


using namespace std;
struct node
node(int k,int v)
key = k;
val = v;
friend bool operator< (node n1, node n2)
return n1.val > n2.val;
int key;
int val;
class Solution {
int nthSuperUglyNumber(int n, vector<int>& primes) {
if (n == )
return ;
map<int,queue<int>> dic;
priority_queue<node> qi; for(size_t i=;i<primes.size();i++)
queue<int> v;
dic[primes[i]] = v;
int count = ;
int res = ;
int lastV = ; while (true)
node v = qi.top();
qi.pop(); if (lastV == v.val)
//cout << v.val <<endl;
lastV = v.val;
for(size_t i=;i<primes.size();i++)
if (v.key <= primes[i])
dic[primes[i]].push((v.val * primes[i]));
} int nod = dic[v.key].front();
count += ;
if (count == n - )
res = v.val;
return res;

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