git branch & git remote branch

$ git branch -h  

usage: git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--merged | --no-merged]
or: git branch [<options>] [-l] [-f] <branch-name> [<start-point>]
or: git branch [<options>] [-r] (-d | -D) <branch-name>...
or: git branch [<options>] (-m | -M) [<old-branch>] <new-branch>
or: git branch [<options>] (-c | -C) [<old-branch>] <new-branch>
or: git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--points-at]
or: git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--format] Generic options
-v, --verbose show hash and subject, give twice for upstream branch
-q, --quiet suppress informational messages
-t, --track set up tracking mode (see git-pull(1))
-u, --set-upstream-to <upstream>
change the upstream info
--unset-upstream Unset the upstream info
--color[=<when>] use colored output
-r, --remotes act on remote-tracking branches
--contains <commit> print only branches that contain the commit
--no-contains <commit>
print only branches that don't contain the commit
--abbrev[=<n>] use <n> digits to display SHA-1s Specific git-branch actions:
-a, --all list both remote-tracking and local branches
-d, --delete delete fully merged branch
-D delete branch (even if not merged)
-m, --move move/rename a branch and its reflog
-M move/rename a branch, even if target exists
-c, --copy copy a branch and its reflog
-C copy a branch, even if target exists
-l, --list list branch names
--show-current show current branch name
--create-reflog create the branch's reflog
--edit-description edit the description for the branch
-f, --force force creation, move/rename, deletion
--merged <commit> print only branches that are merged
--no-merged <commit> print only branches that are not merged
--column[=<style>] list branches in columns
--sort <key> field name to sort on
--points-at <object> print only branches of the object
-i, --ignore-case sorting and filtering are case insensitive
--format <format> format to use for the output

-r ===--remotes & -l ===--list & -d ===--Delete,

-D === delete branch (even if not merged)

$ git branch -r

$ git branch -l
$ git branch -D test


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