Given a char array representing tasks CPU need to do. It contains capital letters A to Z where different letters represent different tasks.Tasks could be done without original order. Each task could be done in one interval. For each interval, CPU could finish one task or just be idle.

However, there is a non-negative cooling interval n that means between two same tasks, there must be at least n intervals that CPU are doing different tasks or just be idle.

You need to return the least number of intervals the CPU will take to finish all the given tasks.

Example 1:

Input: tasks = ['A','A','A','B','B','B'], n = 2
Output: 8
Explanation: A -> B -> idle -> A -> B -> idle -> A -> B. 


  1. The number of tasks is in the range [1, 10000].
  2. The integer n is in the range [0, 100].



情况1:AAABBCD,n=2。分隔为:AXXAXXA -> ABCABDA(其中,X表示需要填充任务或者idle的间隔)

情况2:AAAABBBBCCDE,n=3。分隔为:ABXXABXXABXXAB -> ABCDABCEABXXAB 或者 ABCXABCXABDEAB, etc. 此时要加上出现次数也是max_count的任务的个数same_max_count(相当于末尾多了这几个)。

情况3:AAABBCDEF,n=2。分隔为:AXXAXXA -> ABCEABDFA 或者 ABCEABDAF, etc. 此时就是task的长度是最小时间。

最少的任务时间公式:max(len(tasks), (max_count-1) * (n+1) + other_max_count)

Java: O(1) time O(1) space

public class Solution {
public int leastInterval(char[] tasks, int n) {
int[] counter = new int[26];
int max = 0;
int maxCount = 0;
for(char task : tasks) {
counter[task - 'A']++;
if(max == counter[task - 'A']) {
else if(max < counter[task - 'A']) {
max = counter[task - 'A'];
maxCount = 1;
} int partCount = max - 1;
int partLength = n - (maxCount - 1);
int emptySlots = partCount * partLength;
int availableTasks = tasks.length - max * maxCount;
int idles = Math.max(0, emptySlots - availableTasks); return tasks.length + idles;

Java: O(N) time O(26) space 

// (c[25] - 1) * (n + 1) + 25 - i  is frame size
// when inserting chars, the frame might be "burst", then tasks.length takes precedence
// when 25 - i > n, the frame is already full at construction, the following is still valid.
public class Solution {
public int leastInterval(char[] tasks, int n) { int[] c = new int[26];
for(char t : tasks){
c[t - 'A']++;
int i = 25;
while(i >= 0 && c[i] == c[25]) i--; return Math.max(tasks.length, (c[25] - 1) * (n + 1) + 25 - i);

Python: O(1) time O(1) space

class Solution(object):
def leastInterval(self, tasks, n):
:type tasks: List[str]
:type n: int
:rtype: int
count = collections.defaultdict(int)
max_count = 0
for task in tasks:
count[task] += 1
max_count = max(max_count, count[task]) result = (max_count-1) * (n+1)
for count in count.values():
if count == max_count:
result += 1
return max(result, len(tasks))   


class Solution {
int leastInterval(vector<char>& tasks, int n) {
int mx = 0, mxCnt = 0;
vector<int> cnt(26, 0);
for (char task : tasks) {
++cnt[task - 'A'];
if (mx == cnt[task - 'A']) {
} else if (mx < cnt[task - 'A']) {
mx = cnt[task - 'A'];
mxCnt = 1;
int partCnt = mx - 1;
int partLen = n - (mxCnt - 1);
int emptySlots = partCnt * partLen;
int taskLeft = tasks.size() - mx * mxCnt;
int idles = max(0, emptySlots - taskLeft);
return tasks.size() + idles;


[LeetCode] 358. Rearrange String k Distance Apart 按距离k间隔重排字符串

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