switch to root : sudo su、su root、sudo -s

switch to users : su god(user name)

set root password : sudo passwd root

check out kernel version : uname -r

generate 'config.gz' file(the compressed package of '.config') : modprobe configs

check the current path: pwd

enter current user root directory: cd ~

check thread: top

check process: ps

kill process: kill <process number>

check network information: ifconfig

request URL: curl

output the last part of files: tail -f

print the value of environment: echo $PATH

list all installed software: dpkg -l

config network: ifconfig

display or manipulate a disk partition table: fdisk

check mount status: df

exit current shell: exit

open terminal: ctrl+alt+t

close terminal: ctrl+d

exit current thread: ctrl+c

copy: ctrl+insert

paste: shift+insert

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