MySQL Shell 是一个高级的命令行客户端以及代码编辑器for Mysql.

除了SQL,MySQL Shell也提供脚本能力 for JS and Python.

When MySQL shell is conected to the MySQL server throught the X protocol, the X devAPI can be used to work with both relational and documnet data,


MySQL包含AdminAPI,允许你同InnoDB cluster协作.见第21章.




Gobal Session: Interactive with a MySQL server is done through a Session object.

For SQL mode, the concept of Global session is supported by the mysql shell.

A global session is created when the connection infromation is passed to mysql shell using command options,

or by using the \connect is a example below:

\connect uri;

此例中输入错误,应该写成 \connect root@localhost:3306/test后面不能加分号.

1. MySQL Shell Connections

1.1 can connect to mysql server using both the x protocol and the classic mysql protocol.

The address fo the mysql server which you want to connect to can be specified using individual parameters, such as user, houstname and port, or using a Uniform Resource Identifier(URI) type string.

1.2. connectiing to the mysql server.

1.2.1 msql shell没启动时:使用参数启动

1.2.2 when mysql shell is running

using the \connect command.




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