the H3K27me3 mark to bind to chromatin in ESCs

Although both complexes are biochemically distinct, they can cooperatively establish epigenetic gene repression.

最终结论:different PRC1 subtypes establish a complex pattern of gene regulation that regulates common and nonoverlapping aspects of ESC pluripotency and differentiation.


Here, we investigated the following questions about the PRC1 complexes that contain either Cbx7 or RYBP:
- What is the genome-wide localization of these two types of PCR1 complexes?
- Is the expression of specific sets of genes differentially regulated by both complexes?
- Do they exert common and/or unique biological functions?
- Do they show any interdependency for localizing to chromatin?

ATAC-seq | 染色质开放性测序技术


ATAC-seq全称Assay for Transposase Accessible Chromatin with high-throughput sequencing,即利用转座酶研究染色质可进入性的高通量测序技术。





The landscape of accessible chromatin in mammalian preimplantation embryos

promoters, enhancers, insulators and the locus-control regions




locus-control regions:基因座控制区域

TSS:transcription start site

TES:transcription end site




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