LeetCode 112. Path Sum 动态演示
引入一个全局变量bResult, 一旦找到一条,就不再搜索其他的了。
class Solution {
void helper(TreeNode* cur, int sum, int target, bool& bResult){
return; //a(cur)
if(!cur->left && !cur->right){
bResult|= target-sum==cur->val;
} if(cur->left)
helper(cur->left, sum+cur->val, target, bResult); if(cur->right)
helper(cur->right, sum+cur->val, target, bResult); } bool hasPathSum(TreeNode* root, int sum) {
return false; if(!root->left && !root->right){
return sum==root->val;
} //ahd(root)
bool bRet=false;
//a(bRet) if(root->left)
helper(root->left, root->val, sum, bRet); if(root->right)
helper(root->right, root->val, sum, bRet); //dsp
return bRet; }
程序运行动态演示 http://simpledsp.com/FS/Html/lc112.html
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