



// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Shuo Chen (chenshuo at chenshuo dot com) #ifndef MUDUO_BASE_EXCEPTION_H
#define MUDUO_BASE_EXCEPTION_H #include <muduo/base/Types.h>
#include <exception> namespace muduo
{ class Exception : public std::exception
explicit Exception(const char* what);//两个构造函数
explicit Exception(const string& what);
virtual ~Exception() throw();//析构
virtual const char* what() const throw();//异常信息
const char* stackTrace() const throw();//栈回溯信息 private:
void fillStackTrace();
string demangle(const char* symbol);//添加一个成员函数转换一下栈回溯信息输出的格式
string message_;//保存异常信息的字符串
string stack_;//保存栈回溯信息的字符串


// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Shuo Chen (chenshuo at chenshuo dot com) #include <muduo/base/Exception.h> #include <cxxabi.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h> using namespace muduo; Exception::Exception(const char* msg) : message_(msg)
fillStackTrace();//构造函数直接调用 fillStackTrace
} Exception::Exception(const string& msg) : message_(msg)
} Exception::~Exception() throw ()
} const char* Exception::what() const throw()
return message_.c_str();
} const char* Exception::stackTrace() const throw()
return stack_.c_str();
} void Exception::fillStackTrace()
const int len = 200;
void* buffer[len];//保存200个地址,是一个数组的指针
int nptrs = ::backtrace(buffer, len);//nptr为实际保存的个数
char** strings = ::backtrace_symbols(buffer, nptrs);//指向的是指针数组
if (strings)
for (int i = 0; i < nptrs; ++i)//遍历信息
// TODO demangle funcion name with abi::__cxa_demangle
string Exception::demangle(const char* symbol)
size_t size;
int status;
char temp[128];
char* demangled;
//first, try to demangle a c++ name
if (1 == sscanf(symbol, "%*[^(]%*[^_]%127[^)+]", temp)) {
if (NULL != (demangled = abi::__cxa_demangle(temp, NULL, &size, &status))) {
string result(demangled);
return result;
//if that didn't work, try to get a regular c symbol
if (1 == sscanf(symbol, "%127s", temp)) {
return temp;
} //if all else fails, just return the symbol
return symbol;


#include <muduo/base/Exception.h>
#include <stdio.h>
class Bar
void test()
throw muduo::Exception("oops");//抛出异常
void foo()
Bar b;
int main()
catch (const muduo::Exception& ex)//捕获异常
printf("reason: %s\n", ex.what());//抛出异常信息
printf("stack trace: %s\n", ex.stackTrace());//把异常栈回溯信息抛出,即在哪里抛出异常,打印函数的调用栈




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